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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. [quote name='Rich' post='681353' date='Dec 11 2009, 02:10 PM']That won't cut any mustard with them either, unless you can demonstrate that you bought it in the UK (e.g. a receipt). Otherwise they'll sting you for duty anyway. C&E are very powerful, and they know it.[/quote] How about - Take a case OVER with you, buy any old cheap piece of cr*p guitar from a junk shop to fill it. Ditch the cr*p guitar when you get there and bring the bass home in the case.
  2. Some stuff is for me much easier using a picking action - any kind of fast single/few notes stuff. Prob because I got the alt picking thing down from guitar. I never use a pick though I just do that chucking thing with forefinger/thumb. So, yeah, both fingerstyle and plec are cool with me.
  3. If I wasn't totally in love with my Fender jazz I'd definitely get a Spector. Tried an NS5 (I think?) it was totally awesome, but to much for the budget (even secondhand). Played a local Euro 5 several times and loved the feel of that as well.
  4. Doh! I've been looking at the pix (downloaded them) every other day and thinking about your Tele. I'm a real procrastinator on gear that I can't try out. Oh well, glad you got a sale.
  5. I should call my bass 'Myleene Klass', I'm sure it would add a whole new level of enjoyment.
  6. I always thought that the whole naming/attributing of gender thing was a bit weird, but after many years of playing instruments (getting through about 20 guitars/basses I suppose) for the first time ever for some reason it seemed wholly appropriate to give my amazing new no 1 geetar a name!?!?! Never done it before.
  7. SIMS do resprays, but I'd imagine that they would be the upper end of the cost spectrum.
  8. sounds intriguing. Price + pix would be good.
  9. I'm not one for selling gear, although I have let a few things go and I usually get pangs of regret, often many years later. I sold my Status S2 this year I had two expensive basses and that is one too many for a bedroom player! Boy do I miss those blue LEDs .... I need to shift a geetar that I don't really play, but it's a stunner and a one-off and I can't quite bring myself to part with it so far. Bummer having to sell due to redundancy.
  10. Ugly bass. It just looks wrong to me.
  11. I don't want a bass! Got enough right now. so .....
  12. I assume that's Roachford as in the single 'cuddly toy'?? I absolutely loved that single when it came out, but I bought the album (vinyl!) and didn't connect to anything else on it at the time. Can't even remember how the rest of it sounded now. If I had a record player available I'd give it a spin right now!
  13. I'd have had it but I'm too far away (Luton). Dang!
  14. [quote name='noelk27' post='671613' date='Dec 1 2009, 09:49 PM']There are over 6,000 albums, 13,000 singles (7" / EP), and 2,500 others (10" / 12"). Intend compiling lists when time allows, but that may take quite a while.[/quote] Wow, that is a serious amount of vinyl!!!!! My wife moans at mine and I only have 800 albums.
  15. Wow, just seen the pic. That is one peach of a bass! Perfection!!!! 'fraid I don't have 2K though ......
  16. I think you need a list if you want to shift stuff!
  17. Any tube stations near you?? I work at Colindale on the Northern line.
  18. Hmmmn, I have the slightest sniff of interest. Where in London are you? I quite fancy a tele at the moment, but I was thinking of getting some relic parts from the US an building one up. I'm still undecided as to what to do, but if that's American rather than MIM then it's quite interesting .... EDIT: Just noticed that you are also selling a GWB35 as well - I was desperate for one of those a year or so ago!
  19. Yeah, I got an email about this (as a forum member). Sounds like a great idea! I figure it's worth a punt for £20 (even though I don't like streamlines!) Hopefully I'll remember to do it .... [url="http://statii.com/forum/news.php"]LINK HERE - scroll to the xmas tree[/url]
  20. I have a Roland Bass Cube RX and I really like it for practice. I tried a couple of others (can't remember which now!?!) and they were really cr*p with the low B on a 5 string, but the Roland is fine.
  21. I met Nigel Clutterbuck last year at a show, and he was a very nice friendly guy who was more than happy to go through some of his techniques with me. I totally couldn't get to grips with it (!) but I thought that he was a really decent bloke. [i]Thought for the day:[/i] Contrary to 'popular' opinion here, based on the evidence maybe 'most' bass players actually like slap playing!
  22. I love slapping, and I'd love to be able to do that stuff really well, but I distinctly remember going to a music show many years ago and at every turn there was someone slapping on a bass. It really got a bit much, like eating an entire bag of your favourite choccy sweets and then regretting it. Then I came across this one old boy, wearing all denim, slightly balding and with a beard and glasses (the description is just incase someone knows him!?!) and I was totally blown away with his superb fingerstyle playing. His hands just had great authority and strength. He didn't tickle notes out like some players do, he totally owned the bass! At the time I just though YESSSS! that's how I would play (wasn't a bassist at the time).
  23. Golchen


    Welcome! This is a cool place to hang out and very informative, welcome aboard. Sounds like you know what you are doing!
  24. Wow, great setlist. I'd pay good money to see them play those songs! Just missing Awaken - their finest moment.
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