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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. I've never got my hands on a Modulus bass to try it. I was just wondering how their graphite necks compare to Status ones? Do they feel similar to play or are they a different beast altogether?
  2. If anyone's interested, here's a couple of videos of me playing a similar stick: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=m_gFKfG3O-Q"]Composition 1[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FSafprZNvMo"]Composition 2, with melody distortion[/url]
  3. Just thought I'd chime in. I'm not too hot at slap stuff yet, but it's just such fun to play like that. I noodle about to Christian Worship stuff a lot and that style can really lift the music on mid-tempo to faster numbers, if not done in a too indulgent way. I always though that Mark King hit the right style as (to me!) it pretty much always seems to service the song.
  4. A great and fascinating instrument. I've got two! Note: that one is strung left-handed.
  5. I was just wondering whether or not most bassists here use their little finger for fretting? I know quite a lot of guitarists who don't really, unless they are shredders in which case they do! Personally, my little finger is pretty strong so I like to use it.
  6. I wouldn't buy from China. There seems to be a lot of 'fakes' coming from over there these days. I wouldn't like to comment on the ethics, because, as mentioned above, the UK and the US don't exactly cover themselves in glory on the World stage.
  7. I'm quite suprised at where this thread has gone! I spend a lot of time at a 'famous technical guitar player's' forum, and it often degenerates into this sort of thing. No matter how good an artist in question is, there's a lot of spouting off at the fact that a piece is not perfect to the nth degree, and many posters seem to lose sight of the fact that we are talking about music and not measuring a piece of engineering to 1 thou spec. As far as the Estelle performance goes, I really enjoyed it, especially the bass playing. Now I don't have the discerning ear that some of you guys have, but I do think some of you are analysing and criticising way beyond the pallette of most listeners ears (mostly non-musicians). Sometimes music gets too technically perfect and loses it's character. There's nothing wrong with striving for technical excellence, particularly with the rhythm section, but it's not the be-all-and-end-all of peoples enjoyment of music.
  8. Hmmmn, I could almost be tempted by the steinberger. Never liked the look of them, but it's the portability I fancy for general practice.
  9. Must be easier to shift stuff if you post pix.
  10. Golchen

    Which 6?

    Way out of the price range, but someone posted a pic of their new 6 string headless staus the other day and I thought it looked amazing! Most 6's look a bit like a plank of wood fretboard to me, but it just looked Soooooo right.
  11. Nice videos, I really enjoyed the music. Leeds is a bit far for me to come and look at the bass unfortunately.
  12. I'm a bit short on the dosh at the moment, but can I ask the same questions again: Where abouts are you out of interest? Would a passive bass like that be any good for slapping etc (sorry if it's a dumb question, I'm not very up on basses)
  13. If I was in a band I would have no interest at all in a 'solo'. I have no ego at all for showing off like that. If you were a 'party piece' sort of person, I think that Stu Hamm's 'Country Music' is a very entertaining piece, and I've never met anyone who didn't enjoy hearing the recorded version of it! I think that many (most?) people don't really think about the mechanics of music at all, who's making what sound in the band etc. They just listen or dance to the overall sound. I've always noticed what I discern as 'good bass playing' in live bands, even before I was interested in taking it up, as a good player really seems to enhance the music tremendously.
  14. Gorjuss bass! I bet it's a scary price.
  15. I just came across this thread by accident - fantastic looking 6 string bass there! I just love Status!
  16. There are different views to this sort of thing and they are all valid. I see where he's coming from, but GAS can be fun if you can afford it occasionally, and I always find that a new aquisition always spurs my playing on, whatever instrument it is.
  17. Colin played on an album I have by Neal Schon and Jan Hammer. Great bassline on a track called 'wastin time' - but I doubt that anyone here has even heard it!
  18. I have an Aria pro II guitar from decades back that I bought for £35. Over the years I have stripped the finish off, swapped the pups, hacked a humbucker into the bridge position, and refretted it. I could never part with it. Apologies to anyone offended by the G*itar word!
  19. At the grand old age of 44 I have NEVER played live, and never really played with other people either. I'm a multi-instrumentalist who is a sad old bedroom player. At my age I seriously don't think I'd have the confidence to play anything with other people. It's too bad as I have recently (the last two months or so) really got into bass playing in a big way like never before. I think that bass would be what I would want to play now in my 'dreamworld' of playing with other people.
  20. Hmmmn .....never really thought of myself as a Fender sort of bassist, but that almost looks a bit tempting.
  21. To bad that the place shut, but for me someone hit the nail on the head when they said 'indifferent, bordering on rude'. I went to the new shop once and that was exactly my experience. Personally, if I try a guitar/bass in a shop and really like it I'd rather buy that exact one, rather than did a slightly cheaper one off the internet that could be inferior to play.
  22. I don't mean to sound rude, but that wasn't exactly a music video, it was an out of focus shot of your crotch! No offense intended, but why not take a little more time and make something worth having a look at as well as listening to? The bass doesn't sound bad at all, no that you get any fidelity from a camera! I've been considering getting a 6 string myself.
  23. Other: Another vote for Status (should have been a status category!) S2 Classic Headless.
  24. [quote name='Buzz' post='166186' date='Mar 30 2008, 12:38 AM']Would it be wrong of me to say that I thought this thread might not have had any musical relevance at all, moreso if it had been posted in offtopic?[/quote] LOL!
  25. Woodworm
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