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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. I know I'm new here and everything, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm crossing a line of some sort … but isn't this the exact job of the item? Isn't the clue in the name? Pickguard/scratchplate. No? 🤔 Mark
  2. This. It's not a signature line, but this was the bass (and bass player) that made me pick up a bass in the first place. Mark
  3. This is my bass, with the name I wanna try removing ... Mark
  4. I just don't wanna have to do the whole bass because I'm concerned that removing the name might leave me with a much brighter patch of finish right on the part of the bass that can't be covered with anything to hide it. 😅 You just used T-cut on a rag, then? Mark
  5. Apologies for the thread necromancy I have one of these basses! Is there any tips you could share for the removal of the logo from the body? Mark
  6. LowB_FTW


    I absolutely love my AB-35. I mean, I love the 4-string, but the 5 is where's at for me. I was wanting one for so long and was sooooo happy when I finally snagged the one I have now. Thanks for the welcome as well. Mark
  7. LowB_FTW


    They came as a package deal, a long time ago and for the princely sum of £150 - I say princely sum, because that amount was a full months wages for me at that time. Picked up from a newspaper ad. and I had to get a friend to drive me because there was no way I was carrying that amp head back, it weighs a tonne! Mark
  8. LowB_FTW


    Thanks for the welcomes, everyone. Mark
  9. LowB_FTW


    Hello there! Long-time lurker here, decided to make the jump and start posting. My name is Mark and I’m not going to do the cliché of standing up and saying I’m an alcoholic a bass player. I will, however, say that I play bass, but I’m NOT a bass player. (There’s a TL:DR at the end of the post for those with limited time/attention span.) I picked up my first bass when I was about 18, a pillar-box red Squier Precision 4-string. I was getting along with it just fine until one day I was playing a little too enthusiastically and swung it around and I caught one of the tuners on a wall and it bent 90º (tuner, not wall). Tried bending it back with just my hands and slipped and gashed the heel part of my thumb open, spent hrs in A&E waiting room only to benefit from a nurse prodding in the wound with tweezers pulling out tiny shards of chrome plating. So I went to a local shop for repairs (the bass, not my hand) and found a 5-string that I picked up and instantly fell in love with, part-exchanged the Squier and never looked back. I still have the 5-string, it’s a Maison 129p, which has a lovely sound when I put it through my amp (Vox AC50 head and Vox VR115 cab). Since then I’ve bought a Washburn AB-34, which is absolutely lovely but I really wanted the AB-35 (which is the 5-string version of the AB-34 4-string). I looked and waited and waited and waited for an AB-35 to come available to me and I think I’ve only seen about 3 for sale in the last 10/15 years in the UK - the first I had no money to buy, the second I almost snagged but someone beat me to it by moments and the third I actually got! Right now I’m GASing HARD for a custom Sandberg Forty Eight, either that or a custom-made from the ground up to my personal specs. (The Ashdown was bought with this in mind), and I think that will be me as far as gear acquisition is concerned. I have a Focusrite Scarlett Solo audio interface and a Vox amPlug2 AP2-BS headphone amp. I play just for me. Always have done. Came very close to forming a band with a mate once, but that ended up not happening. So, here I am. This is me. Hiya. *wave* TL;DR Name : Mark Gear : Maison 129p 5-string Washburn AB-34 Washburn AB-35 Ashdown Lodestone Primal Artist 5-string (in transit as I post this.) Focusrite Scarlett Solo Vox amPlug2 AP2-BS Vox AC50 Vox VR115 WANT : Sandberg Forty Eight 5 custom OR a custom 5-string to my personal specs. (Leaning heavily towards the custom personal.) Flickr Link Flickr Link
  10. How can you safeguard against scams on Fb Marketplace?
    There's a bass for sale on there I really would like, but I don't know how to safeguard against getting scammed. 😟

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. prowla


      PayPal Goods is good.

    3. LowB_FTW


      Just a quick update ...

      The seller has stopped responding to my mails.

      He asked me last week when he could expect payment, I replied I needed the full price (which included shipping) before I could send him any money.

      No response to that so I left it until this week to see if he was maybe offline at the weekend, but no reply by the end of Monday night, so I messaged again asking if he was good with progressing the sale and to provide shipping so I could pay, and still radio silence. :sad:


      The item is still on Fb Marketplace for sale, so I guess he just wasn't interested in shipping it to me, which would have been nice to tell me instead of just ignoring me (I can see he has read my messages).


      So a very disappointing end to this for me. 😞

    4. prowla


      I've had several things not go ahead because the seller went quiet or wanted unsecured payment.

      It might've been that they couldn't be bothered, sold it to someone, or were a scammer - who knows...

      You just have to shrug and move on.

      Any for sale offer which specifies PayPal F&F or bank transfer should immediately trigger the suspicion-o-meter!

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