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Everything posted by Sumbabba

  1. Hi I’m tempted! What’s the balance like? Any neck dive?
  2. Has this sold? I wouldn't mind checking it out if it hasn't...
  3. Yes I was still in the band at that point but I think I wangled my way out of that gig. Couldn't face another year of crashing on the floor of Saska's flat with fourteen snoring hairy men...
  4. OK you've all pretty much convinced me to get one! I think I'm going to go for a medium scale (which I never realised was an option before) but I'm slightly concerned that a shorter scale might affect the tone of the instrument. Is this something I should be worrying about or should I just shut up and get on with it?
  5. Ah ok thanks. I left the band about 2 years ago and did a few Balkanaramas before then so I might've been there! Still doing the odd gig with them when they need a dep like on Saturday, bloody good fun. You're right, an amazing band.
  6. Aww my video didn't embed, what did I do wrong??
  7. I'm learning this for a gig tomorrow, it's in 11/8 ha ha ha :'( The sound is a bit quiet sorry, it's my first ever video... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXBgNb6d9mk"]www.youtube....h?v=kXBgNb6d9mk[/url]
  8. [quote name='benebass' timestamp='1470507220' post='3106485'] Hi Sumbabba - don't want to derail this thread, but a good way to see if medium scale is for you is to detune a 34" bass by a semitone then put a guitar capo on the first fret. Notes are just that bit easier to reach down the bottom end! [/quote] Ok great tip thanks!
  9. Hi, where are you based? Would love to come and take a look at it.
  10. Does anyone in London have a medium scale Maruszczyk I could try out? I'm thinking of buying the one benebass is selling but I've never played a medium scale before.
  11. Don't suppose the buyer's in London? Never tried a medium scale bass, wouldn't mind having a go on it with maybe a view to ordering my own. Love that headstock shape!
  12. Lovely looking and sounding bass! Is the body smaller than a Fender P?
  13. Ah ok, well GLWTS
  14. You anywhere near London? If so I'd love to come try it out
  15. Ah nice one thanks. I did search for a thread but couldn't find one. Maybe the mods could pin it?
  16. I'm in the process of selling my Warwick Hellborg rig but it has a small problem that I'd like to sort out before letting it go. So I came on here and was surprised that there wasn't a list of amp repairers like the list of luthiers that's pinned in the DB/EUB forum. Start one up?
  17. UPDATE: It seems the treble control isn't working after all. I'm going to take it down to the Bass Gallery on Saturday to have it looked at. I'll let you know when it's fixed.
  18. OK you might have seen me attempt to part with this rig a couple of times but I always end up keeping it. This time I've made my mind up and it really has to go. I only ever use my Genz Benz for gigs (still looking for an STL-10T extension cab if anyone knows someone who's selling one) and I need some funds to make some other gear purchases. So with a heavy heart I'm very serious about finding a new home for this beast of a rig. Most of the pictures are from the last time I put it up for sale but I haven't gigged with it since and it's in pretty much exactly the same condition. The only thing that's changed is the lights have gone on the treble and master controls of the preamp (I think it's one bulb but I'm not 100% sure about that - see 1st two pics) but the controls are still working as they should. I've knocked a couple of hundred quid off my last asking price to reflect that. It comes with the Citronic flight case pictured, the cab dust cover, all cables and the original boxes. If you want to come over and try it out I'm in Seven Sisters, North London very close to the tube. Thanks for looking!
  19. "i[color=#3C3241]s openminded and into all sorts of rock and indie" reminded me of this...[/color] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSZfUnCK5qk
  20. Hi this looks very much like what I've been looking for! What's the width of the fretboard at the nut?
  21. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1424008240' post='2691437'] Have you got link for the ear training app? I need all the training i can get. I would laso gove a thumbs up for Transcribve. Costs £40 ish, but worth every penny. Slowing tracks down doesn`t lose any of the integrity (if that is the right word) of the track [/quote] Bit late on this sorry! If you haven't found it already it's called Ear Trainer - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ear-trainer/id358733250?mt=8
  22. Anyone in London got a Jake I can try out? I was looking for a vintage P-bass, then thought about getting another Sandberg but now I'm tending towards one of these puppies....
  23. Great thanks, I'll give them a call and get a quote
  24. Hi all I've been gigging with my trusty Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0-10T for many years and the soft case for it has got very ragged from taking it on the tube etc. The handle is hanging on by a couple of threads! I can't find anywhere to buy a new case for it (damn you Fender!) so I'm trying to find somewhere to get it repaired. Anyone know of anywhere good I could take it? Cheers, Sumbabba
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