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Everything posted by zapp

  1. Hi jwbassman, I live in Norfolk. Thanks for the offer
  2. Hi Guys, thanks for all the kind words about the rig. To answer your questions...... If I sell the price would be £1100 but I already have 2 interested parties. There is no onboard comp but there are 2 independant channels. I'm thinking about EA because the tone shaping facilities and its class D so very light! I still don't know for sure if I can make the Bash but if I can I'll bring the rig so you can have a play. As I said in the first post this was just a feeler beacause I like the idea of building a BFM O12 Tallboy cab after reading Gilmours Build (which is excellent btw). I didn't realise there would be quite the interest that there has been but then Epi gear is very good. And I'm not considering changing because I'm unhappy with the Epi, its the same old story. Damn this GAS!!!
  3. Managed 11 seconds.....and I like some of the technical noodling.
  4. Nice example Thunderthumbs. Just goes to show that good technique, great feel and catchy bassline really can move your feet and put a smile on your face. (Well mine anyway).
  5. zapp

    More P Basses

    Very nice
  6. Thanks for the interest tremblap but I'd rather sell the whole rig if I can, or I'll just keep it.
  7. Hi, this is just a feeler because I'm still very happy with this rig but if I can sell (for the right cash) or exchange for an Amp Head with cash my way I will move it on. The reason? GAS of course!! I'm quite taken with the idea of building a BFM Tallboy cab along the lines of Gilmour's but using the 12" Woofer instead of the 15". The sort of Head I'd consider might be an SWR 750x or an EA 800 iamp. I rekon my rig is worth at least £1100 as its in supurb nick and comes with the Epi footswitch. I'm at work for the rest of the week so I can't include pictures at the moment but I'll try to get some on the weekend. Waduya think?
  8. Been watching him for a while now. Comes accross as a nice guy with a great feel for a groove. Over 200 vids to choose from although I prefer his technique vids rather than the playalongs. Its nice to see someone giving free advice on playing for the benefit of Bass players of all levels.
  9. Nice rig, lovely Basses!
  10. Do the 84's sound good for slap as well as finger style?
  11. Forgive the Noobish question but are these pups passive only?
  12. Who's a lucky Boy then?..........er.......me!
  13. zapp


    Thanks for the pics rayfw, thats a mighty big hole! I'm really loving the pic of the Ash Jazz bass_ferret, just the ticket
  14. zapp


    Hi Ian, yes Machines is right I meant the control plate (sorry if I wasn't too clear). Thanks for the responses guys.
  15. zapp


    I really like the sound of the Marcuss Miller sig Bass but I'm not overly keen on the big black scratchplate that the controls are mounted into, so my question is......... Is the body routed out under this plate or is it just cosmetic?
  16. I'm not usually a P Bass fan but I really like the black body tort combination. Lovely looking Bass
  17. That KSD Jazz looks very Celinder inspired to me Ped, and there's nothing wrong with that! Lovely stuff.
  18. What a great site. Talk about GAS induction!!!
  19. I say what a lovely pair you have there...........and the Basses aren't bad either! Liking the Aggie as well. You have impecable taste.
  20. Nice looking Bass Rob. Simple and elegant. (I mean that in a complementry way)
  21. Very nice indeed. I've definately got a 'thing' for Jazz inspired Basses and yours is a cracker!
  22. Thanks for the input guys, I've just taken delivery of and EBS Multicomp from fleabay. I'm still tinkering at the moment but first impressions are 'wow' what a great pedal. It seems to give real solidity to the sound right accross all strings and adds real life (best word I can think of) to the overall tone, not that it was bad to begin with. I've also picked up a power supply today because I don't have too much faith in the lifespan of the average battery! All the best Guys and a Happy New Year to all.......
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