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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. If you just want one song, there are places on the net where you can just buy a single pdf. If you want a whole book, there are a couple of decent shops in Denmark st with a lot of stuff.
  2. I totally prefer the vibe and feel of used instruments. I really don't like new stuff that hasn't been played in enough. My no 1 bass is great, but I got it in as new condition (for a second hand price!). I'd much prefer it to have been 'around the block' a few times, so to speak.
  3. Well, I finally lashed out and got a 30-115 set for my 5 string after reading enough positive things here. My fretting hand likes them a lot, but I'm still tweaking setup to get things exactly right before making a total commitment to the new gauges.
  4. Monster!! If I had the house space and I lived close enough I'd definitely go for that, just for the fun of trying out something different.
  5. All I want to say is there's a place in the world for widdly bass playing and that's all I want to say.
  6. I can't play fretless, but having tried a few I picked up one with an ebanol fretboard and absolutely loved it! They look great and to me, feel great as well.
  7. Hey hot tub - I can really relate to this thread! There's a lot of me in your description about yourself. I'm going to definitely probably consider perhaps doing something about my situation ............ that is unless I procrastinate too much.
  8. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='522016' date='Jun 23 2009, 08:16 PM']I gave up because its a lot of work for a party trick of limited musical value [/quote] "There are no rules on guitar, they've all been broken" - Les Paul. "There are rules on bass guitar, put down the instrument slowly and back away ...." - the bass police.
  9. I've always loved that piece, and I'd love to have a go at it. Is it a bit daft for someone of fairly modest (current)skills to even be considering it?? I get the impression that it's pretty hard to play! I see that there's a few tabs of it around, anyone know if there's one that is better to use? I might have a bash anyway. So, anyone tackled it???
  10. I'm not sure I agree with that. Within the context of live music, and most certainly with Church-related worship bands (seen a LOT!) - one thing that REALLY lifts the music to another level is when the bass player is really good - I don't mean flashy, and I don't mean playing too many notes (!), but players who play around the changes intelligently and give the impression that they have gone a long way beyond the bare essentials.
  11. Ahh, I'm being a bit thick - yes it's called GHS3 so I guess it's the 3rd one! I'm a BIG fan of Stu's funky style! Thanks for the pointer on the Gambale DVD, I'll look out for that.
  12. 14 piece band - that sounds amazing! I'd be totally up for that if I were good enough and lived in the right area. Fail on 2 accounts
  13. Thanks all for the useful responses. I've just ordered some 30-115's so I'll see how it goes.
  14. Is there anything wrong with using extra light strings? I get the impression that generally with basses/guitars, one is kind of considered more impressive if one uses ’extra heavy’ strings and somewhat looked down upon if one uses extra light. People always say that heavier strings will give you better tone, and I guess that there’s something to be said for that, but generally, lighter strings give you better playability, so there is a plus. Anyway, the reason I’m asking is that I’m currently using 40-125 on my 5 string, but I feel like I want to try 30-115. Does that sound too light a gauge? I have zero experience either playing live or at any volume at all which is why I feel the need to ask. It’s one thing to play at home at about one decibel, and another thing entirely live. Are there any ‘famous’ players who use extra light?
  15. OK, so jazz fusion is not for everyone - a bit of an acquired taste, but one that I happen to like a lot! I bought this CD (Frank Gambale, Stu Hamm and Steve Smith) a while back but I've only really just got into playing it much. I have to say that it's a real feast of amazing playing, and I'm particularly in awe of the superb bass lines of Stu Hamm - he's never sounded better to me. The first track is a total gem (All in your head) and one that I would LOVE to be able to play along to as it sounds such fun! (er ..... a bit beyond me!) Must look for a tab. I don't suppose that this record is on iTunes (can't check at work) but I would thoroughly recommend getting that track - it's a real peach if you like fusion and great bass lines!
  16. [quote name='NickThomas' post='519435' date='Jun 20 2009, 05:03 PM']Yep he plays 6 skinny strings. I'm sure he'll be able to conditon himself to the length of the new finger, but it'll take some years I reckon.[/quote] Darn, that's bad news. Tony Iommi forged a pretty successful career after his accident though.
  17. I'd say that if you are happy and you can do everything you want to then don't bother changing. Lots of very good musicians have weird technique, Guitarists Gary Moore and Vivian Campbell pretty much only use 3 fingers on their fretting hand, and Django only used two I believe (through necessity admittedly)
  18. I lopped the end off a finger on my fretting hand with a surgical scalpel a few years ago. The blood squirted out like on a cartoon! I rang the grumpy occ health nurse at work and she just said "I'm leaving, bleep a first aider" and put the phone down. Thanks! The first aider was a good bloke though, he found the bit I lopped off and whipped me down to hospital in his car. They decided not to sew it on as it was too small, and it took me about 6 weeks to get useable again. 2 scalpel accidents in about 30 years isn't too bad!
  19. My big regret is that I have never played music with other people. I lack confidence in my abilities now and can't see me ever doing it. Is this music only? cos I regret not having sex with more girls before I got married! I'm the faithful sort so it's too late now!
  20. Cool! Is it Gilbert on guitar??
  21. Oooh! Got my ass whipped on that one. Apologies, I think I must have come over with a negative opinion there and it totally wasn't the way I meant it to sound. Plenty of musicians take great pride in copping licks and notes exactly and it's great to have that perseverance and drive. Unfortunatley I was born with a lazy gene and something that borders on a form of dyslexia with reference to understanding tabs! No offence intended. (smileys duely noted!)
  22. Am I being a complete philistine here: Would any listeners actually notice during a gig if you played some bits in a more simplified way? I think not! I know that a lot of musicans like to get every subtle nuance totally polished and perfect, but if I was up to playing this stuff I'd be much more into just getting the right vibe.
  23. I didn't know that Peavey did a graphite neck? I tend to go and look at the reviews over at Harmony Central if I'm interesed in something I can't try first. You obviously have to take them with a BIG pinch of salt, but they can be of use for a general idea about an instrument. I've just looked at some pix and I'd go for the Status if it were on looks alone.
  24. I think that it's very ugly, but interesting in a historical context.
  25. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='513783' date='Jun 15 2009, 01:11 AM']i just seen an american 98 year old on TV, and she only looked about 65, there wasnt even a wrinkle on her :S x[/quote] That's because rich american women have their faces ironed every morning.
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