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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. Thank you to everyone for posting so far in this, it has somewhat set my mind at ease regarding this. Mark
  2. BassChat relay! Is there anyone here in Milton Keynes thot could maybe, possibly assist in collecting a bass and organising shipping to me over here in NI? I haven't enquired about the bass yet because it is 'collection only' and I'm seeing if it is feasible with someone here first. Mark
  3. Listening to Big Yellow Taxi (the Counting Crows version) and the wife starts singing "Hey Caroline, put up a f***ing light". Apparently this is how she has always heard this. Mark
  4. How thick should a flat fretboard be? A quick Google tells me the thickness of a radiused fretboard, I'm guessing it has to be a certain thickness to account for the thinner edges? But what about flat ones? Mark
  5. What thread did I just wander in to?!? Mark
  6. Does this have the cloth binding? Is it just cropped out of shot? Mark
  7. I mailed a week ago and I've heard nothing back, which is disappointing as I had a look around that site and saw some interesting stuff. Mark
  8. Reading this thread, realised it was time for a brew, went downstairs and put the kettle on, measured my strap … 51". Mark
  9. The new Def Leppard album - Drastic Symphonies - is really rather good. There's plenty to like about it, but side C of the LP (that would be tracks 9-12 of the CD) would be the standout combinations of songs for me. And Too Late for Love on side D was absolute amazeballs. It is certainly one for the fans, so if that isn't you I'd approach with caution (or not at all, but that's your choice), but my goodness I enjoyed this album. MarK
  10. Oohh, it has an XLR out. That's interesting as I was considering one of those for my build to match my Washburn AB-35. Can I ask what the thinking in that was for you? Mark
  11. Router bits! What's everyone's go-to router bits when you want to make that template, or replace a pickup with something that doesn't fit the current cavity and it needs widening, or actually getting started on a new body? What do you all use? I'm looking to the BassChat collective to help me start my collection of bits, your experience is (hopefully!) invaluable. Mark
  12. Thanks all for your replies. It's tough trying to find a suitable on-board pre-amp for three pickups. Everything seems to be geared towards dual pickup, which is understandable really. I liked the idea of stacked vol/tone per pickup, this might be making its way into my ideas box now. I might look at other makes considering there's not much love here for the Aguilar. Mark
  13. I'm in the process of getting all my ducks in a row for the start of my bass build, and I'm in the process of looking at pre-amps. I know the pickups I'd like to use - it's gonna be a three pickup system - and I've spoken with the supplier of the pickups and, by way of customer feedback, he recommended me the Aguilar OBP3s. The way I'd like the pickups are a mini toggle switch for on/off for each pickup so I can choose what combinations I'd like to use at any given time. Individual tone controls with +/- boost and master volume. Also a switch for active/passive. Now, I won't be doing the soldering work, because that is absolutely outside my wheelhouse, but I'd just like to know if what I'm looking for is technically feasible. Any and all constructive feedback is welcome. Mark
  14. I keep coming back to this post and marvelling at that bridge. It has to be the biggest bass bridge I think I've ever seen! Is there a 5-string version?!? Mark
  15. I have one very similar to the image below that I used to use all the time before my knackered shoulder and now I have to practice standing up. Mark
  16. Um, Chris Cornell, anyone? Mark
  17. Da fuq am I gonna get a 5-string bass, brand new for under £300 that doesn't have them rubbish clover leaf tuners (because they are a deal-breaker)?!? Gig, cancelled. Hahaha Mark
  18. +1 Or borrow from a friend. After searching my local places websites using the criteria of this challenge, I'm let down. If I could go further afield ... This Alvarez Villain, from The Bass Gallery - 24 frets, 35" scale and 5-strings, all for £280. Mark
  19. Hello from one newbie to another. My profile may say I've been here since Nov last year, but I only made my first post at the end of March. It's amazing that you seem to have found 'the one' so soon. If something makes you happy, and it's not hurting anyone else in the process, then just keep on doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Mark
  20. Well now. That neck with reversed headstock. *appreciative whistle* Mark
  21. Im currently in the process' of adding all my CD's and Vinyl's into the Discog's app. </Troll> Mark
  22. This is a concern for me as well. As previously stated, I use an iPod, and the free space on it is rapidly diminishing. The iPod is well over 10 years old now, and the screen is starting to fail, so what I plan on doing the next time I upgrade my phone - probably around the end of next year - use the old one as a music player only, which should work as it's has considerably greater storage space than the iPod does so should last me as long as the screen is functional. Mark
  23. I recently had a bass shipped to me from London and as far as I'm aware there were no extra forms or paperwork involved. Mark
  24. I'm new here, but so far I've certainly been treated like this is a community, even if all I've really done so far is ask for information. Hoping to start being able to take part as a member of the community when I have something I think might be of value to share with you all. Mark
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