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Rusty Spanner

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Everything posted by Rusty Spanner

  1. A Flock of Knobheads. The Ra Ra Skirts. The John Selwyn Gummy Bears. The Orgreaves. Bonus Banker & The Big Bang w**kers. More Dead Tories. Spinal Bap. Chino f***wit & The Hairgels.
  2. Wasn't sure about the painted neck on the 734a at first, looks wise. I prefer a nice, clear satin neck, but the paint feels great. I MIGHT refinish the whole thing in a nice bright colour at some point, but the coffee-burst is really growing on me. Have had a lot of very positive remarks about the finish, 'classy' being the usual comment. Couple of months in and remain delighted with the instrument. The tone, versatility and ease of use are remarkable. Feels like a quality bit of kit, can't see me changing to another bass anytime soon. I keep finding little touches in the build that make me smile, such as the quality of minor components such as screws, strap buttons etc.
  3. I'd like LAG guitars to make an all solid acoustic at Faith prices.
  4. Muzz, this Yamaha fixation is all your fault, you do understand that, yes? The bill from my chiropractor is in the post...... .......and I really hope Ms Q is back on at Summerlands next year. She was stinky poo hot back in 1992!
  5. Cheers folks, much appreciated.
  6. Morning all. Recently traded my Cort Artisan B4 for a brand new BB734a at the delightful Promenade Music in Morecambe. Lovely people to deal with. Love the instrument, tried pretty much every 4 string they had in, but the Yam felt the nicest by far. It weighs 10.47lbs. Not an issue as it balances so well and is very comfy, but wondering how this compares to other recent BB's? Traded the Cort because I couldn't stand the looks, especially the fretboard, which appeared to have been made from compressed Ryvita and dog toffee! Shallow, me? 🙂
  7. Quick update. Tried both the Sonic P's in stock at Promenade in Morecambe. Great consistency QC and weight wise, amazed at the quality for the price. Only thing I couldn't get on with was the big gap between the E and G and the edges of the fretboard, felt like the already narrow neck was still too wide for the string spacing. Bugger. Lovely otherwise. Tried every other 4 string P type they had and ended up buying a Yamaha 734a! My word, what a beautiful instrument. Bloody heavy, not what I thought I wanted, but I just fell for it. Played it non stop since. Delightful shop, lovely staff, very happy.
  8. Bladderwrack Allowance, innit?
  9. Hello, we're Rush, don't forget to vote Corbyn!
  10. Thanks for the responses, sounds like a goer so far!
  11. Have a hankering for a P but prefer a thinner neck and body. Love the feel of the Aerodynes, but a bit spendy and not keen on the current colours. Not scared of cheap Chinese stuff, have a Bullet Mustang that I've had great fun fixing up and is probably my most played guitar atm....... Tempted to just order one and see what turns up, but I know that they'll probably vary quite a bit (took a while to find a nice Mustang). Anyone seen one in the wild yet? Thanks in advance.
  12. If we're doing other brands..... The Gibson Helen Keller: 'The name reflects the tone and finish quality of this aspirational instrument'. The Epiphone Vinegar Stroke: So close, but needs finishing off. The PRS Starmer (left handed) and Truss (right handed). Well finished but lacking any perceptible personality.
  13. Very, very possibly. I haven't thought about who's my favourite band for years, but I find myself listening to them more now than I ever did, more than all the other bands I once classed as favourites. The only other band in contention at the moment are Half Man Half Biscuit, but I can still go and see them and they release a superb new album every couple of years.
  14. Afrodeutsche (Henrietta to her mum) is bloody marvellous. We're often driving out to weekends away when she's on and she manages to play a great, eclectic selection of stuff. Old school soul, world music, dance, ambient, folk, whatever. A pleasant, intelligent person to listen to as well, like meeting someone enthusiastic about music with a good record collection. Highly recommended.
  15. Thanks for the advice folks! Time for a think.......
  16. 80's synth pop. Human League, early Depeche Mode etc. As a teenage punk/metalhead I hated it. Turns out exposure to early hip hop, house and MDMA really does open the mind. And time has taught me that Mahler is for life, whereas Wagner is just for invading Poland.
  17. Hiya! Returnee with a Cort B4 Element, which I love, but GAS has raised it's cruel, cruel head...... Love the Cort's slim neck and it's wide range of tones, but fancy something a bit different. Soooo, a trip to Promenade to try pretty much everything they have (thanks folks) has given me some ideas. I thought I wanted a P bass, turns out I don't. Not yet anyway. Or a J. The two that felt most natural were the Squier Bronco and the Hofner Club Ignition. The Player Jag was nice too, but the hands don't lie....and the Hofner and the Bronco just felt right. OK with doing a bit of tweaking and setup. A project might be fun. Any alternative suggestions? Definitely short scale. No veneers, unless laminated hollow bodies. Slim feeling neck. No more roasted maple. Ugly as.... I do love the P bass sound, but also the Hofner thump. I'd be happy with either. Not fussed about the brand. Flexible on price but under a grand, ideally. Tend to keep things. If I could afford it I'd buy a Rickenbacker, but y'know. Play mostly psych rock, but also some reggae and old school soul. All suggestions most welcome. Thanks in advance.
  18. Cheers folks.....have a great Christmas!
  19. A quick hello from a very bad guitarist and recently returned bassist. Back in the day I was a huge fan of Keith Bailey of Here and Now, who inspired me to pick up a 4 string. Working at May's Pawn Shop in Collyhurst, Manchester I ended up with a lovely Westone Spectrum DX from the music department next door. Needing an amp I ended up with a Laney Linebacker from A1 and enjoyed both until I had to sell up to pay the rent. 53 now, and following the advice of a good friend, I've ended up here (Hiya Muzz)! After trying out everything available locally I've recently bought a Cort B4 Element and a Trace Elliot Elf combo. My word, things have moved on. The Cort is delightful and the Elf smaller than my guitar amp. Both sound superb. This seems like a very friendly place and I look forward to asking endless annoying questions. 🙂 Love to all, Pete.
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