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Everything posted by greentext

  1. They do a super fast cover of herbie hancock - chameleon, its prettty bonkers haha Great band tho and HUGE bass sounds!
  2. oh man, well hopefully one pops up one day! I got mine from bass direct about 5-6 years ago so they are still around! Mines defo a runt of the T-Bass's but makes me love it all the more haha
  3. God thats good, imma suggest the same to my wife!
  4. and cock pushups
  5. yooo a fellow T-bass five string owner! what number have you got?
  6. Reverend Dub King, 33 inch shortscale, with some flat wounds is what im feeling, an OC2 to boot... a man can dream
  7. Cheeers Rob, yh if its a no go, ill be in touch again 🤘
  8. Honestly one of my LEASE fav thing to do is get that outta the loft, it never goes well haha
  9. To be honest lads I may have found an offical one in Germany after doing some research, looks like they stock loads of tube amp parts https://www.tubeampdoctor.com/en/mesa-boogie-push-on-knob-for-eq?c=103 I've pinged them an email to confirm they are the right ones as I think the EQ sliders on the Mark series guitar amps are a weee bit smaller but we will see If this aint right ill be back on the 3d print hunt
  10. wow impressive stuff!
  11. Thanks for the suggestion but im looking to keep it as authentic as possible. So a replacement or 3d printed copy of an original would be where i would wanna be tbh.
  12. Yh its an absolute beast tbh! Worth the back pain in my eyes as nothing sounds like a ballsy tube amp. Ahh of course I did look at something before for 3d printing a few years back, but wasnt able to find anything, i'll have a look now see if someone has created a template and uploaded the source files. Cheers 🤘
  13. For all those that want to know more, Andy Irvine did a great video on his one
  14. wow yh i did see that photo of jaco when I googled it but didnt read the bottom bit saying about it being a Pilot thats pretty cool! Yh i agree super under-rated! Oh we will be making music thats for sure! Thanks for the kind words.
  15. That is great! Hopefully one turns up one day at the right price for you. I was really lucky and got this one for a steal also. Even if it is beat but there is a reason its been played, because its insanely good! haha
  16. awesome thanks for the information!
  17. Yh long old way for it to fly!
  18. Mannnn I loved my friends Mavrick he had as a kid, but was a guitar.. I had no idea they made basses. I want one.
  19. Well tbh I picked this up a while back from ebay but just now getting around to posting it. It's a 1988-1990 Guild Pilot bass, I dont really know a lot about them and doesn't seemed to be to much information out there from my limited research. I'll post the photos from the ad as they will be far better quality then my own. Its SUPER light weight for a five string, really punchy and for some reason has Les Paul knobs on it.... which I have grown to really like, being able to know exactly what number to dial in is pretty cool. This thing was pretty beat up when I got it but to me that added to the appeal. You can see how they has really dug into those EMG's. Clearly someone has played this thing a lot or just left it behind a door. Hope its not the latter. Also gets my vote for one of the cooler pointer headstocks So yh thats it. Made in USA, Grover Tuners, High mass brass bridge, 80's EMGs. Love the offset body shape. Love that its all black and evil. Plays like a truck and im super happy with it.
  20. Wassssupp bass fam, I recently dragged my 400+ outta the loft after a number of years and remembered I'm missing a SINGLE EQ slider knob, is there any chance, out there in the wild, one of you lot have one in a draw just incase haha Or if anyone knows any good alternatives to replace the whole set let me know Here is a picture of the beast for all you who like looking at amps (i know i do)
  21. Morning baschatters! As per the title, i'm keen to pick up a CompIQ STELLA Pro Compressor from BECOS, im coming away from using a 'dirty' tone and just a punchy clean bass tone, so having a super dynamic compressor will assist me in getting the most out of my tone. I've spoken to BECOS direct any they advised coming in here and asking what people experience are as they currently dont have any UK representation so i'd have to buy unseen and just hope for the best. Any one able to advise one there experience? For anyone who is unsure of what this is and wants to know here is a link to there website page (its a veryyyy slow website to navigate) and a great youtubue video demo of the pedal. https://becosfx.com/product/compiq-pro-stella-compressor-pedal-for-guitar-bass/#description
  22. Can't lie that is low key a really good idea haha, I do most of my playing unamplified as well might consider this as an option
  23. I think C, gonna happen aint it, now you can thrash it knowing you didnt start it anyway haha
  24. This was a joy of a thread to read, For me, bass and playing in bands has always been an escape from whats going on around me, I don't actually have any real musical knowledge as I learnt to play from the guitar players in my band. I'd love to know more but converting my escape into my job would be a disaster.
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