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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. I can't offer any great advice as to why, but I'd go for a Shuker personally.
  2. [quote name='Craigmartini' post='611541' date='Sep 29 2009, 01:15 AM']Hey guys cool vids! Here are a couple of me I got from youtube, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tulWu0wBqa8&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tulWu0wBqa8...player_embedded[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INZDRC-GBdc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INZDRC-GBdc[/url] Craig[/quote] Clunkk!!!!! ....................... (jaw hits floor) Wow, I can't believe you're playing with Paul Gilbert. That goes so way beyond awesome!!!! How did you get that gig!?!?!
  3. I'm trying to knock up a BT for something and it's in 3/4. My dubious drumming skills just ain't gonna work on this and Garageband has zero drum loops in 3/4. Anyone know where I can get some free 3/4 Garageband drum loops or midi drum files? I've been doing searches on the internet for some time and I just get endless dead-ends.
  4. Dude, you rock!!!!! Thanks. It was an overwater bass post #52. What a beauty. Copied the pix and info onto my computer this time. Case closed.
  5. A week or so ago I found a thread with a lot of pix of nice basses. As usual, it turned up via 'view new posts', so I have no idea where it was actually located. I've been scrabbling around for a while but I just can't find it!!!!! I don't even remember the thread title, but the one thing that I particularly liked was a red (not solid colour) jazz five string with both precision and jazz pup on it. I want to know who made it but it has completely gone out of my head. Anyone know what I'm talking about here???
  6. I started with 4's before I got serious. Went to 5's and I've never once looked back. I wouldn't dream of using a 4 now, in the same way that I don't like keyboards without 88 keys. I think that 4's have something missing!
  7. Loads of stuff online, just do a search. I pretty much do everything myself on all instruments, it's not exactly rocket science and I like to tweak to perfection. A bass is pretty straightforward really, just try a 12 string Chapman stick!
  8. I bet it plays like a dream, but I'm not a big fan of acres of scratchplate.
  9. Golchen


    Greetings and welcome. There's all standards and ages here, I'm sure you'll find it a great place to hang out. I started taking bass seriously at age 43, well, I say seriously but I never leave the bedroom!
  10. Two crap live albums: Queen live killers Van Halen live without a net Both complete turkeys,and I always hate the way that queen copped out on Bohemian Rhapsody and played a tape. I think that some fixing is OK. Best live album ever (well, my favourite!) - Thomas Blug live in Raalte. And it must be genuine as the bass player cocks-up and they didn't fix it!
  11. I'd go for the record separately route, then figure out how to get it better live afterwards. A recording is forever so it needs to sound right.
  12. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='607765' date='Sep 24 2009, 02:49 PM']Current Pat Metheny Group - I could do it technically but only on electric as I don't double. Past? Bruford.[/quote] Nice choices! I was quite a big fan of Bruford way back - haven't listened to any of their stuff in ages, I must dig some out.
  13. Interestingly diverse responses. I'd go for [b]Israel & New Breed [/b]- I bet no-one's heard of them!? That would be fun!
  14. That would be easy to get rid of. You just need a puppy to weigh it down.
  15. I don't own a passport. Anyone for a long bass weekend in Clacton?
  16. [i]Golchen, as both guitarist and art student in previous life, keeps head low.[/i] Total twattage there. I could understand maybe if it was a creative band with a record deal.
  17. The Overwater Jazz and Outtoplayjazz's Status both do it for me. Always loved this Spector:
  18. It's classic rock. A genre that goes down much better than all that jazzy twaddle, Bilbo.
  19. Awesome bass! I really wanted this a year or two ago when you considered selling. Unfortunately I don't have the dosh now
  20. I just dream of playing in a band with one instrument or another. I'd take anything really for the fun of it as I never have done it before. Having said that, my ambition would be to be in a really kick-ass Christian Worship band (not one of those limp ones I keep coming across in life!), and I wouldn't be really satisfied unless I was doing that.
  21. Greetings and welcome to basschat. It's an informative and fun place to hang out, but I guess you already know that as you've been lurking!
  22. [quote name='davidmpires' post='602171' date='Sep 18 2009, 01:07 PM']What did you buy in the end?[/quote] A completely different beast altogether! I'd kind of decided that I like the Jazz bass vibe, and I got the one in my sig. It's a Reggie Hamilton V custom shop model and was a steal! Perfect condition off eBay and half the price of a new one. I totally love this bass, but my second fave ever was the Spector NS that I tried out a couple of times. I'd have been 100% happy with that bass and the only reason I didn't get it was that it was too much dosh (secondhand!).
  23. I tried both a couple of times at the start of the year when looking for a new bass. The Euro was great, and very tempting, but the NS was beautiful in every way! To me, I wouldn't measure it as 'is this twice as good', but it just felt like pure and total quality. If I could have stretched to the (secondhand) price tag I'd have bitten someones arm off for it, but then I really appreciate things of great quality in life.
  24. [quote name='beerdragon' post='600812' date='Sep 16 2009, 10:16 PM']Yeah man leave, this is a high tec thread, um...anyway thanks for looking. oh yeah here's the smiley. :wacko:[/quote] I was a bit insulting there - late night and all that. What I really meant was that I couldn't get my head around what you were on about and it really didn't seem to warrant putting any effort into.
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