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Posts posted by Minininjarob

  1. As an amateur car derailed myself I wouldn’t use T-cut, it’s a pretty old fashioned product that works ok but it isn’t the best. 
    Polishing only really dulls the sharp edges of scratches, then wax on top fills the scratches. It doesn’t get rid of them, it just removes the edges that reflect in the light so you can’t see them. 
    You need to figure out whether the mark has gone through the colour layers - if it has you will need to add coloured paint touch up before a top coat then sanding/polishing. If it has gone through the paint and you don’t add paint back you’ll always have a mark there no matter how much you sand or polish it. 
    If it’s only in a clear top coat you could touch it in with some clear paint and sand/polish back. That would fix it properly. 

  2. Hi all. My P bass jack socket keeps coming loose - the nut keeps unwinding. I’m happy to fix it myself as although this is my first guitar I am very handy. 
    I was thinking - are there better jack sockets I could replace it with if I take the pick guard off to tighten it properly? I have read the standard ones aren’t the best so may as well do it at the same time. I’m ok with soldering etc. 

  3. 13 hours ago, greavesbass said:

    Rumble for the easy schlepp... Peg for the brilliant tone.

    I tried the Ampeg combos and thought they had quite a flat sound compared to the Rumble amps, was about to buy a Rumbke but then went with a second hand GK which beat them both. 😳

    • Like 1
  4. I’ve always found eBay to be very helpful even in complex cases. Just make sure you are following the rules, all comms through their messaging system, lots of pics, evidence, etc. Be aware of time frames and what processes you need to follow. The couple of times I’ve had to ring them they’ve been incredibly helpful and sorted things out quickly. 
    One thing I would always recommend is that you open the purchase the moment you receive it, and if you can video the opening and inspection, take pics too. 
    I’ve never had major hassles but I do tend to travel to get expensive items now, I’d rather do a 6 hour round trip and not end up buying the item then have to deal with returning something to a pain in the butt seller. Especially if the item is something like a guitar which really benefits from a pre purchase inspection. 

  5. I watched a YouTube video recently and the guy presenting said that older people don’t understand that “pop” music isn’t meant for them. They aren’t supposed to like it, it’s capturing the feeling and experience of the youth - maybe 15-25yo. It isn’t about technical prowess and they couldn’t give a rats donkey about the music their parents listen to. It’s about their experiences and feeling, not 30+ people. 
    I thought recently - my parents hated Nirvana when they became popular in the 1990s. And people my age tend not to like current music and think the kids should listen to “our” music as it’s better. But do the math - when I was 19 in 1995 the music from 1965 was 30 years old. And I thought it was, with very few exceptions, rubbish. It sounded old fashioned, basic, cheesy etc. So the kids nowadays might be thinking the same about music from 1993 right now - and the 1965 music is SIXTY years old!!! 

    You have to remember that we only tend to remember the best older music, but at all music eras there was a lot of dross, you only have to watch an old TOTP episode and see the chart rundown and 90% you either won’t remember or think it was awful. 

    What I have done is made a conscious effort to get into some modern music. I don’t think “it hasn’t got a guitar bass and drums” in it I just think - “is it making me feel something?” - and try not to prejudge. I’ve not found loads of stuff yet but properly addicted to some newer artists now. And it’s been refreshing to do it, it’s great to listen to new music and it’s never been easier to find it! 


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  6. After watching a few SBL videos I’ve become really frustrated with them and stopped subscribing. Might just be his vibe I don’t like but I’ve looked elsewheee now. 

    Biggest issue is that I signed up my email to find out more about his online lessons and OH MY WORD I’ve had so much spam from them trying to get me to sign up to all sorts of courses with “last chance to sign up mega discount offer!!” emails. Really put me off, felt like I was getting bombarded by 1990’s DFS sofa adverts. 😂

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  7. On 16/11/2022 at 12:44, oakforest5961 said:

    Another vote for BassBuzz / Josh Fossgreen. He explains things well and seems to have a lot of bass wisdom. He has a certain style, which will not be for everyone, but the content is excellent regardless.


    He has just released this video about GAS and how to beat it.



    Totally agree, for a person like me just starting out he seems like a natural teacher. Easy to listen to, simple and engaging. Can’t get enough of the bass buzz videos.  

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  8. On 22/11/2022 at 09:35, whave said:


    I don't mean to be mean, but don't be such a boomer 😁 


    When I go to youtube, I WANT to see the odd, weird, overplayed crap I can't see anywhere else. I don't need to see the 30 year old grooves and 1-4-5-1 for the 2000th time.


    It's not like you can't find the simple grooves, or the oldschool teachers.


    I'll tell you a big, big secret about youtube not a lot of people know: you don't HAVE TO watch the things that don't bring you joy! You can pick other videos, because there's a LOT of them, and you don't have to rant then! :) 


    There was no youtube when I actively played bass ~20 years ago, yet we were absolutely bored with the standard, simple grooves "anyone can do" (so we thought, but hey, again, this is being young) and were hunting for the odd ones, the "look what he can do" guys indeed. Young people will look for what is interesting to them, and that's fine, that's the way of life. And when they grow up and calm down, they will learn to appreciate the Carol Kaye grooves, because who doesn't. :) 

    I have to say as a beginner I want to find the simple stuff so that I can find tunes I can play easily. It’s disheartening when so many bass videos start off with the person showing off with a fairly tuneless (to me anyway) slap show off session. 

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  9. As a newbie I was glad to get some stuff on my wish list - spare set of strings for my P-Bass (just need to figure out when they need replacing!), some .73 tortex picks, strap locks and a nice Hercules wall hanging bracket.


    I bought myself a Fender downtown express pedal just before Xmas as I knew I didn’t know anyone generous enough to buy me one. 😂😂


    Pretty lights and everything!!



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  10. On 18/12/2022 at 12:10, Grimalkin said:

    When people try every which way be an apologist for bad technique, I know they can't play for s**t.

    Wow you really are bitter aren’t you? Why not demonstrate your perfect technique to us and explain why you are so superior to everyone else?


    Sod perfect technique, I picked up a bass for the first time recently to make a loud noise and hopefully make people dance and sing one day. I really don’t think they will care where my left thumb is. 

    My right thumb will be holding a pick that’s for sure - if I’m playing my favourite music. 

    • Like 1
  11. I never understand why people won’t drive a couple of hours to go and pick something up. The cost in fuel is tiny compared to delivery fees (for larger items) and you get to see/test the item before handing over money. 
    I did a 2hr round trip to buy an amp and I’d consider that local, I also once did a 8 hour round trip to buy a £100 bike (that was worth a lot more than that) as the person wouldn’t post it. Cost me about £50 in fuel that one!

    I’ve never bought a 2nd hand bass but there is no way I’d buy one sight unseen via post. 

    I figure going to see something in person does take up time and costs a little money but the hassle, disappointment, stress and expense of receiving something crap/damaged/not as described in the mail is a lot more than half a day out in the car. 

    • Like 3
  12. As a beginner I thought the Squires would be perfect for me. However what put me off was the gloss necks on most of them, I’m not sure if a satin neck is better or not but I preferred the satin on the Fender Player. 
    I also tried the Fender and Squire back to back in the same shop and I am pretty sure the Fender was lighter. 
    Also I could get a Fender player in the perfect colour which is obviously the most important factor. 😂😂


    The quality of the Squiers was on a par though with the Fender. 

    I bought my fender P bass for £650 delivered direct from Fender BTW. 

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