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Everything posted by Roseweave

  1. A dinnae ken what yer oan aboot ye wee bawbag
  2. i'm so glad a scottish person has weighed in, thank you
  3. This is true from what I've heard. It's really aggravating. Wonder if there's a way to buy direct from the factory. Sounds like they're around the same quality as Harley Benton and J&D anyway.
  4. Tried the LT25 and Rumble 25 today - the regular Rumble was disappointing, IMO, largely because the Overdrive requires you to crank the amp like a Tube amp, which kind of defeats the purpose of a practise amp. better there than not, but not very useful. Base tone wasn't great tbh. LT had much better sounds, but was hit and miss - really liked the Bassman models. Didn't buy it on the spot as I Wanted to test it vs. the Ampeg 108 - but apparently that's the same deal? Was hoping it would just be a set level of Overdrive you controlled via your volume knob, like one knob fuzz pedals. Really between the LT25 and a Cube - though I *really* like the base tone of the Orange a lot too. A shame the 25 doesn't have OD and the 50 is larger/more expensive than I'd keep around. So those 3 are my options atm. Hearing Joe Dart used the Cube 30 and the compressor on it does make me lean towards that, but it's likely the LT can do that sound too.
  5. That sounds promising, Paul. I'll be mainly playing Oldies with my Dad with this bass so a vintage vibe is what I'm going for.
  6. Yeah, unfortunately the gotoh one has the weird wiring and it's a bit more pricey. My main bass is from Musicstore.de actually. Maybe I'll have to look there again.
  7. I have the guitar zoom so am considering reformatting it as the bass version
  8. After transporting my J&D Jazz Bass to my parents I'm definitely feeling the need to have a bass down there. I carry too much home as-is with a laptop and pet gecko. Unfortunately it got damaged at some point, either transporting or at the house. It is clumsy finding space to comfortably play a full scale bass there. Originally I was going to get a regular cheap banger P-Bass(I figure that makes more sense for a cheap bass, since one pickup, hum cancelling so shielding matters less, and probably easiest platform to upgrade) but with the amount of times I've banged the headstock on my gecko's enclosure amongst other thing I thought a physically smaller instrument might be nice. I do have quite large hands though - shorter figures, but large hands overall as I'm just an oddly shaped person in general. One of my guitars is a Jaguar - and mostly I get on with it fine, as the shorter scale helps me do awkward shoegaze chords. I have noticed on Bass, my little finger strength isn't great and stretching can be difficult, so having a shortscale to practise on could be nice. The problem is you're really limited when it comes to banger shortscales these days. The options are: PB Shorty from Thomann Various 3/4 models from Gear4music Mini Precision Bass Maybe an Ibanez Talman or Mikro if I luck out price wise? I don't want to get a Bronco unless it's cheap enough I can swap the pickup - I honestly considered the Glarry one for a bit. Would I be best off abandoning the short scale idea? As a beginner will it mess with things too much to have different scale lengths? My 3 guitars are all different scales but obviously I've been playing for years(and I'm poopie anyway) I have seen that Stingray style basses - at least HB's seem to be slightly shorter overall despite the same scale length - would that help? HB does have a nice cheap one. I'm leaning strongly towards the PB Shorty atm out of convenience, since Thomann has an amp I wanted to order, but it is a very "plain" bass, even at this price point there's more interesting options at least visually, but more importantly I have heard some people say it's cramped even for a shortscale. What should I do?
  9. I'm in Ireland, I reckon UK & Ireland tend to have the same availability, though Brexit has messed with that quite a bit. I'm really looking at a bedroom amp atm, so the Mustang LT or one of the smaller Cubes preferably.
  10. i don't got a stage amp lol. i have no need for one as i don't intend to play any venues I can't DI in. I have a pair of M-Audio monitors that are pretty good, I might upgrade them at some point so if people have suggestions for cheapish ones of a similar quality but very slightly more bass I'm up for that. Likely not any time soon though.
