I had joined a local band just before Xmas. Well when I say band, we had a good drummer, a very good singer and then me. I moved back to the skinny strings as it didn't really work with just bass, drums and a singer, but that was fine. I just wanted to have fun. We'd agreed a couple of up tempo jazz and blues covers to get going. Two sessions later, singer pulled out citing too much stuff in her life and somethings had to go. These things happen.
So the drummer and myself had a session to try and work out what to do. She can sing, I didn't try as my voice dropped eight octaves when I was about 12 and hair appeared in odd places.
We messed around with some covers, didn't really work, so I suggested she choose a beat/tempo she likes on the drums and I'll jam something, anything but it'll probably be blusey in nature 😊
Well 45 mins later, I put the guitar down, she put the sticks down and we smiled. We actually played properly as a duo. We clicked on timing and it just worked. I wouldn't quite say it was Ginger Baker and Eric Clapton at the Albert Hall but I thought it sounded great. We were tight and just knew when to start and finish.
I suspect most other people who play in a band think I'm wittering on, but I was over the moon. It's been a loooong time since I've played with anybody and this felt great.
I'm going to try and write something original so we have 3-4 songs that we can sing or more likely she can. AI technology has not moved fast enough to make my voice sound good, perhaps another ten years or so.
I know many of you play gigs all the time but for me, this was a big step forward.