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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. Easy. You set up a poll somewhere eg online, in a mag etc ................. and someone wins.
  2. Cool! Too bad it's too far for me.
  3. I was going to ask for a pic of the G&L out of interest, but I just found the for sale thread. Very nice looking bass (although I'd brefer a less bright colour personally) On versatility, my current bass is very good. It's a Reggie Hamilton custom V, both passive or active and both jazz and precision pup. The one thing it lacks for me maybe is that I loved the active tone of my old Status S2 and I can't get the same amount of 'zap'. Also very versatile: Martin Sims basses (Enfield basses). I was down at SIMS a year ago to get some LEDs put on a Chapman stick, and he went through the features of the bass with me - lots of different pup switching combinations.
  4. [quote name='robocorpse' post='762842' date='Mar 3 2010, 12:30 PM']I'm selling one of [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=6341"]THESE[/url], any good to you? 45.00 posted. [/quote] PM duly dispatched.
  5. Audio interface question I need to get a cheap audio interface for use with recording music on my mac laptop. Generally speaking, do they utilise the mic input or do they work via USB? I know nothing about interfaces at all! To cut a long story short, apple repairs have buggered my mic input and can’t seem to fix it, so I need to get an alternative way of getting sound into the laptop.
  6. Anyone else think that Neal Schon kind of bodges his intro?
  7. This is not a total regret for me, as 1) I do prefer my current bass and 2) I needed the cash for my ‘dream’ guitar. But those two points aside, I really wish that I still had my Status S2 to play. I was listening to a couple of old recordings that I did, and the active sound was fantastic (to my ears). It had a certain unique feel as well with the graphite neck. I have to admit that I really liked practicing in a darkened room with the LEDs on as well. Good times ............. Sold anything and regretted it?
  8. I hear that these are highly recommended for the Chapman stick as well. I'd be dead keen if I had the money.
  9. No shame playing Journey in my book, and certainly not that classic. I'm working on the keyboard intro myself (between other things). It sounds simple enough but it's a bit more tricky than I thought.
  10. That's a very interesting looking instrument, although I really can't justify owning it!
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='757798' date='Feb 26 2010, 02:16 AM'].... suggesting that the topic sub-heading would be a good place to put your location, since it usually just gets left blank ([/quote] Sounds like a really good idea to me. I've lost count of the amount of times I've looked at an item that says collection only and then has no location info.
  12. Mmmmmmmmm. That is absolutely my favourite Warwick look - red oil with gold. A delicious looking bass if ever I saw one. I'd love it if I wasn't broke.
  13. If at any point you get so desperate as to offer them at £2 each PM me and I could relieve you of another six, but I really can't warrent another £18 on Cds that I am being totally speculative on. Apologies for being derisory, but this is just the cold hard facts of my interest - nothing personal!
  14. Hmmmn ............... someone snap this up before I get tempted!
  15. This is my favourite:
  16. Get a Jazz that is active and also with a precision pup. Sorted. (Note: that's what mine is!)
  17. I remember trying one of those at a show when they first appeared. It was the most inspiring keyboard I'd ever played, every sound seemed to lead me to new ideas. My best mate got one. I'd love to try one again now for old times sake, but I don't have room to get one unfortunately.
  18. Hmmn, can't see much of an attendance for that! Those shows price me out at anything over £20.
  19. Cor, if I had the wonga I'd have that! I've always fancied a 6 stringer and that one looks amazing.
  20. That's a very interesting guitar! Sadly I have zero funds for the forseeable future
  21. [b]Hey Urb/Mike[/b] - I totally love your video! The tone, the playing, the music, all hit the spot for me. Fabulous stuff! I'd like to aim for that kind of style myself, not that I'll ever reach that standard!
  22. Well I liked his playing a lot.
  23. I bought a bunch of CDs off of Rob. Top guy, perfect transaction and everything turned up speedy quick. I couldn't be more happy if I was rubbing babyoil into a couple of naked playgirl bunnies .......... on second thoughts, bad analogy ........... positive feedback for Rob all the way though!
  24. I always loved the look of Warwicks, and thought that I'd really want one someday. However, when I finally got my hands on a few to try they TOTALLY weren't my thing. A bit dissapointing, but I got over it. So I'd go for the stingray myself. EDIT: Try a Spector (Euro 5). They are great!
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