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Everything posted by rwillett

  1. Welcome to the forum. Ex of Greenwich myself, many a happy ship down in The Glades in Bromley. Suspect I kept Richer Sounds in business as well.
  2. Thankfully (for me) I don't live anywhere near you. That finish is utterly gorgeous. I've never seen that before (I don't get out much, the nurses prefer me to stay inside doing basket weaving and drawing with my crayons). I hope it sells very quickly for my sake if not for yours 😊 Rob
  3. I didn't think it was a stupid question either, what was stupid was me thinking I knew that answer. After reading this thread, I'm not sure I'm that much wiser but I now appreciate it's not as simple as the simple and stupid answer I had thought of. Always nice to learn something new. Rob
  4. I agree 100%. I also do the same with HMRC. They are one group of people you never want to be on the wrong side of.
  5. Thanks for this. It may be very true and highly accurate but you didn't need to say it 😊 Just off to check the sands in my timer. ⏳⚰️
  6. We like Morecambe. Didn't know there was a blues band there. Will look for them. [edited as I can’t read band properly and read bar instead]
  7. We live in Clapham and the CFO does the admin for the village hall so that's easy. It's a typical village hall, large space for stuff, separate kitchen, and eating area. Clean and well looked after. It has the benefit of free gigabit broadband to the premises with WiFi courtesy of B4RN. Not sure what that means for bass playing but you aren't going to struggle for access to social media. Let's see how many more might be interested and see if we can find a date that works in a few months time. Penrith is exactly one hour from us. We play rugby up there. Newcastle is around 2.5 hours as we play rugby there as well. Liverpool is just under two hours, you can probably guess why I know that. Leeds is about 90 mins depending on how many tractors are on the A65 that day. York is around two hours.
  8. It says "Message me with any questions...". I'll start the ball rolling 1. Why? Next...
  9. Just read this again and delamination can be caused by under extrusion. All roads lead to hot end at the moment. Rob
  10. The update to all metal extruder complicates things. Any idea what it is? I wonder if that's why you have to print at 230C for PLA as something doesn't sound right. I print PETG at 240 then 235. So you're up there at PETG levels. It's entirely possible that your problem is related to the new hot end. Have you ever seen anything printed properly with it? Rob
  11. 230c is very hot for PLA. I printed all my PLA at around 205C. What filament is it? If it's too hot you'll probably get elephants feet in your models. Other things to check is the extruder and is it accurate. Google for ender 3 extrusion calibration. You basically measure how much filament goes through on demand. Easy check to make. I've loads of Ender 0.4 nozzles I can post you down for nothing. I'll be honest and say I rarely changed brass nozzles on my ender 3 and I printed a lot of PLA. Low hundreds of rolls for certain. If things are blocked in your nozzle then check the white PTFE tube and that it sits flush against the hot end. Use a proper right angled cutter on the PTFE on Capricorn tube if need be. If you haven't got a right angled cutter, I probably have one I don't need (no idea where it is and I'm on holiday for two weeks) or I'll print you a little mitre block that let's you use a small x-acto blade knife to get it at. Need to know the size of the PTFE tube. This issue manifests itself as filament comes out of PTFE against the hot end due the heat BUT oozes out around the PTFE tube and restricts filament flow. The extrusion test will demonstrate it but the causes are different. Also what speed are you printing at? Perhaps your profile in your slicer is wrong. Also let's get some pictures of Benchy and the temp tower. Let's see exactly what it Looks like? Other things that can be wrong on the ender 3 is that each axis is not at 90 degrees. Printing small towers, say 30mm by 10mm can show that. Print the tower twice pointing in each dimension. Then check each pair of towers by placing them back to back and rotate one tower by 90 degrees. The Ender 3 easily gets out of alignment. A calibration cube 10mmx10mmx10mm won't show this as the cube could be a rhombus. Most Ender are out by 0.5 degree in one of the axis. The last common issue is the brass wheel, spring and red arm on the back of the extruder might need replacing. The extrusion test might show this but the spring goes weak. It's a poor design to be honest and replacing it with direct drive makes a big difference. Are you printing inside or in a shed or garage. That might account for the temperature you need to print at. The best thing about the Ender 3 is that just about every problem can be solved relatively easily and cheaply though it takes time. The tolerances on 3d printing are very low. A very small change of 0.5mm can make the difference between a print working or not. Pictures are a massive help here. Show us the issue and it might jump out. Hope this helps Rob
  12. @Smanth I still can't believe that it works OK now😊 Rob
  13. That looks great. Hadn't heard of that model before but there's lots out there. Nozzles are dirt cheap (unless you are going special filaments). I've been playing with glow in the dark filament and it's a nightmare. Hardened Nozzles and I print at 240c rather than the recommended 200C. That's the only way it would actually lay down. That's three of us so far. Anybody else?
