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Posts posted by Jackroadkill

  1. 3 hours ago, TrevorR said:

    My Tony Revell acoustic - funded from my split of the band recording funds when my college folk band dissolved in 1992. Custom ordered from a luthier based in Wales (he later went on to create Revellation basses - a short lived high level model)


    I live just down the road from Tony; he rebuilt my Les Paul a few times in my more exuberant younger days.  He's still building, but I'm not sure under what name, as he's had a few names that he's traded under.  Somewhere I have a Revellation neck and body without hardwear - I think it might be at my Mum's.

  2. She might not be as "good" as Marcus Miller/Jaco/Raphael/Donatello/Splinter/your favourite bass player from 40 years ago but she's much more in the current zeitgeist; I don't know her or her music but it's nice to see a bass player who's seen as both being part of a change in the established order of things and interesting enough to appeal to a demographic of future bass players who may otherwise not be exposed to the instrument.


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  3. When I was a youngster I had a Hohner B Bass V, which was essentially a Jack but with a head, five strings and a JJ active configuration.  It was a milestone for me because that was the bass that made me realise that bass playing wasn't an easy job and that if I wanted to get better at it I'd have to work hard and actually learn my craft; so...  I sold it and moved to rhythm guitar instead.


    Fast forward to 2022 and I sacked the guitar off, bought a Player P and am loving it.  For me, those two are my milestones - neither posh, vintage, sought after or particularly special, but they're the ones that stick in my mind when I think about the countless instruments I've owned.

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  4. 54008144432_2b4b2abeea_b.jpg




    Okay, so this is the earliest juncture at which I felt I could provide meaningful picture without causing anyone to lose their dinner;  It's all still very delicate as well as only having a small amount of feeling in it.  I tried fretting a couple of notes just now and it didn't go well - it hurt like hell and I couldn't really feel what I was doing.  Now, neither of these came as a surprise, as the skin is still really thin after the whole lot was sloughed off in a oner during a dressing-change a couple of weeks back.  It's improving daily, though, which is good.  A week ago the finger was about 3mm thicker front to back than it is in the above pictures, and it seems to be getting less swollen every day, although any decent activity with it causes the rate to slow.


    It's never going to look pretty but it does appear that given plenty of time and some faux-physio it'll come right.  I have a gig in December (only with a local Scout group!) so I'd like to be able to play a little at that.





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  5. I draw the line at cutting nuts and dressing frets, but other than that I've never had any tech work done at all.  This stems from having an enquiring mind as a youngster and being broke as an adult.  I really enjoy the hands-on approach to my instruments and have always been happy with my own work on them.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Chienmortbb said:

    I could not play such a short bass but it does look gorgeous.


    Same here - I'd love a Mustang with a full-length scale.

  7. 14 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    And a photo of the table in our dressing room - there was also a fridge full of beer and water plus cow's milk and oat milk.


    Blimey, that's been properly done, like it was years ago when people gave a sod about the bands they booked!


  8. 5 hours ago, asingardenof said:

    I believe it's a hunting thing, where the bright orange is a strong indicator to other hunters that you're there and would really rather not be shot, as it's an unnatural colour for the environment that can easily be seen even in low light. Deer and other animals can't see it though so it's not a giveaway of your location to your prey.



    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, rwillett said:

    One day when I'm retired, I'll probably have to own up to taking a major UK banks data centre down by cocking something up, but not yet.


    Your secret is safe with us, Rob!

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    • Haha 1
  10. I joined my first band before I'd owned or played an instrument (and no, I don't mean I was the singer!) - my honest advice would be to get together with some friends and just have a jam, and at that point you'll know what you're looking at a bit more clearly.  One thing's for certain - playing with other people will bring you on in leaps and bounds.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, TRBboy said:

    Nearly forgot, we had a young audience member who was a BIG fan of 'pinky' on Friday night, and asked if she could hold it. 😊 I'm pretty sure she was sober so was happy to oblige! 😅



    Excellent!  That's one more of us, and one less of them!

    • Haha 2
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