Lats summer I decided that I really wanted another bass, usual story - the quest for an 'ideal' instrument, one that felt great, looked great and sounded great. I had no idea what I wanted other than 5 strings, so I spent many months looking around shops, checking out the internet etc etc. It seemed like a good idea, so I made the Basschat for sale section my internet log on page and spent around 10 month scouring it a couple of times a day. Well, as you'd imagine, I saw a couple I nearly went for but missed them due to brief procrastination, and saw a few beauties outside my (pretty big) budget. But lo and behold, I eventually bought a bass that is everything I want! (FleaBay)
All is well and good, but I never go to the for sale section any more as funds have gone, and I'm really missing it! There is a great frustration to having a pot of GAS money and not finding something to spend it on, but there is also a bit of a hollow feeling once you have 'done the deed' and finally bought something. I am 100% happy with the new bass, this is a side issue.
GAS is a two edged sword that cuts both ways!