  14. There's loads of things I want but don't need. A 73 Porshe 911 RS lightweight could be top of that but unlikely. If it's a simple design, i might be able to help. Holding a coffee cup of any size is simple, the difficultbit is how the coffee cup holder attached to the car. We have a Seat Leon estate, good car but can only hold one coffee cup even though it has two holders in the centre console. Put one coffee cup in and you can't put a second one in. Two slim cans of redbull yes. Two coffee cups no. Design fail. Rob
  15. That's doubled the attendance then 😊
  16. On the ender 3 you need to get the bed really level. If you have the magnetic mat, each time you take it off to have to level again. I would level using an ordinary sheet of normal 80g printer paper. You want the nozzle just touching and grabbing the paper over the printer bed. My Ender 3 had four screws under the bed and it drove me mad at times as I'd have it set for one area and it would be out elsewhere. That's jusy the way it is. You don't say which filament you are using. 230C is,hot for PLA. The magnetic mat is not that good for PETG as the filament sticks too much and can rip the mat Show pics of the temp tower and which filament you are using.
  17. I'll start off. Rob Willett, been 3D printing since lockdown. I originally brought an Ender 3 Pro to build a CNC machine. I actually did build the CNC machine but found I preferred 3D printing. I now have two Prusa MK3S+ printers and print stuff for astrophotography. I tend to use Fusion 360 for design and am happy printing in PLA or PETG. And if you don't know what those are, they're the type of filaments that the printer uses. Happy to help as needed. Thanka Rob
  18. Hi i thought I’d start a thread for those people who are interested in 3D printing. A number of people have 3D printers, some people need things printed, some people are interested but don’t know much about 3D printing and want to know more. Hopefully this thread is for you. Ask questions, help each other out and be kind. Thanks Rob
  19. It was a cable problem. I had used a 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable and then stuck a 1/4" adapter on the end and plugged that into the Dwarf. Moving to a proper 3.5mm to 1/4" cable (not sure what proper means, but it was one I brought) and it all worked fine with or without the lightning cable plugged in. That confused me, thanks for all the help Rob
  20. It actually looks like an earthing problem, if I pull the lightning connector out, the audio stops. If I put the lightning cable in but at an angle just so an electrical connection of some sort (at an angle) is made, I get audio. Going to check the 3.5mm headphone cable to 1/4" cable as I suspect my adapters are the wrong thing to do. Rob
  21. Ooohhh, thats interesting and I hadn't thought about that, will check, I;ll check, thanks @Smanth Rob
  22. Hi all, Just had a quick play with the Mod Dwarf and my iPad. Somewhat embarrassing this is a technical question and I can't think of the answer, to be honest it's more than embarrassing but I can't work out the issue. 1. iPad is connected to Mod Dwarf using the USB B port and goes via the iPad camera connector which has a USB A port and a lightning cable power connector. 2. iPad is also connected via headphone port (3.5mm) to input 2 of the Mod Dwarf. 3. iPad is running a simple drum beats program that I can hear through the headphone port. It is not MIDI. 4. Bass guitar into input 1. Pedalboard is prettty simple. If I play the drum tracks I can hear them in the headphones connected to the Dwarf. I can hear the bass guitar as well in both ears. If I disconnect the iPad USB connection I lose the drum tracks (connected via headphone socket) to the dwarf. I cannot see why the audio that goes via the headphone socket needs the USB cable to be plugged in. If I unplug the cable from the headphone it stops, I can hear it from the speakers, I plug my headphones into the iPad and can hear drums. Basically, I cannot play the iPad output through the headphone socket to the Input 2 port unless the USB is plugged in. Any suggestions? Thanks Rob
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