Personally, i stick to the 12-1500 quid mark tops, but i think up to £2295/€2500 is reasonable for a high end bass that is special and different.
There is nothing above that price point that appeals to me really. Anything above that and you're paying for superfluous details.
I'm not big on exotic woods, i like a painted finish.
I think any fender clone over 2 grand is mental.
This thread is inspired by a bass I'm building. I honestly feel using a higher end body and neck from warmoth or guitarbuild and good hardware you can build a bass as nice as sadowsky, lull or any of the other clones. It's all cnc anyways. Im budgeting around 11-1300 and it will be a monster.
A good example of a bass worth the money would be something like this:
Different, interesting, high end hardware and a small mainly one man operation.
I love that bass!