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Everything posted by jynxterstu

  1. Hi i might be interested in this , where are you in leicester as i am near ashby de la zouch.
  2. again thanks ! I will follow up. cheers
  3. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107985"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107985[/url] could i do anything with this ? the reason i ask is it is close to me.
  4. thanks guys that is what i love about this forum it doesn't matter what question is asked and how basic it may be, you will always get good advice without any prejudice. cheers Jynxter
  5. Can i just confirm, so a peavey or a series 6 head is a seperate unit used to power a speaker cab and an amp has the speaker built in as one unit ? or am i talking c*@p. your advice is much appreciated as i know nothing. jynxter
  6. if i was to upgrade i would probably be looking to spend around £250 - 300 looking through the adds i can see its not a lot of money. Times are hard ! jynxter
  7. Thanks both what could i do next ? do i sell the Hartke amp or can i just add extra's, if so what ? It has a socket for a pre amp what would this do if anything? sorry for the questions but i am taking your advice Delberthot. cheers jynxter
  8. Hi All iam new to this and wanted some advice please. I have a Hartke B60 amp and although it is loud, i was wondering if you can add cabs to it for example linking it to an Marshall Extension Cabinet ? If so could you explain how / what i need or if not could someone explain in novice terms, what gear is normally used with my amp for small / medium gigs (pub/Clubs) Thanks ! Jynxter
  9. thanx gary i will have a look, as long as i can get a rough idea i may be able to work it out. Cheers Just had a look its not in there either ! can't be that popular i suppose.
  10. Hi All I am looking for the bass tabs for " in to the colours" by ben harper (Juan Nelson bassist ) Has anyone got any ideas on where to get them from, I have tried ultimate guitar its not on there. I am only a bigginer so cant yet work these things out for myself yet. Thanks Jynxter
  11. influencing record The chain by Fleetwood Mac... but biggest single influence JPJ Led Zep. jynxter. Nice memory stimulation thanks...
  12. Hi Chaps, yes thats done it cheers. Jynxter
  13. Thankyou both i will give it a try and let you know. Cheers Jynxter
  14. Hi All, I have just bought a 2nd hand Cort artisan ( C4 ) off ebay ( seems to be a pattern in this section ) i am happy with it, however when i plugged it in to the amp it isn't as loud as my biginner cheapo base. I have changed the battery as It was dead on me due to me not knowing to take the lead out when not in use ! I have checked the wires all seem ok. it has mighty mite pick ups which i have also checked the wires. has any one got any ideas ? thanks Jynxter !
  15. I am glad you asked this stupid question TBUS. as i bought a 2nd hand bass a month ago and the guy was as clue less as me when it come to the ins and out. I had had it a couple of days and picked it up to play it and it was dead, i checked the amp plug in and all that nothing so i took the back off and there was the battery. swapped it ,away we went again. So 2 things I can thank you for, 1 I now know its an active bass and 2 not to leave the lead plugged in. Cheers for that. Jynxter
  16. Thanks John I will come and have a listen then. Cheers Jynxter
  17. cheers Guys thanks for the mp3 Muskey that will do nicely. this site is tops Jynxter
  18. Just wondered if there are any gigs in these areas over the next couple of months or so ? rock, blues etc. cheers jynxter
  19. Hi Dave thanks for the responce this is obviously a difficult one as you are the only reply ........ but I am totally new to this, what do you mean midi files /guitar pro files ? where would i start to look... cheers Jynxter
  20. Hi All, i was wondering if anyone knew of any free sites that you can down load drum beat for songs so that i can play along too. The thing is, i am currently jammin with a mate to whole lotta rosie AC/DC and want the drums only so i can play bass and he lead/rythem... Any idea's ?????? Cheers me dears Jynxter
  21. thanks again rayman, wise words indeed, i am cuurentl doing the shop rounds getting a feel for what is out there. i do get a bit worried as i am not really playing that well but what the hell,i can still get the feel for them......... some how though they all seem out of tune ;-) thanks will take my time. that Squire went for £86 though nearly pressed the bid button... jynxter
  22. cheers Beers...... spellin woz neva me strong pynt. thanks for the link though....Jynxter
  23. Hi Gents as a newbee to the site and the bass, i was wondering if anyone had a jargan buster list. A breakdown of bass terminology so us learners can be down with the kids and not so kids of the site. Just a thought ....... and as it happens I cant think of a bloody thing as an example !!!!! I suppose someone is also going to tell me i have not looked far enough through this section as its already been done Ha found one a few rows down Double thumbing what is that.... Jynxter
  24. hi Dave Just had a look at the vids, as a i have just started playing these are great for me, please keep them coming, as its a real boost when you learn to play a tune. Jynxter
  25. i have just heard from the guy and it does say Squier by fender on the headstock. Jynxter
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