Hi Guys, thanks for all the kind words about the rig. To answer your questions......
If I sell the price would be £1100 but I already have 2 interested parties.
There is no onboard comp but there are 2 independant channels.
I'm thinking about EA because the tone shaping facilities and its class D so very light!
I still don't know for sure if I can make the Bash but if I can I'll bring the rig so you can have a play.
As I said in the first post this was just a feeler beacause I like the idea of building a BFM O12 Tallboy cab after reading Gilmours Build (which is excellent btw). I didn't realise there would be quite the interest that there has been but then Epi gear is very good. And I'm not considering changing because I'm unhappy with the Epi, its the same old story. Damn this GAS!!!