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Everything posted by Minininjarob

  1. I have to admit I’ve been looking at bigger and bigger amp setups but I know they’ll all be too loud at home BUT I’m wondering how much I care…. 😂😂😂 It’s chuffing addictive turning even my little practice amp up and really going for it. I was trying a couple in some shops and thought it was very amusing that there was a few people hunched over Strats twiddling away (what are they playing??) and there’s me stood up with a big amp connected in and turned up making the excuse the salesman that “I really need to hear it properly”. LOL. If anyone has a spare Ashdown combo for sale let me know….. 😂😂
  2. Thanks - I have enjoyed Scott’s Bass lessons on YouTube but I would prefer something free. I’ve been having a chat with a bass player friend and he was explaining scales to me so I’d better get started on them 😂😂
  3. I’d love to be one and be the opposite to most peoples experiences. Find out what the kids want to do and encourage and enable them, rather than belittle and insult them.
  4. All through my teenage years I wanted to play a guitar, could never afford one and I didn’t know anyone who played or even have any music shops nearby. School music lessons put me off and never mentioned guitars anyway, I never understood why so many school aged people picked up violins. 😂 Well done to anyone making a living out of music, you’re living my dream (well you never know I might do one day, picking up a bass for the first time at 46!).
  5. My thoughts exactly! You just got to live with what you have to work with! You should see my wife with a PB on her, she’s only 4’11” and it looks huge on her - but so cool!!
  6. oooh that Jazz is lush. You will all think I’m crazy but I was in Gear4Music on Saturday and had a tidepool blue PB in my hands and my wife said “are you going to buy it then?” And I didn’t. Sorry. I suppose G4M just felt like an Argos store and I got so much help from Rich Tone in Sheffield I wanted to get it from them and they’d set it up for me too. Been looking for 2nd hand for a while but I wouldn’t know what to check when I picked it up so new is a bit safer for me. Good to get a good relationship going with a shop who can provide backup - I used to work in retail and I like to use local shops.
  7. Hi I’m Rob and I’m in Yorkshire. 46 years old and I’ve always wanted to play guitar. Tried to play bass about 10 years ago and just couldn’t get past the initial stage, it was just too hard. Wanted to try again and a good friend lent me his 4 string (not even sure of the make) active bass and a little Fender rumble practice amp. Both of them hum and rattle like crazy but as I’m a newbie I don’t care! Anything’s better than nothing right? Anyway I have started to try and play my favourite music - American punk (offspring/bad religion etc) and am finding it’s harder than I thought BUT there’s loads of YouTube videos which I am learning some basics from which have been really helpful and I think I might be hooked already. Been out looking for my first bass for myself and I’m set on a Precision Bass as anything else leaves me cold - you’ve got to be excited to pick it up haven’t you? I did try a few different types first in shops but as soon as I plugged in a PB and hit a note I knew it was the one for me! Not pulled the trigger on one yet but a player series PB in tide pool blue has been sitting in a few online baskets on my PC already - I will buy from a local shop though (shout out to Peter at Rich Tone in Sheffield who was super helpful - I will be back to buy from there). i know some might say get a cheaper instrument than a Fender - I know a player series isn’t £400 better than a Squire - but I can just about get the Fender so why not? I’m not getting any younger, may as well get what I really want. Looking for an amp - Fender and Ashdown ones I have tried so far have been my favourite - may go 2nd hand on the amp, I have a close friend who owns a back line rental company who can fix things if I get a problem. So far have learnt that my fingers are too short (I’m not tall myself anyway), it’s harder getting an even rhythm and tone than I thought but turning even that little amp up is addictive - even when I sound so bad!! I am insisting on practising standing up, it’s just more fun to me and it doesn’t hurt me even after an hour or so. While I’m playing with a pick (the sound I prefer) which suits the music I love I want to play a bit of everything eventually so trying all sorts - managing to play along to a simpler song (Maggie Roger’s Leave a light on) quite well was a wonderful experience. Anyway, hope I can pick up some tips and encouragement on here, have a great day y’all.
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