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Everything posted by Pob

  1. Try this for a bit of ease with attack and release times - set it fastest attack and fastest release, high ratio and enough input gain that you can really hear it pump. Then slow down your attack time until you're getting a pleasing (to you) bit of bite when you pick. Then slow down your release until it sounds like a bass again, albeit an overly compressed bass. Then back off your input gain and ratio until it sounds like an actual bass! When you switch it in and out you should here a nice bit of oomph and bounce being added. Of course, if you want to smash the heck out of it, that's cool too...
  2. Hi mate Am enjoying very much! Was great dealing with you, very fast shipment, well packed, lots of free envelopes Cheers
  3. I've had one for about 4 years now. I keep pulling it out when recording (given up on trying it in band cos it seems to provoke so much mirth) but I don't think I've evr actually used it to get something down. Maybe keyboards. Maybe. Having said that, I had a good twiddle with the pots inside, ended up tuning them as low as they go and now it's pretty cool for stamping on into a big sustained chord - gives it a kind of evil stomach-churning wobble thing especially when s**t's all fuzzed up beforehand. So, I didn't use it at all in its factory state, use it a little bit now, but I don't think I'll be taking it gigging. If it were lost I don't think I'd be too concerned, unfortunately.
  4. Pob

    just ordered...

    My Tri Pie 70 arrived last week. All I can say is 'wow'! Looks the sex and is the sound I never knew that I'd recognise as 'the one'. Just utter quality. Enjoy
  5. PM'd!
  6. [quote name='quimbymeat' post='1109974' date='Jan 31 2011, 08:59 PM']I still have the pedal, the buyer from gumtree never showed up.[/quote] Is this still for sale?
  7. Pob


    No love for the les paul then? P
  8. Pob


    [quote name='Basszilla' post='935301' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:35 PM']£650 firm or potentially open to trades, what've you got? May accept a trade for a nice guitar, say fender strat or something bump!![/quote] I've got a Gibson Les Paul if that's of interest? Having accepted that I'm not going to use it I'm keen to put it to something more useful. Pob
  9. Hi Finbar Is this still available? Where are you based? Cheers P
  10. Pob


    Alright chaps and chapesses The Selmer is deeed :-( It started smoking during pracco last night, which I believe is a bad thing? Fair enough in a way though, cos it was many-hands old when I got it years ago (for £20) and it's been solid as a rock since then. Perhaps it's just after a bit of loving attention. Anyways, to repair guy it goes. Jigster - I'd well well recommend it. It's irrevocably dirty cos there's no input gain so it kind of overdrives by default, but it sounds great. Big, loud, heavy (although not in a modern deeeeeep way, just you know it's a bass), all the good words. As I say, I've had it years and it's been unflappable. It's also dead good for guitars too. I play in a country-esque band with plenty going on and in that kind of sound the dirt isn't too much of a problem - kind of mingles with the guitars a bit - but the bass is always well audible. I reckon it'd also be good for more rocking stuff too where you'd possibly be fuzzing the bass up a touch anyway. Of course, as with equipment of a certain age, there's every chance that they all sound a bit different. All I can say for sure is that I'm well happy with mine :-) If you can find one for not a lot of cash I'd say don't think twice, although obviously as the price increases so does the commitment... Cheers Px
  11. Pob

    Howdy #2

    Gosh darn it! Thanks anyway Px
  12. Pob


    Thanks Nos! Glad to be here
  13. Pob

    Howdy #2

    Sheffield it is. You?
  14. Pob

    Howdy #2

    Hi there Much as it pains me, I need to find a bass player who is not myself for a new band I'm trying to get underway in Sheffield. I've had to take the difficult step of accepting that I'll be on the puny brother of the bass, the el*ctr*c g*it*r, as I need a double bass and don't have/can't play one. I'm trying to put together a psychobilly outfit. Already got a quality drummer, a red-hot guitarist (honest) and a, to be honest, slightly unknown quantity on vocals. She's good but a bit shy. We'll see. Songs already written, studio time and rehearsal space available and gigs easily gotten. Looking to do something more horrid than usual that will make folks dance their legs down to the knees tha knows. Think the Meteors go retro-er and have breakfast with Johnny Cash the morning after, when he's still got a headache cos in fact he's still drinking. Meths. However, finding a double bassist is really really hard for some reason. Probably cos there aren't that many. I know you're out there, and I hope you're interested. Guys?
  15. Pob


    Hi Chaps & Chapesses Long time lurker, time to introduce myself! From Sheffield, been playing for a while, recently got a USA Deluxe Precision which is tres lovely, usually through a Selmer Treble & Bass 50 head. It's a dutty sound. Usually play country type stuff although happy to try owt. Check out myspace.com/neilmcsweeney for a taster. Also produced that shizzle :-) I find myself needing the skills of an upright bass player for a new project in a psychobilly vein (I'll post this in the right place too, but thought I'd mention it). My tiny ladylike fingers are incapable of handling the sheer power of the double bass, also they're quite expensive so I've heard, so I'll be guitaring for that one. If anyone's interested please get in touch. Hope you're all well and happy and warmer than I P
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