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Everything posted by TeatroLirico

  1. still haven’t taken the plunge on anything new - I’m incredibly slow to make decisions that involve spending money 😂
  2. cheers - I did read through some of the posts in your thread previously. Seems to be less said about the multiscale - maybe a bit too unusual I’ve never played a multiscale and only really play short scales. But if I’m going to play 5-string, only 32” or multiscale makes sense to me.
  3. Also opinions sought on two Ibanez’s that have caught my interest a fair bit, just because they’re a bit odd: EHB1000S (short scale headless) EHB1005SMS (short multiscale headless) I’ve been in the mood for something… modern
  4. Thanks for the advice. I’m increasingly tempted by a pair of studio monitors as being a solution. I suppose part of me feels like there’s a more… recorded sound I could be getting. Not sure if that’s the way to put it. But with a practice amp at low volumes it sounds neither like a bass in a live setting nor a bass in a recorded setting. It’s fine for practice, obviously, but my practice setting is, for now, my main setting. A pair of active speakers + a preamp (I’ve been recently looking at the new Ampeg one) might sounds great. Plus, I’ve been wanting to try recording my playing as a practice tool (and for fun, of course)
  5. Anyone played a Chowny SWB-1 Scott Whitley Signature Fretless? I was looking around for a short scale fretless and this one popped up. Pretty decent price too. https://chownybass.com/product/swb-1-scott-whitley-signature-fretless/
  6. yeah, sorry for summoning you for nothing!
  7. Well indeed - I always thought 3 buttons was lacking, but I thought “well this must be it, otherwise… what is *this* setting”
  8. Well aren’t I the total fool. How did I not know that it was all 4 buttons? That just makes no sense 😅
  9. thanks - really sound thinking. I’ll definitely keep that in mind if I do start shopping around.
  10. It’s one of those cases where you don’t know what you don’t know. I say I “suspect” I could get something that offers better low volume sound because this was a rather cheap amp. Perhaps for low volume playing there really isn’t much better, but this is why I’m exploring. I haven’t owned any other amp to know better. An example is with hifi gear. Unless you’ve listened to music through a better system, you often don’t know what you’re missing and don’t consider there being anything wrong with what you have. I’ve seen this plenty of times in the past.
  11. Just wanted to tag @nordygrrlto weigh in!
  12. A question for you cat bass owners… I have always been puzzled reading about the all-in series mode on this bass. When I go all-in, my bass is definitely not louder than just using the first button pressed (parallel mode). Anyone else? Is it possible my bass is wired up differently?
  13. thanks for the suggestions. I currently don’t gig - maybe in the future, but for now I play purely for my own pleasure. so for me, the more pleasure I can derive out of my practice set up, the better. As for other gear, I play an Acinonyx (and less often, a Sterling Stingray). I love the Acinonyx enough to be ordering a V2 - Stingray less so.
  14. I simply suspect that I could have something that sounds much better. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with my amp per se.
  15. adding a pedal’s a nice idea! its significantly more limited, but I’ve been watching some reviews of the new Ampeg SGT-DI which has interested me because it very much has the sounds I’m after, and thought it would be a nice addition to add some new tones and sounds to my existing mix (+ distortion)
  16. thanks for the suggestion. Forgive my ignorance, but what would the connection chain be there? Bass > preamp > active speaker?
  17. Hey folks, I’ve owned a Fender Rumble 40 now for about 8 years and I’ve been considering buying an upgrade. The aim is strictly practice, and I know there are plenty of good practice amps on the market, but I was wondering if anyone had any input on: - what to look for in an amp which I want to sound good at low volumes - whether I’m likely to find noticeable upgrades in a practice amp - any specific suggestions whats made me think of upgrading is that 1) the amp’s overdrive no longer functions and I wonder how much else is not working to its fullest and 2) I just suspect I could get a better sounding amp for low volume playing. p.s. I very much dislike headphone playing so I’m not really considering that… cheers
  18. I once contacted them about something and never heard back either. I guess they’re just bad at getting back to people. One of their team is very active in the US bass forum. I’m still waiting to hear back from Bass Direct re: fretless. But he did say that he can order in the V2s now.
  19. I think my main concern is learning “bad” technique. I’m at a relatively early stage in establishing technique and I’ve retrained myself in other ways, such as using (one variant or another of) floating thumb. But again, I think there’s an extent to which we’re all just built a bit different, so what works for one won’t for another.
  20. I’m actually thinking that I ought to put the strap on and see how far or close my “rest on the left leg” posture is to standing. I only play and practice at home so I’m never stood up - however, I don’t want to get used to a position that’s alien for a live setting. I just see folks online saying that when they do try this alternative position, they find themselves in an uncomfortable twisting position, which makes me think that my experience is somewhat unique due to my size/make-up and the size of my short-scale bass.
  21. @Kateplaysbasshaha, happy to help! You’re coming from the position of what sounds best in a band context, so I can see why versatility would be so important to you. Right now, I’m playing to an audience of one (unless my cat is with me), so I’m mostly concerned with comfort and what sounds good solo. I have the Acinonyx strung with flats so it also feels pretty amazing.
  22. I play a short scale bass and I often find myself most comfortable, when playing higher up the fingerboard particularly, holding the bass between my legs in what I gather is a classical guitar posture. Because I’m playing short scale, I don’t find it hinders my ability on lower frets too much. Anyone else here play this way? I do see some professionals do the same - Hadrien Feraud comes to mind. When I play higher up the fingerboard in a conventional position, I struggle getting my (small!) hand to be fluid enough, to the extent that I feel I’m just built a certain way.
  23. @KateplaysbassThanks for the impressions! My two basses are the Acinonyx and a short scale Sterling Stingray. I don’t get on with the latter so think I’ll probably sell. Though I’m tempted by, particularly, Maruszczyk and Mensinger short scales I’ve seen, I’m reluctant to buy another bass while I’m still very much in those early stages of building up my technique. Want to learn my way around one bass very well. Do you have a favourite out of your bunch?
  24. Sorry for the noob question. On my Nordstrand Acinonyx, as of a few days ago, the nut on the jack keeps coming loose while I’m playing, and then cuts out and crackles. From what I’ve seen, buying a spring/locking washer is the way to go and use it on the underside of the pickguard? Cheers
  25. @Frank Blankah, hope you enjoy! I’ve asked Bass Direct to see if they’re able to help order in the V2 fretless for me.
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