  11. I'm looking at the lower end of amps atm - I tried out the Rumble 15 and was pretty unimpressed(unsurprisingly) and the 25 Watt Orange - which was better, but still had no dirt. I've been considering the next rung up from bargain basement here. I'm leaning towards the LT25 since it seems to get good reviews and is the most likely to squeeze the most bass out of a small speaker/enclosure. But I'm still worried as to exactly how much low end it's going to put out. I would consider getting the 110s of the Rumble, Ampeg, Orange or otherwise though that's running into the 300 euro range and I'd like to keep it to 200. Also considering the Bass Pathfinder - shame it didn't come in a slightly larger version for 200, it'd be incredible. The other big alternative to the LT is the Roland Bass Cube - either the XL version or a regular Cube 30. I can probably get one of those second hand fairly easy - Cubes are pretty nice reliable amps in general, but of course the modelling on the LT is much more modern. I'll also be running guitar through this, as a pedal platform, since I play Doom and similar genres, but I think any of these options will work. I'm leaning towards the Rumbles on this one as I know they sound great, and the LT even has reverb built in so I can run into the amp dirty and still have some space(plus, I really like a Jazz Bass with a pinch of spring). Any more suggestions? How much low end does the LT put out? I've been mostly using my Vox ADIO Air GT on the Bassman and AC30 models as a practise amp, which *sort of* works, and my Nux Mightyplug(which can do some really nice sounds but needs more tweaking esp. for dirty ones).
  12. Oh, that's pretty interesting. I was going to get a second (P) Bass to leave at my parents, so I'll keep an eye on this thanks!
  13. any got more recent pics of theirs?
  14. I'm based in Ireland(so EU friendly suggestions only) recently decided to pick up a bass as I've been searching for an instrument I might vibe with better than guitar which I've struggled to learn, and having played a bunch of Basses recently it's a lot of fun even if only as a "stim" instrument(I'm autistic) since it's a bit more tactile than guitar. My favourite bassist is probably Natsuko from Mass of Fermenting Dregs I'm not stuck on one specific genre but noisy alt rock like the above, Doom, 80s goth & shoegaze(Cocteau Twins moreso than Slowdive) would maybe be what I'm playing, though I like the idea of trying to learn slap bass too, fun video game songs like City Escape. I also really like the Bass tones on the original Gorillaz album, Peaking Lights and some oldschool stuff like Fleetwood Mac. I'm really fixated on aesthetics atm, largely because I said if I ever got another guitar, it'd be a green one, and luckily there are some decent options for Surf Green at the cheaper end of things these days, which has really grown on me. Burgundy Mist(or flat out purple/violet that's not too saturated) is the other colour I've always wanted an instrument in. I'm leaning more towards Jazz Bass in part because of Natsuko's tone which is my ideal bass sound, but also after watching a bunch of videos and playing and comparing, I like the more open sound of a Jazz Bass, but if I decide I mesh with Bass I'll definitely get a P-Bass I can leave at my parents, so I can play BASS Wherever I go. Having something a bit different would be neat too, though, I've been looking at the HB JJ Open Pour models as they're pretty swanky while still having that JB sound. I put together a doc with the Basses that interested me in their budget: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1krJpDLzhDrV2-O0QbRd-DiqCAzkwOFf_CY1x_5-pd2A/edit?usp=sharing I may also get a Bass amp at some point - I saw a couple of Demos of people using the Fender Rumbles as a Guitar Amp which is really interesting to me, I guess it was modelled on a Bassman type sound. I already have a Nux Mighty Plug - funnily enough the coolest bass sound I got on that was on the AC30 model(using my friends early 80s Fender Jazz Bass), I can also reformat my Zoom G1x Four as the bass model if need be - I have some Bass friendly pedals already, particularly the Fuzzrocious Lil Fella, and a Digitech Bass Synth Wah.
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