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Fluid Druid

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Fluid Druid last won the day on October 26 2022

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Total Watts

  1. Damn I was hoping for a happier ending. If his wife can reach out to us and if she wants it we can figure out how to release it over to her.
  2. Yep! I’m a local musician too so I’d want someone to do the same for me if it happened. It was too niche of a bass for me not to question it and look into it. If I wasn’t there that day I don’t think the bass would have stood a chance.
  3. I’m waiting to hear back from them. Saw they looked at my message
  4. We were looking it up once the individual who had wanted to sell it to us. Somehow stumbled upon this blog while looking up the bass. We told the customer that it’s been reported stolen and we need to put it on Police hold. They gave us some run around story that wasn’t legit and they took off with the case with the yellow interior while we had the bass behind the counter. We told them they could come back when the police are here the next day if it was “theirs” and wanted it back. The ran to their car and peeled off. We have their info saved on file
  5. I sent a message to the account that did the original post. We have it on police hold at the shop. We’ve been sitting on it for about a month now waiting to hear back from PPD.
  6. Hey there! We are a pawn shop in SE Portland, Oregon. I think we have your Travis Bean bass!
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