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About greentext

  • Birthday 01/01/2023

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  1. They do a super fast cover of herbie hancock - chameleon, its prettty bonkers haha Great band tho and HUGE bass sounds!
  2. oh man, well hopefully one pops up one day! I got mine from bass direct about 5-6 years ago so they are still around! Mines defo a runt of the T-Bass's but makes me love it all the more haha
  3. God thats good, imma suggest the same to my wife!
  4. and cock pushups
  5. yooo a fellow T-bass five string owner! what number have you got?
  6. Reverend Dub King, 33 inch shortscale, with some flat wounds is what im feeling, an OC2 to boot... a man can dream
  7. Cheeers Rob, yh if its a no go, ill be in touch again 🤘
  8. Honestly one of my LEASE fav thing to do is get that outta the loft, it never goes well haha
  9. To be honest lads I may have found an offical one in Germany after doing some research, looks like they stock loads of tube amp parts https://www.tubeampdoctor.com/en/mesa-boogie-push-on-knob-for-eq?c=103 I've pinged them an email to confirm they are the right ones as I think the EQ sliders on the Mark series guitar amps are a weee bit smaller but we will see If this aint right ill be back on the 3d print hunt
  10. wow impressive stuff!
  11. Thanks for the suggestion but im looking to keep it as authentic as possible. So a replacement or 3d printed copy of an original would be where i would wanna be tbh.
  12. Yh its an absolute beast tbh! Worth the back pain in my eyes as nothing sounds like a ballsy tube amp. Ahh of course I did look at something before for 3d printing a few years back, but wasnt able to find anything, i'll have a look now see if someone has created a template and uploaded the source files. Cheers 🤘
  13. For all those that want to know more, Andy Irvine did a great video on his one
  14. wow yh i did see that photo of jaco when I googled it but didnt read the bottom bit saying about it being a Pilot thats pretty cool! Yh i agree super under-rated! Oh we will be making music thats for sure! Thanks for the kind words.
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