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Everything posted by rwillett

  1. Thanks for the information on the strings and tension, thats quite a lot to me. Oddly enough thats more or less what I did for winding the strings up. Sheer chance though. One Westone 1A Thunder and one El Cheapo Westfield Precision Bass Clone with relaxed strings. I pulled the Westone out of the attic after enjoying playing the ECWPBC so much. Still no better on it than I was before though I don't actually live in a bed sit, we borrowed the mattress at Xmas for guests and have still to return it... Thanks Rob
  2. Thanks all.
  3. PaulThePlug (some great names on here), Glad to hear this is not unusual, I was very worried TBH. Thankfully this is not an expensive guitar, but I have messed around with a friends Fender Precision and I'm sure that somebody far more sklled than myself would notice the difference, my El Cheapo Fender Precision Clone didn't feel that much worse. The action did (until I cocked it up) feel very low and for me it was fine. I was playing about with Garageband and just feeling my way around what I could do and I was struggling to justify buying a better guitar as my skills didn't warrant it. I live in a small village called Clapham in North Yorkshire. Its between Settle and Kirkby Lonsdale, if anybody is local and wants to have a look, I'll get the pizza's and beers in from La Traviatta in Ingleton. Thanks Rob
  4. The old strings were not flats. I now know the difference as I pulled them out the bin The new Rotosounds feel easy to play to be honest, my fingers were slightly overshooting where they needed to be as I moved up and down the neck. I hadn't realised the bass strings had such different tensions, now I know. Its always good to learn and I'm very happy to try new things out. I hadn't realised basses needed setup overtime. As I live in North Yorkshire, the weather is constant, it's always raining and it's always cold Allen keys are not an issue I have good tools like that as my father used to sell quality tools and I have built up a decent collection of Wera kit. Not quite Snap-On league, but good german stuff. I actually have all the other stuff as well as I have a side business doing 3d printing for astrophotography. The only issue is knowing what to do and how to do it, thats the bit I'm lacking, but I'll have a look at the various sites and see if I can make it work. I've also got in touch with a bloke in Leeds, Beej Guitars, and if I'm not keen on the DIY route, I'll drop it off there. Thanks Rob
  5. I'll have a look at the site. I did glance down the nexk and see a large amount of fluff on what I am assuming is an allen key hole. Thanks Rob
  6. Thanks for the information. My sample set is two sets of bass strings and one of those was trashed. Playing the new strings feels great, but I have no experience to base this on anything else. I am unclear what Roto 40-100 means, but I suspect this is the thickness of the strings? if I replaced the current (and new ones) with thinner and less high tension ones, I think I would still need the truss rod sorted out? is that correct? Thanks Rob
  7. Paolo85, Thanks for the reply. I am aware of the truss rod as I also have an old Westone 1A guitar, however I have never adjusted one and am wary of touching things like that. I have no issues with paying someone to sort this out for me, I do happen to be in Leeds on Weds so will see if I can make an appointment for a 'tune' there. Leeds is still 90 mins away and Morecombe (Promenade Music) is about an hour away. I'll have a look at the end of the truss rod and see what it looks like. If it's an allen key or nut, I'll have the right tool and will see if this is something I could learn to do. From a playing point of view, the flatwounds feel great, however this is based on a sample set of two sets of strings, so is not statistically significant. I'm learning fast, so appreciate the help, Rob
  8. Thanks for the reply, I wouldn't know. They feel a lot smooth than the old ones, but my knowledge of bass strings is limited to eight of them, the old ones and the new ones and the old ones are in the bin now. Sorry to be vague, I am learning fast. Rob
  9. Hi, Been reading for some weeks and taken the time to join. I live between Settle and Ingleton in North Yorkshire with my partner, two growing girls, a border collie/poodle cross, two rescue cats and a large energy bill. I know what worries me the most. Played the acoustic guitar for years, but just for fun and by myself, I know my limitations Got given a cheap Westfield Precision Bass clone and discovered I really, really enjoy playing bass. I'm still not much better, but I really like it. Going from a six string to a four string was a lot easier than I thought. I work in IT and projct management, rescuing complex projects that have gone wrong, so I have no problems getting work (sadly) If you are looking for a bassist with little music ability around Settle, Kirkby Lonsdale, Skipton, but with lots of enthusiasm, let me know. I am also looking for a face to face paid teacher. Thanks Rob
  10. Hi, First time post and pretty much a comple bass idiot, so please be gentle I was given a cheap Westfield bass guitar my FIL found in the loft at Xmas, its basically an el cheapo Fender Precision copy and belonged to another relative who went to live in New Zealand. Its probably 10-15 years old, in good nick though apart from the strings. I have played guitar before but never bass and as a six string guitarist would put myself in the ambitious, but ultimately talentless, category. I had no aspirations to be a guitar hero as I knew my limitations and they were numerous However after playing this cheap bass, it suddenly felt good and I've been practising every day, sometimes for an hour or more if work allows me. I am now slightly less talentless than before, but still have no dreams about being a new John Paul Jones, John Entwistle or Phil Lynott. As I said before, the bass is in decent nick, but the strings were trashed. So over the weekend I replaced them with a set of "Rotosound Standard Gauge Flatwound Bass Strings (45 65 85 105), RS77LD" according to the packaging. The shop said they were good enough for Phil Lynott, so who am I to argue? I have now seen that the action around the 12 fret is quite a bit higher than before, so I am assuming that the new strings have pulled the neck up and raised the action. I'm 99% certain that the neck was lower before and it was easier to play around the 12th fret. I also noted that when I opened the new strings, I thought they were thicker than before. I changed the strings one at a time and used a tuner to get them set right. I'm now worried that I've damaged the neck and not sure what do now. I live in North Yorkshire a long way from anywhere so don't have the luxury of popping into a local guitar shop and checking things out. I've released the tension on the strings but unclear what my next stapes are. Any and all advice welcomed please. Thanks Rob
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