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Everything posted by zapp

  1. If you do put the Villex in gafbass02 I'd be interested in your thoughts because I'm thinking along the same lines. Keep us posted please .
  2. Sounds like a plan .
  3. Thx Buddy. I'm interested to hear a passive clip because I'm tempted to fit the Booster in my newly aquired CAR 75RI Jazz that I've just fitted a Badass II into today, (Yum)!
  4. The same guy is flogging another Alembic and a Fodera.
  5. Blimey Ped is that passive only?!
  6. This is an as new EBS Multicomp much praised by many on this very Forum including me. I've decided (after much dithering. Its my age) to go down the Pod xt pro route so the Multicomp is surplus to requirements. I still have the box. I will post a pic if you really want one but it looks like a new pedal. £90 plus a fiver for post or collect if you're any where near Norfolk. Buy it and enjoy it!
  7. its the proper one with the velcro and carabiner. I'd rather sell it with the BR really mate .
  8. 48 yrs old, been playing Guitar and Bass since I was 15 or so. Switched totally to Bass 8 years ago when I had 3 digits crushed off me left hand. Finger style and slap are my 'thing'. I'm reasonably happy with my technique but would like to devote more time to learning a bit more music theory. I'm naturally lazy and have always played by ear. Spends far too much on gear and still wants more. Doh! Oh yes forgot influences. Geddy Lee, Chris Squire, Stanley Clarke, Mark King. Not saying I play like any of 'em.
  9. I'm not using this so might as well sell it to someone who will. Includes the boss leather look carry poutch(£20 on its own apparently), box and instructions, all as new. £80 plus postage, (about £5 I guess). and,
  10. Dave, you might try looking on the USA ebay for your Badass. I just bought one brand spankers in the packaging for £27 plus £7 postage, much cheaper than I could find second hand on fleabay! Ordered on Saturday and arrived on Thursday........Amazing!!! What a result.
  11. I'd be interested in that as well Ian. I've decided that I'm going to go the Pod xt pro plus Power amp route becuse I 'think' it will be a flexible rig. Of course it could just be GAS.............Damn!!!!
  12. Ped, looks like £449 is about standard at the mo, but give it a few weeks and I'm sure someone like Thomann will discount some more. (That was from Dolphin Music btw).
  13. Very nice Bass Mike. Now you can spend all your spare time polishing that lovely finish
  14. Your Sei looks great now but just wait until that high gloss finish goes on. It'll pop your eyes out!!! Stunning.
  15. Firstly mate I'm really sorry to hear of your injury to your hand. If its any comfort I had an accident back in 2000 when I had close to half of 3 fingers crushed off my left hand by some hydraulic rescue equipment. It took a while, maybe 2 1/2 to 3 years but I discovered (by accident, noodling in a music shop) that I could still play reasonably well. And with a bit of practice and adapting my left hand technique I now play Bass better than I did before. I don't know the extent of your injuries but I do know that its possible to overcome some pretty serious injuries. There's a guy on you tube (Bill Clements) who lost his right arm and he still plays (very well as it happens). I guess its like anything in life, if you want it badly enough you will succeed. Stay positive and good luck.
  16. Very nice Ian, liking the retro vibe. I knew it wouldn't be long before you started 'tinkering' I've just got my CIJ CAR 75 RI from Chris (umcoo) and its wonderful. Pics to follow once I've fitted a Badass II !
  17. Paul Turner. Oteil Burbridge.
  18. Hold out your hand, Chris Squire from the album 'Fish out of Water'.
  19. She's a looker!
  20. Loving the Jazziness.
  21. For me Pino Paladino would probably be the most complete Bass player. Great fretless work with Paul young. I think he used a graphite neck on his MM because he liked to slap it occasionally and it gave a more percussive tone. Mark King of course. Nick Beggs. Mick Karn. Geddy Lee. Chris Squire. Stanley Clarke. Wilbur Bascombe. Maybe not so well known but played on the excellent 'Wired' album by Jeff Beck. Tony Levin. Louis Johnson.
  22. It looks Slaptastic Mate !
  23. Your Wife has offered you a Jazz Bass for your Birthday and you already have four!!!!!!!!!? Two things. Firstly she needs to speak to my Wife. Secondly. Check the car for dings!!
  24. Hi Guys, if you want some free tuition from You Tube check out MarloweDK. He has over 200 vids to choose from. Some are playalongs and some are technique ranging from basic to some fairly expert double thumb action (steady now) as well as using a pick and finger style.
  25. Hi Ped, just read your excellent review but for some reason the links to the sound samples aren't working. Any ideas mate?
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