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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. And how does one sort one from the other? Oh yeah, critical thinking. The distinction you make might be more obvious to you and me, and some others here, but it's not so obvious to a lot of people. I see this demonstrated daily in comments sections of news stories and articles. Mark
  2. Because of the impending death of critical thinking. Technology is a double-edged sword for this as it disseminates more information than ever before to us, but that is information overload, and as such the ability to focus on lengthy complex texts is diminishing, simply because we have to wade through so much guff to get to the crux of the matter. The fact a lot of this stuff is now residing behind paywalls isn't helpful either. People know who they like, and if a person of influence says something, who are you to argue against them? And if you do argue the point you just get shouted down, so really, what's the point? Critical thinking is on life support, and it's not gonna get any better. All of this is IMO. Mark
  3. Three pickup basses FTW. Nice score man. Mark
  4. Sheesh, he's really going all-in on the charm offensive, isn't he. Mark
  5. To commit to buying a new bass, or not.

    That is the question.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lowregisterhead


      There is a perfect number of basses you can own, of course. It's just one more...

    3. LowB_FTW


      I'm certainly leaning in that direction.

    4. LowB_FTW


      Well, that's that then.

      The deed is done.

      Deposit is paid.

      Now, I wait.

  6. Farm out some of the lists with directions of what you're looking for? I'm sure you'll get a volunteer or two to assist. Mark
  7. Volume Boost By far the best one I've seen that requires zero editing. Mark
  8. After several refreshes it generated this … Tee Rocket Which is much better IMO when I change it to Tea Rocket. Mark
  9. And now the thread needs updating with photos of said new bass. 😊 Mark
  10. Have you tried connecting to it through mobile hotspot? This should determine if it's your internet connection/router settings or if it's a device issue. You could also try connecting using your phone and see if that works. Mark
  11. To be fair, the silver would've looked good against any of the backgrounds from the other images too, but yes, I also saw what you highlighted. 😂 Mark
  12. Oohh I do like that silver. Now if only they did that colour in the newly announced 5-string Triad. Mark
  13. Um, okay … I guess the band doesn't want to openly be known as a band that uses backing tracks, so if anyone calls them out on it they can point at you and say "look, we have a real live bassist!"? Who recorded the backing tracks? Can you sabotage the tape deck during playback on stage? Pretty sure they'd need you then. How long have you been in the band, and when you rehearsed for them did nobody tell you that you'd not be miked up and playing to a backing track? It seems odd that they just sprung this on you a week before a gig. If you've no real attachment to them, where's the harm in just walking? Although I suppose there's no harm in just standing up for a couple of hrs and getting paid for it, unless you really can't be arsed, then just quit. Mark
  14. But … but … sundials in the UK are only useful for about 1 week each year, and that's if we are lucky. 😂 Mark
  15. No issues here MacOS 11, Safari. Also tested on Win10, using Edge, all good. Mark
  16. Mark
  17. * Genesis has entered the chat * Mark
  18. BritishBassLuthiersList.pdf 4.5meg .pdf of the above linked file. The link's aren't active as I suspect the pages of the original were just grabbed as images. Mark
  19. I thought that was the whole idea of RSD? Noooo, not in my case anyway. There's a few bands I really try to by the records of, so if they release new stuff - one has already released an album this year - I'll really try to get it on record, but otherwise, I download at least one new item (be it album/ep/single) a month. I have enough items on my iTunes wishlist alone to continue doing this for a few more years. 😂 Mark
  20. I'm unclear on this, so I'm asking … Is it two consecutive terms, or two terms in total? Mark
  21. Same outcome I had as well. It's all well and good saying supporting local independent stores is what we should be doing, but when the process is as frustrating and, ultimately, disappointing as documented here, it's no surprise we turn to online retailers and sellers. Mark
  22. And this, for me, is the main problem I have with RSD. Have you actually tried to go to a participating store on the day and get what you want? There's such limited quantities of participating releases sent to each store that you have to get there super early in the day, and even then there's likely a queue to join, so by the time you get to the counter the one/s you want are likely all gone. In previous years (I haven't checked this year's store locations) the nearest participating store to me is 35 miles away, there's no way I'm getting up at the crack of dawn just to travel that distance for disappointment and frustration, so the Internet it has been. I've had more luck with RSD from the 'net than in-store purchases anyway. The one time I got what I wanted from in-store the only copy they had left had a damaged cover, all the RSD web purchases I've made have arrived in pristine condition. I know physical stores have it tough these days, but for some (me included) the Internet is just a much better option. Mark
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