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Posts posted by Golchen

  1. I'm of the opinion that if you HAVE to have something, then get it. Therefore I have 13 stringed instruments, two keyboards, 3 amps and a couple of dismantled guitars. Having said that, I realise that the house is at saturation point now!

    The wife isn't a fan of any of them, but she collects kids and I've given her 4 so far so it's a trade-off! Next GAS attack I think we will need an extra bedroom!

    Having said that, I never spend 'general money' on stuff. If I work overtime, half goes to the house fund and half to my GAS fund, so I think I'm being pretty generous there.

  2. Dillsfretless - real name Dillsfretless White (parents can be so cruel)

    Multi-instrumentalist, but not really very good at any of them. Got some decent kit over the years but it's pretty wasted on me! Wannabee bass player. Member of GAS anonymous.

    I Lurkest here to try and glean the dark secret of ye low register instrumente, for with that cometh ultimate power and I shall RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!! MWOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ............................. Failing that I'll just stick with the day job.

  3. I want to get a decent 5 string fretless bass, preferably lined. Any suggestions?

    I wanted to give fretless a go, so I got a cheap Harley Benton a while ago. I love the fretless sound, but I do not love the HB! Being a bit long in the tooth, I have accumulated a reasonable hoard of instruments over the years, and all my best ones are what I refer to as a 'decent bit of kit'. So really I'm looking for a fretless decent bit of kit, new or second hand, for less than £1000.

    Anyone got any suggestions?

    There doesn't seem to be that many good 5 string fretless basses that turn up on eBay?!?

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