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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. a clue, perchance, in the name?
  2. You honestly think that someone would have time to be editor??? Massive undertaking.
  3. OK, so following on from my recent(ish) thread on ‘how do you play bass’ (which was populated with a lot of useful info – so thanks all!) my part two question is thus: What are some essential records to listen to for great bass playing that sounds excellent but really serves the songs well? I’ve always liked to hear great bass playing, but I’ve always gone for the OTT type players who overindulge in many ways. What records are there that are more ‘song-oriented’ but real sexy in the lower registers? I'm looking to raid iTunes for some SERIOUS listenin'
  4. Too bad that you didn't offer the videos seperately - I'd have liked them!
  5. Well, I'd be interested but I already have two 12 string Chapman sticks! You could also advertise over at www.stickist.com, they have a for sale section in the forums.
  6. [quote name='FJ1200' post='147077' date='Feb 26 2008, 08:22 AM']Dillsfretless - Dunno about you, mate but I've leaned a heck of a lot here! Some good sound advice that I'll be taking away.[/quote] I agree. extremely useful. Curiously, I will also be 45 in about 2 months.
  7. Where in the country are you?
  8. Swoooon!!!! That bass looks absolutely amazing. talk about love at first sight! I'm not looking for a new bass right now but I would sooooo love that. Sadly my GAS account is only running at about £600 right now. Have you got any more pix? I would love to see them. must...fight...urge...to...sell...the...car...wife...will...kill.....
  9. Thanks everyone for your input, this has been a very useful thread for me! Lots of interesting answers which have given me an idea of where I'm going.
  10. Hmmmn, I can't view the video right now but I'm pretty sure that I know what it will be. For me the jury is still out on this stuff, they can be funny but ultimately it's a laugh purely at someone else's expense, which I guess is a fairly low brand of comedy. Having seen a few now I don't feel the need to keep revisiting the same old joke. Having said that, I saw a brilliant Santana one once, every little nuance of the different musicians movements were timed into the thing and it was VERY funny. Some idiots who left comments seemed to think that it was real!
  11. I guess that's a question with no short answer! Here's the thing. I have toyed with bass playing for many years, pretty much as a 5th instrument. For some reason I've been really getting into it recently, more than ever before. However, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with it! started with root notes playing along with the chord structure, got to throwing in octave notes, and then occasional 5ths. Now I can move around quite a bit with them, and rather enjoy having a go at all that slapping stuff. But my question is where does one go next???? Apologies if it's a dorky question, but I'm beginning to feel that I'd really quite like to be a bass player!
  12. I've never played in a band with any of the instruments that I play. I'm a sad loser on the music front. I wanted to play bass because I love the way that good bass players really enhance music.
  13. I am firmly in the camp that find it really weird! To me it's like naming your pencils or furniture????
  14. I have no interest in any musician who wants to look such a total tw*t. His image is a 20 second student prank that accidentally went on forever. Guitarists playing bass - How many are there? I recall that Yngwie played bass on one of his albums, and also Eddie Van Halen played all the bass on a Sammy Hagar solo album. What other well known ones are there?
  15. Looks good, but I'm not in the market for a bass right now. You could really do with a better picture though! something that shows the colour in context to the whole bass. I wouldn't buy a guitar based on those pictures! If you want £900 of someones cash I think that you really want to entice them with eye candy.
  16. Hmmmmnn .................... tempted. 6 months ago I'd have bitten your arm off for a 5 string fretless, but I've been off of bass playing for ages in favour of other instruments. I presume it began life with frets and was de-fretted?
  17. [quote name='aj5string' post='75963' date='Oct 18 2007, 12:36 PM']But when will another one come up second hand? I've never seen one Alex.[/quote] they had one at the bass cellar this year!
  18. Hmmmn.......... tempted, but not sure I can get sufficient fundage right now.
  19. I might be interested if you decide to sell.
  20. Oooh! just looking at the pix again, lovely bass. If I had more money than sense I would have it but the wife would kill me. Hopefully you'll get a buyer.
  21. wow! gorgeous bass. Too bad it's not a fretless, I'd have snapped it up!
  22. I haven't got anything holding a bass ..............
  23. Only 3. But I have 15 stringed instruments and two keyboards in total. Pic of most of them below (apologies to those offended by 6-stringers!) Click to enlarge. [url="http://img441.imageshack.us/my.php?image=instruments2007ll7.jpg"][/url]
  24. [quote name='BlueBear' post='59469' date='Sep 12 2007, 07:30 PM']Astounded at 4 votes for vocalists. It's a doddle to find a singer.[/quote] I have a guitarist pal up in Salford - after 2 years of trying to find a singer they eventually gave up and disbanded.
  25. [quote name='woolleydick' post='52387' date='Aug 29 2007, 03:40 PM']....were supported by Tony Hatch's (wrote the themes for Crossroads, prisoner cell block h, neighbours) son Darren, and Lee Jenkinson son of Philip who used to present Film 76 with Barry Norman, whose daughters did a one off gig as backing vocalists with a band I was sound engineer for in Belgium[/quote] Funniest claim to fame ever! Son of Tony Hatch was good, but the daughters of the son of the man who did a film programme with Barry Norman in 1976 - performing as backing singers - Priceless!
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