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Jon the Boat

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Everything posted by Jon the Boat

  1. Hi Leroy, I'm enjoying the idiomatic grammar construction in your thread title very much! I look forward to hearing some of your bass n drum recordings on here eventually.
  2. I appreciate that, I'll message you when I am back in the UK. Cheers!
  3. Thanks Peter. I'm stuck offshore right now, until well into March. If it is still around when I get back to UK, and I can work on my missus, then hopefully I will get the chance to pop over and have a look. GLWTS otherwise.
  4. Thanks for the correction, mine is a recent PJ Player, I think from PMT I paid about £700 for it last November.
  5. I see, 19mm rather than 20mm, I believe. I wonder if that would feel better for me? A visit would determine that of course.
  6. OK, thanks, that does sound good. I'm trying to talk myself into a trip to Leeds....
  7. As a matter of interest then, how would this compare with a Fender Mustang, if you have ever played one?
  8. That's a full on invasive procedure you've had, well done for getting though it. I'd propose whisky as a combination anticoagulant and pain killer, but it would not be wise to be self-medicating yet. Best of luck with your recuperation.
  9. Surely you mean you've removed two strings from your bow? Equally satisfying either way.
  10. I'll have a philosophical stab at this - I would say it is a general law of the universe that all things are competitive and things that are not competitive simply disappear - it is an inherent feature of a universe that contains time as a dimension. This is possibly similar to Richard Dawkins concept of a "meme" - something which can reproduce itself imperfectly will evolve, and if the evolutionary change gives something an advantage in the prevailing environment, then it will outcompete the other things which it competes with for resources - the resources necessarily being limited in some way. In the case of music the resources will be the listeners. You can expand access to resources by having more listeners or by having each listener listen to more music on average. Just as in the natural world it is not necessary for the music to occupy all the "environmental" niches at once - there are both penguins and pangolins, Motown and Metal, it is only necessary that the music must outcompete the others in its niche.
  11. Good evening!
  12. A Nobel prize in physics awaits if you can crack it.
  13. Just the bit during the guitar solo, the "timing" is tricky.
  14. Not having access to a time machine will complicate the middle section.
  15. Ha! OK, that's funny, I've gone the other way - from Basildon to Liverpool. And I don't regret it for a moment. I actually fancy Alaska too at some stage, though maybe just to visit.
  16. Hiya Bob, I'm perhaps too new here myself to welcome you, but hello anyway. When you say North country are you talking Hebden Bridge, or Anchorage?
  17. My first ever bass song is REM - The one I love. I've been playing for a couple of months now but it sounds really good even from early days. That whole album is great, I understand that John Paul Jones was involved in it, which adds to the story.
  18. Yes, I have been very lucky, and I do appreciate it. I will find a way.
  19. Oh my, I forgot all about the need for a hat! Somehow I don't think hard hats count....
  20. Thanks SpondonBased and T Cee.
  21. Hi All, I've just joined the forum recently and already a few people have said hello to me, which is very nice. I'm a new bass player in an old body, apparently I am not unique in that. I see there's a few in Liverpool too - I don't know whether that means I'll have more competition for resources, or more inspiration, or maybe both. I am away from home working offshore at the moment, so I don't have my own short scale bass to practice on, instead I have a full scale bass, but more than this, I am in a band with fellow musicians! This makes everything possible. Our band put on a Christmas and New Year concert for the other guys on board, which, whilst being nowhere near technically perfect, was certainly full of passion for the performance. I was a drummer in a band 32 years ago and I had forgotten the buzz of playing together and performing, I didn't realise I had missed it so much as I didn't know it was an option for me anymore. Well, it is now!! I'm learning Pannonica to play along with a friend at home who is a jazz pianist - he gave me homework to do - my work here in the Black Sea may finish soon so I will lose this band, but I am looking forward to a new phase at home in Liverpool.
  22. I am rather old to have discovered bass guitar, but I can't do much about that now, I'm hooked. I have a Fender Mustang which I have owned for 5 weeks and I love. I am most excited to discover how great it feels to play with two fingers on my strumming hand. I have also discovered that playing a sound or phrase that cuts through the other members of the band in harmony is thrilling. Every time.

  23. Pink Rock?
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