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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. Plenty of salt on standby, as recommended! Hmm, there must have been some sort of clerical error - I wasn't issued with one when I signed up. Thanks - I'm really enjoying both.
  2. As if playing a bass didn't make one extra sexy already, you mean?! I'm slowly getting to grips with using the index and middle - it will come (or so I'm assured!). I'm trying to avoid a pick for the most part, but I'm open to it if it proves absolutely necessary. The thirty song thing is hard work but really enjoyable - we have a list of about a hundred that we're slowly working through and will probably feel ready to gig at around that magic thirty. I'm the world's worst guitarist, so nobody loses out if I move to four strings. I actually already feel more capable as a bass player than a guitarist (as well as much sexier....). Thanks for all of the welcoming comments, everyone. They are very much appreciated and I consider myself properly enabled!
  3. Hello all, Not only am I new to Basschat, I'm new to the bass in general. I've been a (cruddy) guitar mangler for years, mostly playing old-school stoner rock and metal, but have recently grown up and bought a bass to play in a covers band. The learning curve is steep but I'm having a lot of fun (even if my right index finger thinks it's being cheese-gratered). I've joined Basschat mainly so that I'll have like-minded folk to cry to when I can't play something. I don't know if it's the done thing to go on about my gear in this area of the forum, so I'll keep it brief: Fender Player Precision, old Korean Squier Jazz, Eden 500w head and 2x15 cab. Thanks for having me!
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