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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. I'd be interested to see what you think of the G4M body; would you do a mini-review of it when it lands, please?
  2. That's looking very smart. I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.
  3. It's arrived - I like it!
  4. Agreed; my go-to guitar is a thoroughly beaten-up Telecaster that's had most of the guts ripped out of it, and one of my basses is an £80-from-EBay plywood Squier Jazz from sometime in the 1990's, cruddy pickups, electrics et al. It sounds cool, plays nicely and I like it a lot. +1 for learning to set instruments up yourself - this can transform the sound and feel of a very average bass (or guitar).
  5. This. It's annoying but very common.
  6. I've gone for a Laney Digbeth; if I'm honest it probably won't be the only one!
  7. Hi, fellow older beginner here. I "played bass" - read "owned a bass" when I was in my late teens and then for some reason decided that guitar was cooler, so I did that instead until last year, when I bought another bass and I've not looked back. BC has been very good to me so far and the natives are very welcoming.
  8. A Digbeth pre-amp and a collection of big hammers.
  9. Very cool! This is the sort of band I wanted to be in when I were nowt but a young whiteface. Absolutely superb!
  10. I think so; it's a band who've hit their stride but are still rising meteorically. My favourite Metallica album since the day I heard it. MoP might be their pinnacle but I love the ambition and savagery of RTL.
  11. These days I listen most to Ride The Lightning; when they can better For Whom The Bell Tolls I'll be excited.
  12. Turkey and Greece exchanged large areas of land and huge numbers of people when the borders moved in 1919 as a result of the breakup of the Ottoman empire; Greek Muslims found themselves forcibly moved to Turkey and Turkish Christians were expelled to Greece. Both sides committed atrocities against each other. I'd guess that the kebab was native to the area rather than one nationality or the other.
  13. It was my early teens, so nobody else would have been involved, despite the application of some fevered imagination.
  14. Wishing I didn't have to go to work tomorrow and trying to think of a name for my Eb bass.
  15. I had a tug in a 3 series when I was in my early teens. Nobody was impressed and I was asked to leave the forecourt and never return.
  16. "These are getting rare now", as if girt chunks of wood covered in three mm of poly somehow just fade out of existence.
  17. I was once described as "the sort of scum that would eat roadkill". I decided I quite liked that, and decided to just wear it. It was pointed out that Owen Roadkill didn't sound very rock 'n' roll, and Jack was suggested as an alternative. I've used it on every forum I've ever been on.
  18. You know you're in trouble when the only guy in the movie who doesn't come across as a complete knobhead is Dave Mustaine.
  19. Like they did with Captain Corelli's Mandolin, the bastards. They sugar-coated the war crimes out of the film.
  20. The JRK signature case - comes with a free bass!
  21. The rather wonderful Jenny Lewis; drums by none other than Ringo Starr.
  22. Funnily enough I almost went for green. If I like the look of yours I'll maybe get one as a spare.
  23. Never heard it, but I shall make a point of never hearing it based on your post.
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