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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. And today I learned (among other things!) that binding requires a specific router/bit. Everyday's a school day. Mark
  2. Welcome to the forum. In terms of accurately hitting the correct notes, I find practising more slowly to begin with and then building speed until playing correctly helps me. I can't help with the issues you outline when playing live, I just play for my own enjoyment at home. I don't imagine anyone here would seriously suggest you stop playing. Mark
  3. It may not have a use outside of aesthetics, but if you think it suits the bass - I personally love the look of it - it's not pointless. Mark
  4. Always have a backup. And back that up too. I only ever use online services as backup, I always have two offline backups. Mark
  5. And, thanks to this thread, I had no idea you could get a 5-String bass in 1971 (my birth year). Every day's a learning day on Bass Chat. Mark
  6. It's been out about a month now but it's just popped up on my radar, the new album by PiL - End of World. The first two tracks are absolute crackers. I'm very impressed with these. I quite like tracks 4, 7, 8, and 12, but for me the absolute standouts are the first two tracks. I wish the rest of the album could have followed these two, but then, that wouldn't be PiL now, would it? https://soundcloud.com/publicimageltd/sets/end-of-world-3 Above SoundCloud link for the full album, for anyone interested. Mark
  7. I suspect it'll be longer than 20cm, yeah. I don't have final dimensions because the damn thing is taking me such a long time to complete. Hahaha But I know that once it's done, it can go to template and that will be it complete, so the hard work will all be worth it. Mark
  8. The build I'm working on has side mounted tuners, and it's giving me a proper headache trying to get it right. Especially considering it's a 5 in-line and I want straight string pulls from the nut. So I can totally understand reluctance in starting something like this. Mark
  9. The only impracticality I can see is the tuners being somewhat at an angle to the string pull. Care to elaborate what you find impractical about it? FWIW, I really like that design. Mark
  10. Am I out of GAS? Nope. There's. Always. Something. *sigh* Mark
  11. I also shoot film, very very occasionally, on my Lomography Sprocket Rocket. Mark
  12. I've noticed this. I'm trying not to fanboi over it, as one of her tunes was a motivating factor in me starting to compose my own tunes. Since then, she's produced even more stuff that has been inspiring. And I didn't wanna fanboi in this post. hahaha Mark
  13. In 1985 I was 14. No interest in music at that age, and didn't have a Walkman. I did have a battered and beaten BMX Banana (one of the ones with the plastic spoke wheels) that I spent the vast majority of my time on with my mates on their bikes cycling anywhere and everywhere we could. Mark
  14. Good shout on Cici Bass @asingardenof. I don't follow her on YT, I follow on Fb, but I'm guessing there's overlap of content. I don't follow any bass specific on YT, I reserve that for photography content, but I do keep an eye on Fanblade Instruments, he creates basses and has a very easy going manner and describes things very clearly. Mark
  15. Sandberg to do a Forty Eight bass, 5-String with reverse in-line headstock. Mark
  16. That must've been some size window! 😳 It sounds funny 😂 You gotta do what you gotta do. No judgement. Mark
  17. This is interesting to me, as I don't get this feeling at all when listening to any of my music. Some of the songs/albums I still listen to were ones that were introduced to me at various stages through my life, but listening to them now doesn’t automatically take me back to any specific time. I've recently had this conversation with my wife as she found it incredible that music doesn’t affect me in this way. I've always been aware that music can be a conduit for people to revisit certain events in their past that the song/artist engages in the listeners brain, but it's never impacted me like this at all. I know we are specifically talking music in this thread, but some people have mentioned smells do the same thing with them, however I have congenital anosmia (inherited from my mum) so smell has never had this impact on me either. I can't help thinking perhaps one is related to the other, even though logically I can't make what that connection would be. Mark
  18. I'm absolutely loving the updates you provide for us, Michael. Informative but also brutally honest and with good humour. Keep up the good work. Mark
  19. Mick Ronson ft. David Bowie - Like a Rolling Stone. Mark
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