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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. Welcome to the magical kingdom of Basschat; I'm pretty new here myself but am finding the community to be very friendly and supportive.
  2. There's always something, isn't there? I find changeovers can be a rush but there's no point in letting it spoil the gig for me. The daft thing for me about this one is that there were many ways to get it sorted and he just chose to be grumpy rather than proactive. "I can't hear my amp" isn't going to solve anything, but changing your position in relationship to the amp or relevant monitor may well do, to say nothing of getting on a mic and asking for more guitar onstage.... The mind boggles! Not being a Wrexhamite (Wrexmundian?) I'm not best placed to say, but there was a proper buzz at the show, so very possibly that is the case.
  3. We had a bit of an odd one on Sunday; it was at the Wrexham Tattoo Show, and while the set went very well and the crowd were enthusiastic, the rest was a disaster, band-wise. The organisers and the venue were great, the punters complimentary about what we did, the sound guys did a top job..... But operationally the band was a car crash! I'll elaborate: Band politics (drummer/life difficulties) Late arrival of the drummer The previous act, some burlesque dancers) over-running A farcical soundcheck in front of the punters which saw three of the band being unable to play from any point that wasn't the beginning of a familiar song (this one really got on my t!ts, because we were trying to save time and ended up wasting it) The guitarist moaning that the engineer had disappeared at the beginning of the set and wasn't available to turn the guitar up in the monitor; said engineer was out front operating the desk from a tablet, as has been routine for about fifteen years.... The set being cut slightly short. Anyway, it was a learning experience and from an audience point of view there were no big problems. After all that we managed to play pretty well and the organisers and punters enjoyed what they heard. Onwards and upwards; we'll learn from our mistakes as a band. Cheers, JRK
  4. Yeah, pretty much. I don't worry about is it the perfect rig that gives the perfect tone, I just go for sounds I like and that suits me fine. I use a really simple set-up, just a P-bass into a Strobostomp and an Ampeg bass overdrive pedal and then the amp, which is either an Eden WTX500 with a 2x15 or an Ampeg Portaflex PF500 with a 2x10.
  5. If there was three hundred quid lurking in our band's kitty, the drummer would drink it.
  6. I think that daring to go there was brave, and you pulled it off very nicely. If I was wearing a hat, I'd remove it. Touche, sir!
  7. The Cungs Really, they're (were?) a punk band, as if you couldn't guess.
  8. I refinished a Telecaster with nitro rattlecans. It's easy enough and quite rewarding.
  9. When and where is your band playing next? Asking for a friend...
  10. That sounds quite similar to our approach - no standards but stuff people will know. We try and find songs by famous bands but not play the obvious ones, or songs that were huge and the artist never heard from again, for example. The majority of our stuff comes from the 1990's, too.
  11. You guys seem like the sort of band our lot could share a stage with!
  12. One that I love to hate is Can't You Hear Me Knocking; I love the song apart from that stupid conga and brass jam in the middle. That part sets my teeth on edge, and it just goes to show that heroin is bad for you.
  13. I know the feeling well. I suppose the trick is to try not to worry about how long it took to find the bass and to just enjoy the experience in the moment.
  14. And of that 97%, a large chunk is made up of Peter Steele's bass sound.
  15. I absolutely love playing that song, and I'm hoping that Father Christmas might help me out with a chorus pedal for it.
  16. Sad old Goth I may be, but I challenge anyone not to dig the bass (riffs and sound) in this song:
  17. I've only been playing for a year, and not practising as much as I should due to life being busy etc etc, and I'm not very confident in terms of technical ability, but I've finally learned how to read tabs and during the last couple of months something has "clicked" in terms of understanding what the bass is there to do. I might not be a great bass player, but it makes me happy in a way that nothing else does, and I'm grateful for that.
  18. Rehearsed last night and the band was cooking. You know those times when the songs play themselves? The only problem was that one of the guitarists has got himself a new (well, old, but new to him) amp and it's just horrible. Nasty, fizzy high gain sound that doesn't sit well with the rest of the band's sound. I'm working up to telling him that he needs to change his settings at the very least. I did make some suggestions last night but he didn't take them on board. This is his first band and he's not yet learned how a band's sound works. Anyway, apart from that it was great fun and confidence is high for the next gig.
  19. For me it would be a fat bottom, a tight-ish waist and a rounded top half.
  20. Now this is good to know; I'll be needing some pickups soon and have been wondering if the Toneriders are as good as they;re cracked up to be.
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