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Everything posted by twentyhertz

  1. I'm originally from Fife myself, hence being able to spot the banjo-wielding local yokels Aye, just try taking a canoe trip within a few miles of Lochgelly...
  2. There is always the classic solution of buying one of those HB basses for cheap and jamming some Quarter Pounders in it, I swear those pickups can work miracles on any bass they go in!
  3. I use Audio Technica ATH-M30s, they're £40 from sound control, and I love them! A good proper tough-built studio headphone at a way bargainous price, I think Roland do the exact same phones with a different badge for £70+. Maybe a wee bit outwith your budget range, but definitely worth it in terms of improved quality and lifespan.
  4. [quote name='dlloyd' post='16325' date='Jun 12 2007, 04:10 PM']There will have to be some sort of drinking thing done in the City of Discovery at some point...[/quote] Hey, dlloyd, going by your avatar picture, you aren't from over the water in Fife are you?
  5. Yeah, I add my recommendation for Fender Precisions. If I were in your shoes, I'd buy a mexican P, stick some Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder pickups in it and use the rest of the cash on fun stuff like amps and pedals
  6. One machine head was jammed, the pickup poles were rusty, the wiring looked like it had been nicked from chernobyl, the pickguard had been kinda bastardised on and modified to fit the neck with what appeared to have been a blunt swiss army knife, and I'm not even gonna start on the state the neck was in! As Cougar mentioned, aye, the neck will never be quite the same again, a bit like one of those dogs from the home that's had a hard life and will always be left with a distrust of humans! Hey, do you think I could wander round the town with a funny jacket and a clipboard hassling random passers by so I can maybe help the poor bass get a new Badass bridge?
  7. I'll get on it... don't think it's really been given much photo attention before! It's a 1995 model, but it was a drummer who owned it before myself, so you can only imagine the state it got into! I'm not kidding you when I say the only parts left useable were the body, neck and bridge, and even they left a lot to be desired
  8. I see you've linked to Axes 'r' Us already, but it might be worth sticking this link under the decals section, as it's a "secret" page that doesn't link from the main site... [url="http://www.axesrus.com/decals.htm"]www.axesrus.com/decals.htm[/url]
  9. Do the bad monkeys suffer from the same ridiculously high current draw as other Digitech pedals? My guitarist has a digitech synth-wah and it draws something insane like 400mA if I remember right.
  10. I had a shot of the Ashdown compressor in Soundcontrol a wee while back and was incredibly unimpressed by the build quality, especially around the VU meter. I think the meters are PCB surface mounted, and don't appear to be screwed onto the casing, which would make it very very easy for a stray foot to put the VU meter in and do some damage to the circuit board. Not to mention the gap around the VU meter being a major vulnerability point for stray pints!
  11. if it's really affordable you're after, I have a GLX Limiter/Enhancer that cost me around £30 from ebay. It's a straight clone of the Boss LMB-3 in the same kind of way as the Behringer, only it's in a decent solid metal box. Yes, there are the design ethics things to bear in mind, and all that kinda business, but if it's just a straight cheap pedal you want, you can't go wrong with these.
  12. It tempts me a lot, but I'm a little emotionally attached to this particular muff!
  13. I have a semi-broken russian muff sitting in a cupboard back home... this tempts me a lot
  14. Hi there, Just came here by chance after wondering what had happened to the old bassworld site, I posted on there from time to time but had kinda forgotten about it for a bit. Me: The Facts - I'm Ross, I'm 21, bassist from Glasgow. I play a Yamaha BB404 and an old shagged Fender P with quarter pounders in. Ampwise, it's a Behringer BX3000 head with an Ashdown Mag 4x10 cab. Pedals, at present I have a Russian Big Muff, a USA Little Big Muff, the ubiquitous Boss TU-2, GLX Limiter/Enhancer (LMB-3 clone), Behringer UT-100 tremolo and Behringer wah. I have a bunch of other random pedals dotted around that I use on my occasional poor attempts at guitar. I've been playing in a band for the last 3 years, although we've been far from active over the last year or so. The band is called Rost, and can be found at www.myspace.com/rost. I record a little bit of my own stuff too, but again, I haven't recorded anything in maybe a year or so - www.myspace.com/vivascirocco is where you can listen to that. I'm presently looking to get a new band together. I have a couple of interested guitarists, but I need a god damn drummer! I do a little bit of photography on the side, that's been keeping me occupied while the music's been quiet. Working on my website at the moment, but if you need gig/promo photos taken and you're in the Glasgow area, gimme a shout, I'm not charging at the moment as I'm kinda wanting to build up some experience and a good portfolio of work. Think that covers it all! www.myspace.com/rossrost if you need to see more! Ross
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