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Everything posted by zapp

  1. I used to have one of these and they sound great. On Guitar you're instantly Andy Summers. Very good on Bass as well because you've got a wide range of sound from very subtle shimmer (almost Chorus) to fast or slow sweeping Flange. If I remember correctly there's a switch that allows you keep the sweep static so as well. The only critisism I had was that mine had an annoying mains hum which wasn't a problem live but made it unusable in the studio. This is going back a good 15-20 years though so hopefully thats been sorted now!
  2. Two for me.........and counting.
  3. zapp

    An end to GAS?

    Great looking Bass, congrats.
  4. Hi Guys, I can add my endorsement to Epifani gear. I use a UL112-C and UL112 extention. Two channels, 600w, mid cut and mute on a footswitch. Very portable, light(ish) and great sound. Recommended!
  5. Hi Toasted, where would I find such a thing to have a listen? And how about price?
  6. Thanks Silent Fly, thats quite a comprehensive review. It looks like the EBS is Fave!
  7. Ok there are already threads about compressors and BOD2's very informative explaination of how they work (which was brilliant btw). But I thought I'd ask which compressor you'd recommend for ease of use and a good quality sound. I've been thinking about an EBS Multicomp but I've not heard one 'in the flesh' as it were. I play mostly finger style funky blues with a bit of slap and double thumbing thrown in for a bit of zing! Thanks
  8. I'm hoping that some of you guys have tried or own one of these babies so I can get an idea of how usable/versitile/easy these things are. I'm looking for something that I can plug straight into and practice through headphones that has a reasonable drum machine (more interesting than metronomes) and onboard fx with the facility to record. Any thoughts please?
  9. That is one lovely looking bass! Congrats.
  10. PM'd
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