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Everything posted by rwillett

  1. @Baloney Balderdash I'm contemplating 3d printing a bass. I've nearly finished my 3d printed six string and if I can get some time today and tomorrow I will finish it. I can assemble, acquire, print and all the other bits and have the headless bridge bits but the neck is the next key thing. EBay has some stupid prices, and so I was looking wider and wondered about a left handed neck. As I'm intending to put a string lock on the end, the fact that the tuner holes are 'wrong' doesn't matter as I'll cut the jead stock down anyway. I don't have the string lock yet as am thinking about the width and access to the truss rod.
  2. @Smanth I suspect I can manage that. I may have the odd piece of 3d filament hanging around.
  3. Ah! That's annoying. Missed that. Back to right handed necks
  4. @neepheid Thanks. I was hoping that was the answer, but after searching t'internet, it didn;t really help. I'll keep looking on eBay, Reverb and here for a neck. I can at least open the seatch a bit more now. Rob
  5. I saw this and thought of Basschat.... Utterly insane (safe for workplace) https://flip.it/TkuznH
  6. Apart from tuner position and nut, are there any differences between a left handed neck and a right handed bass neck? The reason for the question is I want to make a headless bass and I sometimes see cheap left handed bass's and since I'll cut the headstock down, is the neck essentially the same? I can make a nut that's the same but mirrored as the original. Sorry if this is a dumb question 🙃 Thanks
  7. If you replace everything is it still a rik? I'm thinking of Triggers Broom here.
  8. The gentleman in question was very fair in his pricing. I have no complaints at all. Rob
  9. I have managed to secure four single ABM headless bass bridges from a fellow BC user. ABM Headless Guitar Parts (abm-guitarpartsshop.com) I've not even opened the box yet, but I'll plan around these. Still need a bass neck but slowly getting there. Rob
  10. @Desbass I think given where we are, the chances of any numpties coming is low. We may get a lot of interested senior citizens, quite a lot of whom were/are professionals in their area. As far as I am aware, nobody plays in a band part from the drum teacher at the bottom of the street. I will ask if he's interested inm coming along. they are welcome to drop my Micro Ibanez as it looks like its being used as a shovel on a building site. Rob
  11. Thanks dodgy cut and paste from me
  12. Its definately Sat 18th now. They were double booked.
  13. Errr. I cocked up and can't understand dates and days... It is Sat 18th now
  14. Dear all, The date has had to be changed from Sat May 11th to Sat May 18th 2024 as, and I quote, "the 3-peak players have a long standing booking that wasn't in the diary". Does this date change peoples availability? If so please let me know and I'll take you off the possibly interested list. Thanks Rob
  15. Ok, thats new and news to me. So could I have a Faraday Cage with (for example 1cm) bands running across it? Rob
  16. @MichaelDean Thats a good idea, I've got the multimeter out already and am checking its all correct, Rob
  17. Thanks, so I do need to have the copper tape coming over the top to provide electrical connectivity OR I solder a wire across the areas. I'll think about what the best option is. Great Rob
  18. So most (but not all) of the guitar is printed. Still need to do one pick guard but waiting to lay out the wiring loom before I print, so I can check hole for pots. Covers for the backs aere all done. neck is done but not shown. Pickups are all mounted up, wiring loom is in a package unopened. Bridge adapter done but not shown. Do I need to have an electrical connection between the back of the pickguards and the copper lining the various cavaties? I've left some copper on the top of the guitar so when the pickguard, which has copper cladding on the back, is screwed down, there will be connectivity but not sure I actually need it. If I don't need it, I'll tidy the copper cladding up so it's flush, if I do need it, I'll tidy the copper cladding up so there's a consistent and tidy 1mm overlap. Any advice welcomed. Thanks Rob
  19. Morecombe is close enough. Was there on Monday dropping car off for repair at Whitehouse Motors on Monday at 0800. Hopefully picking it up Friday. Always have to resist the urge to drop into Promenade Music, so tend to go very early when they're not open. Rob
  20. I'd love to play in a band, I keep looking but clearly not in the right places. I have no desire to join a working band, I have a full time job that 1) I like and 2) pays me enough to keep the wolf from the door. I did join a jazz band for two hours a few months ago. I answered a Facebook ad, was told to turn up in the masons hall in a nearby town by the band leader, 7-8 proper musicians and me. People all very polite when I arrived. I nooddled along to jazz songs I've never heard of before. Simple bass lines, four beats to the bar on the chord, thats all he wanted. At the end as we were packing away, one of the other members of the band commented "Could she be told when she'd been fired from the band please". The band leader had fired the bass player, not told anybody about it, recruited me, so when I turned up it was a complete surprise to everybody, but being British, nobody said a word. I felt absolutely awful about it. When the chap phoned me a day later, I told him I wasn't interested. Thats not the way I work and I still feel bad about it now. So all I want is a couple of other players to play rock and blues with. No interest in pretending to be rock gods, I'm a little too old, pretty sure the spandex leotards aren't quite for me. Make some tunes of our own, have a laugh and play a few gigs in places where I won't get stabbed. I'm easy to please. Thanks Rob
  21. Not heard that joke for a number of years I think the seller is being very generous allowing us the opportunity to pick this bargain bass at only $62K. I'm surprised that there isn't a pack of people rushing to buy. Damm, just noticed he won't ship to the UK, that's me out then.
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