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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. Admit it - you are Andrew Eldritch.
  2. I had tenosynovitis in both wrists (stop laughing at the back...) years ago and it hurt like hell. I went to the doctors and was diagnosed. I had to have both strapped up and I took ibuprofen; I also stopped putting any strain on hands, wrists and forearms at all. It took a while for things to return to normal (as in a couple of months) but it did happen. I hope yours clears up quickly.
  3. I think that was a bit before my time in Wycombe; the Nag's Head was The Pride at that time. I remember The Mafia playing at the Belle Vue, the Iron Duke and... somewhere else. John had a mk2 Wal, as I remember.
  4. Well done, sir! It looks as if a great time was had by all, and now you're back in it. I've just done the same and I'm stoked to be onstage again, too. Here's to many more for your band.
  5. Blimey, I used to go there back in my student days (1997-200) and be the only goth watching the Mafia, who were a great blues/r&b band. Your photo takes me back!
  6. I've just remembered some very subtle yet superb beyond-the-grave trolling that was done to the mourners at my friend Barry's funeral; Barry was a keyboard player of some local repute, and he always wanted Layla to be played at the end his funeral, so when he died (very suddenly; he sat down in his armchair one night and died immediately) his widow carried out that request. As the service finished, Layla was played. The full version. We all stood there like lemons, waiting for ages as that bloody piano part played for what seemed like aeons, and those of us who knew Barry well had a chuckle on his behalf.
  7. Arrival - Seasons In The Abyss, by Slayer Reflection - Lucretia, My Reflection by the Sisters of Mercy File-out - The Evil Powers of Rock 'n' Roll by Supersuckers. This may have all changed by tomorrow, but these are today's choices.
  8. Welcome to BC, Rosie. The natives are crazy, but don't let that put you off.
  9. Somewhat foolishly I agreed to learn this: Am "enjoying" getting to grips with the walking pre-chorus, chorus and outro. Hard going for a beginner, but I'm getting there slowly.
  10. Agreed; I bought my first Player to learn on with the intention of upgrading to a US model when I felt my playing merited that. When the Player arrived it was so good I instantly canned that idea, and I now have no plans to bother buying a "better" Precision, as the Player Precision does such a good job. I do still want that seventies Telebass though....
  11. You should get a really long strap; it's well known they increase the metallicness (metallicity?) of the bass.
  12. Just leave it with the butler; I shall be shooting riff-raff on horseback (me, of course, not the riff-raff; they can't afford nags) and will peruse my purchase upon my return. Don't forget to use the tradesmen's entrance, eh?
  13. Superb! I'll take one in seafoam green with a rosewood board.
  14. What are the chances of the Tele bass having a 34" scale?
  15. Yes, but I was hoping nobody would remember!
  16. Hmmm, Let's see: A van (my old one gave up the ghost a few months back) A 450 - 500w 2x10 cab A 34" Telecaster bass Of those the van would be the most useful, followed by the cab. I don't need another bass but I do fancy T-style instruments.
  17. Maybe I do, maybe I don't; while we're talking in maybes, maybe if you have such a low opinion of female musicians, maybe you're unlikely to find one who will be willing to be in your band.
  18. Had a blast playing only the second gig in the band's history last night; it was my work's summer party, which meant that I was as nervous as I've ever been before a gig because if there's one environment you really don't want to suck in it's this. Fortunately we played pretty well (although somehow I got lost in the guitar solo of Whiskey In The Jar - I know, right?) and went down a storm - they were dancing on the tables by the first chorus of the second song! If it looks like we're playing in a cowshed it's because we were playing in a cowshed. Weirdly the sound was pretty good, so I'll take that as a win. They want us back for the same gig next summer. Onwards and upwards! Cheers, JRK
  19. That's lovely to hear, Smanth. So glad for you.
  20. Let me have a go on your Shergold (oooer Missus!) and I'll show you me garters, luv!
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