Hi Ian, no mate I'm still very happy with the EMG/Aguillar combination that you fitted for me. I'm thinking about replacing the pups in my 75RI Jazz. The Badass II Bridge has already made a positve difference.
I'm with Col and Thunderthumbs, MarlowDK because he has done some intructional vids as well as playalongs whereas Alex is more of 'look what I can do', all be it very good. I think they both use the Korg Pandora for their sounds.
PM'd you Dan.
I'm fairly sure this unit is sold now pending the usual.
I still have other goodies for sale though.
Yamaha TRB% fretless
Boss Micro BR
.......And for anyone who plays G..tar (*!*!!)
G&L ASAT Classic
Mesa Boogie Studio 22
Apparently I have too much gear that I'm not using, unquote! Bah.
I'm not sure why but they put me in mind of Alembic (which is no bad thing). Could be the neck through woodiness or the shape of the pups. They look mighty fine.
Another factor with the x3 live is its sustantialy cheaper than the pro. I've seen the live for £299 which is quite a saving.
Ped, I'd have thought that having the compressor in the sub menu was better because once set for a particular patch you probably wouldn't want to 'twiddle' with it. Or would you?
For sale is this immaculate Yamaha TRB5F fretless. Usual Yam build quality. Sounds great but try as I might I can't get on with a 5 so up for grabs to make way for another Jap Jazz. I'm looking for a CIJ 62RI in black or sunburst in excellent condition so if you have one and want some sort of trade lets talk . Otherwise I'm asking £380 plus shipping which I guess will be around £20. There's no case so collection prefered but if I do have to send it will be very well packaged.
Here you go,
Thanks for looking.
As promised a couple of 'ok' pics of the latest squeeze. She is a CIJ 75 reissue candy apple red Jazz aquired from the very lovely Umcoo (cheers mate). So far the only mod is the Badass II bridge which I bought brand spankers from the good 'ol US of A on Fleabay for the princely sum of £27 plus about £7 to ship. Ordered on Saturday and came on Thursday, now thats service! Planned mods are still a bit undecided but I'm liking what I hear about Wizard pups and I'm keen to hear a passive Jazz with the Villex rotary tone booster.
I'm very happy