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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. Good thread. I've enjoyed reading the replies in it so far. I download a lot from iTunes Store and play it on my Mac when I'm working (I do 12hr shifts full-time), and in my car on an iPod when I'm driving. I do still buy vinyl, but only from artists that I really like, I only buy CDs of my very favourite artist unless they come bundled with vinyl from the artists I really like. I do not have a Spotify account, and never have. I have an Amazon Prime account but have never used the Amazon music service, similarly with Apple and Apple Music. I like to own my music, which is why I download, but it all takes up so much space for the physical product, so download is the perfect compromise for me; I get to own what I like but for the most part it takes up no physical space outside of the HDD on my Mac (yes, I'm still using a physical disc drive until I upgrade the computer). My iTunes Wishlist is still rather humongous and it'll cost me some considerable coin to purchase everything I have on it. hahaha Mark
  2. If the guitarist is leaving why not ask them if they want to join with you and start another band? Mark
  3. This was more of a challenge than I originally anticipated when I thought I'd give it a go. Some of these are here because they helped shape my musical tastes during my formative years, some are here because they help to shape my musical tastes at present. John Deacon Trevor Bolder (his Bowie stuff) ELO, in its many forms, (there's been so many, I'm piling them together under the band name) Suzie Quatro John Entwistle Rick Savage Duff McKagen Arnulf Lindner (for work with KT Tunstall) And I'm leaving my list at 8, because there's always room for more (and I've likely forgotten someone as well). Mark
  4. @Phill I see that trip out this weekend was a bit worthwhile. Mark
  5. Rotosound RS775LD flats go on my basses. I have a pack waiting to be opened to put on my Ashdown bass, but the round wounds that came with it seem to have loads of life left in them, so I'm waiting for them to dull before changing them. Mark
  6. A Sandberg Forty Eight. I've loved the look of these ever since I first laid eyes on one (online - never seen one in the flesh). There's one on Fb marketplace for £2k, but that ain't gonna happen for me. NS NXTa (EUB), played like a regular bass (see below). The NS NXTa Radius - I just wanna see how this thing feels. Status T-Bass, either graphite or wooden neck. Obvs, all of the above would be 5-string. Mark
  7. I can kinda see the benefit in asking a question like this. I see Warmoth mentioned a lot for custom necks, so I went and priced one up for myself Neck = $377 Shipping = $140 Total = $517 Converted to GBP = £413 The above prices don't include any hardware other than frets and comes unfinished - the cheapest finish is $105 That total puts the price firmly within the range that the OP was stating, so it's not totally outside the realm of possibility that this could be a viable business opportunity. Mark
  8. If it absolutely had to be one from the list in the OP, I'd go Dingwall D-Roc. Otherwise, Sandberg Forty Eight. Both decisions purely on aesthetics. Mark
  9. Hey @Feline Guitars, thanks for posting and commenting here, and for the links in your post. I ended up getting a pair of Schaller replacement bits that screw into the body, it turns out they were the wrong kind (because I'm an idiot) and got the newer type with the fixed hex screw. One of them actually fits my existing strap pieces. With a little management I've now got working strap locks for the new bass. Mark
  10. This looks amazing. Piezo pickup? Mark
  11. And here I was thinking it was an homage to the musician - post Pixies. Mark
  12. Wow, I can't shorten Shatner's name to what it is commonly referred to. Sad times. Mark
  13. Nooooo, I love The plopped. hahaha I'm not professing any of his musical output is better than the originals, but I can absolutely get behind what he does in his 'musical' career. Mark
  14. Given the mundanity of my own, I appreciate this. Mark
  15. I play 5-string basses. The basses I play are all tuned GDAEB (I always say it this way, I know a lot of others go lowest string first). This is a bass forum. I figured it just makes sense. Apologies for the lack of interesting story. Mark
  16. This, with an inline 5-string, reversed headstock, would look great, IMO. Might need to change the colour to a solid bright white, with black hardware and matching headstock. (EDIT : I'd change them damn clover leaf tuners as well.) Mark
  17. Just a quick update … I love this bass. It's so easy to play, feels absolutely comfortable to hold and play. I'm thinking about keeping this one and using my older bass for the projects I got this one for, that's how much I'm enjoying it. Such a good purchase. Mark
  18. So, the general consensus is that I should stop being a Richard and just pay for the new bridge that I want. Which I can actually respect. I was just curious if what I wanted was feasible, which it turns out it is not. I appreciate all input in this, cheers. This one is the one I was thinking about getting, and this is the one that I found that is twice the price. However, I've done a bit more digging and it seems that Kahler actually have the one I want in stock now, so I may just buy directly from them. Has anyone here had experience of ordering bass parts from the US? Mark
  19. 😅 Please don't laugh at me. hahaha I know I'm coming at you with all the weird and wonderful, first strap locks, now this. hahaha I've found a bridge on eBay that I'm really interested in, but it's chrome when the one I really want is black. Because this one is pre-owned it's about half the price of a new one. So my question is can I remove chrome plating to have it resprayed black? Again, I'm sorry for the weirdo questions. 😂 Mark
  20. Dude, it's heartbreaking to hear you had to sell gear because of your shoulder. I just stopped playing for the last 2.5yrs, there was really no other thing for me to do. I didn't have to sell my gear, so I held on to it. I used the time to window shop and come up with my own idea for a bass build, which I'm now in the very early stages of starting, but the shoulder is still far from being 100%, so I just have to take things very easy and listen to my body. Back to the strap locks, I'm still weighing up my options, but thanks everyone for the responses so far, you're a helpful lot here, eh? Mark
  21. Thanks for the reply. I'll see if I can get an image of the current strap buttons on the new bass. If push comes to shove I'll have to get the same type of buttons that fit my existing strap locks, as they fit my other electric bass, and I don't really want to be swapping strap locks on the strap when switching between basses. Mark
  22. Larkin Poe! I'me a fairly recent convert to this group - about the last year or two, but man they are good. Mark
  23. Evenin' all, As you may (or may not!) know, I got a new bass recently. I also got a new strap. GOOD TIMES! My old strap locks don't fit the new bass. BAD TIMES. This (Amazon link) is what my old strap locks look like. Will I have to buy new strap locks to fit my new bass? The strap holder on the new bass is too large to fit the existing locks on to, is there a different lock type I can get that will fit the existing strap pegs (what are the strap holders actually called, just simply strap holders or … ?)? This is intended as a project bass but I'm really liking playing it at the moment, and neither project is anywhere near ready yet, so it'll be used as-is for the time being, and I didn't wanna have to start modding it quite so soon. Reason for this post is I can't play it sitting down. I'm 2.5yrs into a frozen shoulder, and whilst this is getting better, I think it's impacted my ability to comfortably play my basses sitting down, it's just not possible for me at the moment and I don't know when - or if - it ever will be possible again. So, all that being said, do I need to replace the 'pegs' in the bass, or is it possible to get locks that'll fit the existing fittings? Mark
  24. The very first NBD I've ever posted! So, I got a new shiny today. 😊 It was bought for a project I'm working on (more about this will for certain be posted about here at a later date), then I realised I could actually do something else that I have been thinking about for a very long time, so it's now a two project item. The neck is much much nicer than I expected it to be. It's lovely to play. I haven't changed the strings yet to my preferred flatwounds. So here it is, my new (to me) Ashdown Lodestone Primal Artist 5-String … See the full album over on Flickr. Mark
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