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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. Wow - this totally slipped off my radar! Someone should have poked me sooner (thanks Rich) as I NEVER come to this branch of the forum usually. I think that my wife tidied it away a looooong time ago and I forgot all about it. I shall dig it out and pass it on.
  2. Doh! I was just thinking what a beauty that was. I was going to complain that the pix were too small, but they expanded really well when clicked on! The A string needs to move a tad over on the bridge.
  3. Thanks for that info Lemmywinks - unfortunately too small for my use. I'm a big fan of Gigskinz though, my no 1 guitar is kept in a Gigskinz bag.
  4. Not 100% sure I want to strech to £45 plus P&P as I've just blown all my spare cash, but what are the internal dimensions to the Gigskinz bag? I'm looking for something for a Roland GR55, dimensions 405 (W) x 244 (D) x 78 (H).
  5. Swoon! I remember this bass last time it was up for grabs - a total thing of beauty. I'd love it but I already have a great bass and I'm just a recreational player. Very tempting though!
  6. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' post='1287548' date='Jun 30 2011, 12:20 PM']as im going away for a week if anyone interested please send me a text to 00447783944959, as im going to be far from technology regards Antonio[/quote] Wales?
  7. Such a lovely bass, if I'd have lived nearer I would have definitely come over to check it out.
  8. I only clicked on this thread as there were no others that interested me that I hadn't been to already, thinking 'it's just an ibanez', but wow .... that is one beautiful bass there! I absolutely love the look of it. Very appealing indeed!
  9. Awesome bass!!!!! What more can I say.
  10. I'm looking forward to a pic that doesn't require a microscope to view!
  11. I've been a fan since seeing Steve Rothery of Marillion playing them live circa 1980 (pre-record deal days). Lovely guitars but I really don't need a 6 stringer now. Good selling thread though - you certainly did your homework!
  12. Lovely looking bass there. I know that you are not selling but what is the ballpark value of these out of interest?
  13. Gorgeous bass. If I wanted a 6 that would be very tempting indeed!
  14. Doh, there you go tempting me again! Such a beauty of a bass, and sounds real good on the vid as well. Too bad that you are too far away to check it out - or probably a good thing as I REALLY shouldn't be looking at basses!
  15. Lovely trio of basses! (although I really couldn't live with that green!)
  16. Hmmmnn ..... I really miss my status 5 with LEDs. Could be tempted - although I keep telling myself to stop looking at basses! To be honest, the one thing I really didn't like was the weight of my old one, too heavy for my liking. Two questions for you: i) what's the weight of the bass? ii) Where are you in the country?
  17. Does 5 knobs not seem a bit excessive for a 1 pup bass???? What do they all do? I really shouldn't even be remotely considering this, but out of interest where in Surrey doth it reside?
  18. That looks an absolute peach! Too bad it isn't an LED model - I'd have found that very hard to resist indeed!
  19. Very tempting indeed, but I'm kind of holding out for a H&K at the moment.
  20. Awesome bass! Always fancied a Sei (pref with LEDs). Unfortunately I'm just dropping 1K on something else right now .....
  21. Out of interest - where in the country are you?
  22. A very tempting looking bass! Care to narrow down your location a bit - Essex is a big place!
  23. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='1211668' date='Apr 26 2011, 02:07 PM']Do you fancy my 2003 S1 Classic 5? [/quote] Probably couldn't afford it right now, and I REALLY want to get a status with LEDs again!
  24. I didn't actually play it, I was down to get a tele body sprayed and wanted the look of that bass (that I'd seen on the website). Jonathan (the guy down there) said 'I still have that, you can see it if you like' so I took a quick look. A real beauty of a bass! Also, I thought that their LP style guitars were gorgeous as well.
  25. I was down at Feline guitars last week (custom shop) and they had a gorgeous stingray type bass up for sale. They are usually built for £1699, but this one is up for grabs at £999 as they have had it in for a while. A peach of a bass in the flesh, I could have been really interested if it had had 5 strings instead of 4. Here's a pic: I have to say that the quality of their instruments in general was absolutely top drawer.
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