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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. Rock covers, mainly from the last 30 years, so a bit of growl would be welcome. Budget can be up to about £300 if necessary but if what I'd like can be had for less that would be ideal.
  2. Hi all, as a newbie to both the forum and the bass I was hoping that some of you might be able to help me regarding a pre-amp with DI to replace my stage amp when playing small gigs. What I'm looking for is decent tone (subjective, I know....), some gain/overdrive for certain songs and an XLR out to the desk. I know there are lots available but this is something I'm not au fait with at all, being a refugee from six-string land where plugging into the PA is Just Not Done. I'm scouring YouTube for ideas but it can be hard to avoid the sneaky sell. I have played the Orange Bass Butler and quite liked it, but that would really be the top end of my budget. If any of you have any advice or experience please let me know what you'd suggest. Thanks very much, JRK
  3. Our singer's name is Dave Jackson, so we are The (Dave) Jackson Five, or (D)JV for short.
  4. Those strings must be flats, right?
  5. Hohner Arbour series (plywood P-bass copy) Hohner B Bass V (awful pointy thing) Westone Thunder (brutal, especially with Trubass strings; I ended up giving that one away to a young lady. Should have kept it) Aria roundback electro-acoustic (again, awful, but Paul Barker played something similar so it had to be cool, right?) Fender Jazz MIM (great bass, sold it to buy a PA....) Fifteen year gap Squier Jazz (plywood MIK jobby, doesn't play that well but sounds great) Fender Player P bass (black, superb, slightly modded) Fender Player P bass (white, thanks to @dmc79, again, superb). I think I'll stick with the three I now have.
  6. Were you in Dirtbox Disco, too?
  7. I bought a lovely Player Series Precision from Dave and it arrived safely today. Dave is a pleasure to deal with; the sale was agreed on Saturday night and the bass was in my hand on Tuesday afternoon. Can't say fairer than that! Cheers, JRK
  8. I'm in the process of putting together my first "proper" covers band with my friends and my brother. When we first floated the idea we all suggested a ton of songs (mostly '80s and '90s alternative rock tracks) based on what we liked that wasn't typical pub-covers-band material. When there was a pool of about 60 songs we started getting rid of the ones that anyone said "Sorry, I can't bring myself to play that" about, and then we learned the three that were left! No, I'm being silly, of course... We ended up with a core of about thirty five that we judge to be really solid, interesting, unusual, fun etc etc and are working our way through them. No gigs lined up yet (well, not until the summer), so we reckon we'll have time to get a pretty decent set/sets together before we inflict ourselves on anyone. We'll have to prune out any which get negative reactions, I suppose - guaranteed to be all the ones I like the best. What's wong with the extended Canadian Club Mix of the 1984 version of Temple Of Love, that's what I want to know?!
  9. Yes, that would have been her. Quite a forthright lady, as I recall, but she was nice to me when I asked for her autograph. Incredibly sexy black Jazz Bass, too.
  10. Not as cool as your story, but I managed to get Patricia Morrison to sign my copy of Floodland.
  11. I'm fully aware that you lot will be able to play this in your sleep, but hey, I'm a beginner! I'm absolutely loving playing this in my living room, and it's coming to band practise with me for the first time on Monday night. Wish me luck...
  12. Yes, it's not a bad start. I mean, it's not an SVT but I'm only a beginner! Thanks very much for the welcome.
  13. Plenty of salt on standby, as recommended! Hmm, there must have been some sort of clerical error - I wasn't issued with one when I signed up. Thanks - I'm really enjoying both.
  14. As if playing a bass didn't make one extra sexy already, you mean?! I'm slowly getting to grips with using the index and middle - it will come (or so I'm assured!). I'm trying to avoid a pick for the most part, but I'm open to it if it proves absolutely necessary. The thirty song thing is hard work but really enjoyable - we have a list of about a hundred that we're slowly working through and will probably feel ready to gig at around that magic thirty. I'm the world's worst guitarist, so nobody loses out if I move to four strings. I actually already feel more capable as a bass player than a guitarist (as well as much sexier....). Thanks for all of the welcoming comments, everyone. They are very much appreciated and I consider myself properly enabled!
  15. Hello all, Not only am I new to Basschat, I'm new to the bass in general. I've been a (cruddy) guitar mangler for years, mostly playing old-school stoner rock and metal, but have recently grown up and bought a bass to play in a covers band. The learning curve is steep but I'm having a lot of fun (even if my right index finger thinks it's being cheese-gratered). I've joined Basschat mainly so that I'll have like-minded folk to cry to when I can't play something. I don't know if it's the done thing to go on about my gear in this area of the forum, so I'll keep it brief: Fender Player Precision, old Korean Squier Jazz, Eden 500w head and 2x15 cab. Thanks for having me!
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