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Everything posted by LowB_FTW

  1. A Status T-Bass 5-string. Preferably wood neck, but the graphite would do. I don't need or want another jazz bass, but if one of these came up for sale tomorrow in the right price bracket, well I have the money in my account for one so it'd be a very quick deal. Mark
  2. iTunes for Windows can do random Shuffle > Album. I've never used it, I've never used iTunes on Windows for playback at all, but the option is there. You add the artwork to the files/album in iTunes, so I'm not sure that fits with your folder naming - again, I don't use iTunes on Windows aside from backing up various family devices, so YMMV, it certainly plays all the file options you mention, and does playlists. Mark
  3. Dude, make the bass your own. If it's aesthetically pleasing to you, that's all that matters. Given your brief and the available necks, I'd personally do a Thunderbird-style shape body (this may mess with your wanting to have bottom part of the bass be even) and the left-hand neck, that way it'll be reverse headstock. But this is not my build, it's yours. Mark
  4. I think that golden yellow scratchplate looks amazing. Mark
  5. My wife does a lot of work with clay, she's got proper potters wheels and a kiln and everything, so this is a possibility.* The Hosco nut files are a little outside my financial means at the moment, so I got a brass bar and I'll see what I can do with the files I have available - or buy a cheap set to see how I get on with them. Mark *not really
  6. I just saw this on Fb, and … some interesting choices. It looks like a nice finish at least? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/286600234402443/ Mark
  7. This came across my Fb page and I thought of this thread … Mark
  8. And there I was, thinking the 'Site Issues' board was for reporting issues with the site. 😂 How foolish of me. Mark
  9. Just letting you know I have this evening started seeing the 'Support your local Basschat' banner on some, but not all, pages. Clicking the banner brings up a window with the following text … × By ped 21/03/21 Hi there. I know subscriptions and bills are everywhere these days, but I wanted to ask a favour. Even if you don't use Basschat for selling, we'd really appreciate your support. Please consider purchasing a subscription (£20) and renewing this yearly (£18 - you'll get a reminder email when the time comes). You will then be promoted to ⭐ Supporting Member ⭐ Your support will reduce the need for third party advertising (which I hope to remove entirely) and help keep the site up to date and secure. Think of it like a TV licence, except cheaper and better content. And if you don't pay we have detector vans that will replace all your basses with Rickenbackers. Thanks! This would all be well and good if I hadn't already become a supporting member a little under 24hrs ago, so I suspect it's not actually aimed at me. I'm guessing if I'm seeing this, other already Supporting Members will also be seeing it too. You may wanna tweak the code so only non-supporting members see it? Mark
  10. I'd say Iceland is doing very well considering there's only a population of around 370,000 or so. Mark
  11. On iPhones and iPads if you press and hold the link, it brings up a preview of the page you'll be taken to as well as display the actual URL, so you know exactly where the link is going to take you. This also works in Safari, press and hold the link and see a preview of the linked page without opening the page. To open the link, tap the preview, or tap Open. To close the preview without visiting the page, just tap anywhere outside the preview window. This is helpful if you don't have the time to go out of the mail application, into safari, check the site/account that the link is purporting to be from, then go back into mail to deal with it. It's always safest to never click on any links you are unsure about, but I've found the iOS/iPadOS previews to be a great little asset to have available if you need them. YMMV. Mark
  12. That would be the Hamer Scarab. This was the bass that got me into bass. I would dearly love one of these but for two reasons 1) far too expensive (and scarce) these days, 2) I only play 5-strings now. I still very much have a soft spot for these basses. Mark
  13. With it now being the last day of the year, I have my final stats for 2023. These stats only come from my main computer, and I only play my iTunes when I'm working so I have something on in the background. I do use an iPod when I'm driving, but it's a 5th generation iPod Video from around 2005, so it doesn't have any apps on it to register plays and certainly cannot stream anything. When I buy an album I'll play it through once from start to finish, after that it only gets played on random shuffle by song, picked by iTunes. Like any of you really cares 😂 Anyway, here's my last 365 days of music … Artists Def Leppard - 1,809 Queen - 1,062 The Who - 1,021 Pink Floyd - 912 Pearl Jam - 885 Albums Gary Moore - The Platinum Collection - 186 Def Leppard - Slang (Deluxe Edition) - 185 ELO - The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra - 179 Various - A compilation 'Smart Bundle' from Iceland Airwaves - 154 Various - This is Guitar Gods (Re-Recorded Versions) - 151 Tracks Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie - 28 The Jack - AC/DC - 26 Go - Pearl Jam - 26 Whole Lotta Rosie - AC/DC - 24 Photograph - Def Leppard - 24 Mark
  14. Cowbell. There's never enough cowbell. Mark
  15. 5 in-line FTW. Mark
  16. It's part of the reason I always use a plectrum (I use the Wedgie 5mm plectrums). I once tried to get rid of that clanking nail but I had to cut the nails down so short it actually hurt my fingers, so I've never done that again. I suppose I could have tried harder modifying my plucking technique, but I was young and impatient and so never did that. Mark
  17. Surely you're gonna get audio from the strings on the reverse of the body (the strings facing the player) when you're playing the other ones, as they share the same sound cavity with it being hollow body? It seems like a solution looking for the problem. Mark
  18. That doesn't make much sense to me in the scenario presented. I mean, it's certainly … something, but if you're in a studio setting using pedals and loops, surely it would be better to have dedicated instruments? Mark
  19. Chuck Norris with a Thunderbird … (Stolen from a FB post that appeared on my timeline, so please excuse the text, it's not mine.) Mark
  20. That red is absolutely luscious. Mark
  21. Did I not cover this in my post ... "It's part of what I enjoy about this forum so much, you don't just learn about the instrument, you learn about the people behind the instrument, and in many cases, the people that influenced those people." I recognise that the names on the poll very likely influenced some/all the players that influence/d me, I'm just not specifically familiar with their playing, and whilst I appreciate your reply, I don't know that I specifically need to be familiar with their work either. I'm certainly open to listening to them and what they have done, but don't be hatin' on me if I'm not overly enamoured by what I hear. Just because people influence people that influence me, doesn't mean I have to be in awe of them. Mark
  22. This is my problem with lists like these here. I was never really exposed to a lot of the players on the list, and if I am familiar with some of the music they made, I certainly wasn't aware of the name of the person playing bass on it. I know some of the name on the list (John Entwistle, John Paul Jones, Mark King, Flea, McCartney) but very few of the others, and if I am aware of them, it's only in passing as I've seen the name mentioned here and I've gone looking for stuff of theirs. It's part of what I enjoy about this forum so much, you don't just learn about the instrument, you learn about the people behind the instrument, and in many cases, the people that influenced those people. All this is really to explain that I couldn't add my votes to the poll, because to me, none of those people are the people that influenced me. Mark
  23. Cloverleaf machineheads. Mark
  24. This has been a really cool thread, to follow you on this journey. Now I'm just waiting for the bass version 😂 … Mark
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