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Everything posted by BassFace1991

  1. First gig of 2025. 15th Of February at The Globe in Glossop. Sour Tusk a beer drinking rock n roll power trio. Our first headlining show. If you're about pop in for a drink and a chat. A stones throw away from Manchester too for a cracking night out. Any support is much appreciated. Thx. https://wegottickets.com/event/644225
  2. Yep! In the unlikely event this is the end. It's been a pleasure reading/chatting ladies and gentlemen.
  3. I'd go out gracefully. Any idiot could do what I do and there's plenty of people better than me. So I'd totally understand if they want someone else to improve the band. I would miss it but in other ways it would be a relief. Plus if I wanted to do something else there's always opportunities for bassists out there.
  4. With you on blackstar. Did a "tour" last year and they supplied the amps. First night the bass amp just started buzzing as soon as I plugged into it. Ended up using my amp for the rest of the shows. A couple of nights later the guitar amp just died. I will never spend a penny on their shite. On a different note a local music shop. (I'm not going to name). They were very good up to this point. I was a teenager at the time looking through CDs and I guess I must have lost track of time or something and must have been in there longer than they liked because suddenly the lady behind the counter comes up and snootily says "This isn't a bus stop". Being a shy teenager at the time I just left. If it happened now she would have got a mouthful. It shut down not long after that.
  5. Coming up this saturday 13th of January. The first gig of the year for us. A friends birthday bash. Sadly it will be the last at the legendary "The Yorkshireman" venue in Sheffield. After this it will be gone. If you're in the area and can spare the time/money have a wander in. Lets give it a good send off. https://fb.me/e/3t3Ep2Mfo
  6. Just arrived back home from our final gig of the year from "The globe" in Glossop. Great gig. Sold out, great audience. Main band were on top form as well. Fantastic way to end the year. Right now it's nearly 3am and I'm flipping knackered. Have a good Christmas everyone and a happy new year. Bring on 2024.
  7. Its that time of year where everyone is wrapping up playing their final gigs of the year. This is ours. Great venue, Great band to support, Sold out. Great way to end the year.
  8. I saw him in Sheffield last night. Enjoyed it. Definitely glad I went. Hopefully it won't be the last chance I get to see him.
  9. Very pricey but I'm going to try and go if I can. I will regret it if I don't. It will probably be the last chance to see him in person.
  10. The new video from Sour Tusk. Hail Hail rock n roll
  11. Just got home from a run of shows my band Sour Tusk supporting American heavy metal band Corners of Sanctuary on their UK tour. Most of the shows were great. A couple had a very poor turnout frustratingly but that's how it goes sometimes I suppose. It was very hardwork getting 3 hours sleep some nights working and gigging but overall enjoyed it. Glad it's a bank holiday weekend to recover. 🙂
  12. I love this story. I have to be at work for 6am every day. So up at 4 - 4 - 4:30am. So whenever I have gig on a school night I know its gonna be a looong day. Especially if its midweek. Get back get a couple of hours of sleep then back to work at 6am don't care who you are its tiring. So yea after being awake for 20 plus hours and a long drive home trying to stay awake you naturally feel knackered and I do wonder how long I can keep doing this? But after a good nights kip I do feel so good and don't regret doing it. Luckily I'm still fairly young so I can do it. But I'm not sure if I want to be doing this in another 10-15 years time.
  13. Currently listening to the new single by Sour Tusk
  14. Well pop punk was just an example but yea you could be right 😅
  15. Only time is when people buy a cd (which isn't that often). Some people ask the band to sign it. Just in case we get anywhere I suppose. (Ain't going to happen 😅).
  16. I guess I've been lucky. I've had a couple of good results through JMB over the years. But I agree there is a lot of rubbish on there. One of the best ads I saw was something along the lines of Bass player wanted. Must have own PA and van (must send pictures of van). Seriously? 😅. I'm sure a lot of people don't read the other ads either before posting. Always guitarist wanted for pop punk band. Scroll a bit further down. Guitarist available looking for pop punk band. Just 🤦
  17. All original like Triggers broom.
  18. Good job we're not talking about pianos then.
  19. At the end of the day (its night yes yes I know) it depends on what you play. If a 5 or 6 string suits your style of music then more power to you. But it does mildly irritate me when see songs being played in a 5 or 6 string which can be easily played on a standard 4. I just think what are you trying to prove? I played a 5 string years ago and mostly found myself using the B string as thumb rest. Never played a 6 string.
  20. Wish you all the best.
  21. Haha ahh right no worries. 😂
  22. Is your drummer a guy called Steady by any chance?
  23. Just got back from a gig with my band Sour Tusk. We played a place called The cask bah! In Loughborough. Bit apprehensive when I first arrived it's a really tiny micro pub. Really tiny stage. Nowhere to store guitar cases etc. Good job we're only a 3 piece. But it was sold out so it was packed. We seemed to go down really well. Would like to play there again. Though I'm still think it's more suited for acoustic gigs. Also got back home a rather more civilized times than the 4am after the last gig. 😅
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