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Posts posted by Golchen

  1. [quote name='bigsmokebass' post='874875' date='Jun 22 2010, 09:50 PM'][font="Verdana"]

    The strings will be removed after the auctions finished as they may rust during courier[/quote]

    How many years do you plan on it being in transit?

    Oh, by the way, I have a MIJ strat and it is superb. Mine is actually better than the 2 American strats I've owned!

  2. Oh surprise, another bash the guitarists thread. Such insecurity here. I go to loads of different instrument forums, and bass players are the ONLY ones with a permanent chip on their shoulder. So, I'm a guitarist who also plays other instruments. I've been told that I play bass like a bassist and that's good enough for me. I'm outta here ....

  3. [quote name='mybass' post='865257' date='Jun 12 2010, 03:13 PM']Ebay has two for sale, different prices.[/quote]

    Yeah, funnily enough I went straight over there for a look (hadn't thought before) and stuck a bid on!

    Are you thinking of getting rid of odd issues or are you keeping the guitarist mags together? I might be interested in ones I haven't got (although might prove to much £££ to mail?)

  4. I thought it was great!

    Personally I can't stand wussy pop fodder, I much prefer this sort of 'technical' outing. Drums were fine to me, I think that you need quite a lot going on percussion-wise with just bass, keys and no singer.

    PSP - what a totally misguided name!!!!!!! What were they thinking. Like anyone looking that up on the net is going to find them. Some people just don't get how to use the internet, you want an exclusive name that GUARANTEES hits in my opinion.

  5. [quote name='Gust0o' post='862739' date='Jun 9 2010, 11:12 PM']Bubinga, I'm willing to hold your hand when you go into the shop, if that's what it takes to make this pink bass happen :)[/quote]

    Two men walk into a shop holding hands and ask for a pink bass .... Oh dear.

    I'm a minority but I say the sunburst.

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