After having had many many basses, these are the keepers and the elixir of bass !
Bass 1
ACG custom 5 string, 2nd and 5 owner 🤣. This had really light strings on it the first time I had it and I didn't think of changing them, just didn't get the sound out of it I wanted. Second time round put new thicker gauge on it as soon as I had it back and it was a completely different beast. Blooming love it now.
Bass 2
Fender Jazz bitza, 1968 original neck , body unknown if real been messed with a lot. 1976 / 1982 pickups / newish John east pre. Sounds awesome.
BITBY those sandbergs are awesome - the fretless is one of the best I've ever played.
Basses I would like to have back
1 ) Anaconda 4 string fretless ( owned by BITBY also)
2) mayones Jabba custom 4string ( same as profile pic but lefty) / sold this on Ebay and the guy still has it - he has refused every year since to sell it back to me probably 15 years ago! 🤣.
If anyone knows where the Anaconda is please let me know