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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. Weird ....... I posted in this thread today and my post has disappeared! Oh well, here we go again. I'm going, mainly because I'm a big fan of the Guitar idol competition. Not everyone's thing (around here!) but it was a blast last year with some excellent guitar playing on show.
  2. I have excessive gear but I have trouble parting with stuff. I need to get to grips with selling on eBay really, I have two good guitars and a good bass that have to go really.
  3. I'm pretty good with photoshop, but then I do use it for my job. I was considering getting my Status upgraded by Sims, so I did a mock-up of what I wanted. These are my before/after pictures:
  4. I absolutely love Garageband. My recording needs are pretty simple and it does a brilliant job. An added plus for me is that I can also record video on my mac laptop. I record both at the same time and then drop the improved sound file onto the video. For a freebie bit of software it is totally amazing.
  5. I prefer my horses relic'd. Do you mind if I rough it up a bit?
  6. I'm going to buy a vintage Fender jazz bass, hide it in the loft then move house.
  7. Well, I like my custom shop Fender jazz Reggie Hamilton 5 string a lot. It's passive/active, has a jazz pup and a precision pup so ticks a lot of boxes! Other than that, Martin Sims Enfield basses are superbly constructed and full of ideas. Martin gave me a tour of the bass when I was down there and they are extremely good. The only thing that puts me off is the shape, which I'm not too keen on personally, oh yes, and they are more than I could afford!
  8. I can't see why anyone would want a signed instrument? I wouldn't.
  9. Another forum I go to: last year someone was asked to look at a guitar some friends found in their loft (they don't know anything about em), and it turns out it was a 61 strat in superb nick! Thread here if you want to see the pix: [url="http://www.petrucciforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59606"]LINK[/url]
  10. [quote name='robert43' post='490471' date='May 17 2009, 12:34 PM']Easy play the guitar for a hour perday for 20 years[/quote] I hate the way people think that is a clever answer or something .... I have played guitars for many years and they go back in the case afterwards and look as good as the day I bought them. Aren't Sims in Kent? They do relics.
  11. Yeah, that's a bad un - but not the worst I've seen. We should have a hall of shame picture gallery around here for the worst offenders.
  12. [quote name='TimR' post='489688' date='May 16 2009, 11:57 AM']Well you've learned your lesson. Don't get a musician into the band unless they are as good or better than the rest of you. Don't split and reform that's childish and doesn't work in the long run as it makes you all look stupid. One person needs to sit down and tell him what the issues are. Don't do it by email,text or phone. Ask him whether he thinks the issues are solvable, does he want to solve them? Practice, Lessons, AA etc. Put it on the line. He either fixes A,B and C or you will have to find another drummer because he is holding you all back. Don't do it as a group, it'll all get nasty and look intimidating. A word of warning though, is a bad keen drummer who can make practices and gigs better than an excellent drummer who misses practices and can't make gigs? Find someone else first!!! (basically what bassbloke said )[/quote] I agree with this post.
  13. [quote name='Stingray5' post='489475' date='May 16 2009, 02:00 AM']Hah, I'd like to have seen what these muggers would have done if it had been a Rap or Hip-Hop artist they tried to mug. They'd likely be in ER now or maybe the morgue! [/quote] Don't believe the hype. Most of them just think they are tough in the same way that black metal bands think they are in league with the devil.
  14. I have a 62 reissue japanese strat the same colour/finish! I think that I paid a shade over £350 for mine. I went to view it first and it just seemed such an amazing strat that I had to have it! The quality is superb, and it just seemed better than any Strat I have tried in a shop. I'd be very interested but the GAS fund is low and there is a risk of the wife exploding as I have two new instruments this year. I will never sell the one I have, the American strat plus will be going instead at some point though. Someone should buy this!!!!!!
  15. I was going to say does it work on a mac, but I just looked at the screenshot ............. I presume that you can just get Transcribe, without having to use the VOX thing. Actually, that doesn't need an answer, I'm just off to have a look at the site ............ thanks for the heads-up.
  16. Woahh! As a major Yes fan of old I have to say that sounds very convincing. I had a major problem with the Buggles joining Yes, but this is fine. Hats off to the guy.
  17. [quote name='jwbassman' post='482876' date='May 8 2009, 12:52 PM']I've got an MRS-1266 (earlier version of what you're looking at - 12 tracks not 16) -[/quote] I had an earlier model of that (still got it somewhere!?!) and I really liked it at the time, but once I discovered computer recording that was it! Computer screens as so much more visual and intuitive to the process. My zoom had a window and everything was text, a menu within a menu within a menu etc. Pretty tedious really. I only really record simple stuff. I bought a secondhand mac powerbook pro which had Garageband installed. Garageband is not only the easiest software EVER to use, it's also a lot of fun, and non-musicians in the family can even make up music just with the drag n drop loops. Added bonus: built in iSight camera also lets you record video. I really wouldn't want to go back to that sort of thing ......
  18. Just checked, and if anyone doesn't know they are high output humbuckers. I'm more into single coil pups these days .... RR5, is that a Jackson Randy Rhoads?
  19. Wow! fascinating. I'd be tempted but the wife would shoot me. I've already bought a couple of instruments this year and I must be up to about 21 now!
  20. I was thinking that one would just upload a new video there, but some of those have a couple of thousand views? Is the idea to link to a video that you have posted elsewhere on YouTube? EDIT: Ignore that, I've just seen how to do it. Maybe I'll inflict my one solitary bass video onto the channel ....
  21. Nice function band you have there! I tend to lock my jaw in a rather unattractive way when playing bass (more so than other instruments!) - luckily no-one gets to see me play live.
  22. I'd take a Warwick dolphin and ride on it's back as it swam home. Then I'd have to burn it as they are damn ugly.
  23. [quote name='ped' post='477688' date='May 2 2009, 01:49 PM']The formatting on the youtube channel is not much good, I can't move the boxes down the page so the basschat banner shows properly, but it looks OK I guess... ped[/quote] Looks really bad on my work Pc?? the image seems to be overlayed over everything else eg. at the front, so you can hardly make out anything. Most white or orange text is unreadable.
  24. Fender basses. Fender strats. Fender has an undefineable element that other instruments seem to lack. I think of it as Mojo factor.
  25. Nice bass! I've only ever seen them in black before. Can't see a trade happening if you are being that specific though .........
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