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About patch006

  • Birthday 22/10/1871

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  1. Fender Precision 60 Heavy Relic
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  2. Yep think you are right ahpook ! Good eyes!
  3. I'm not near unfortunately. I've got a 68 necked bitza Jazz. This would make a nice brother to it bit not at the price
  4. The E string is almost off the fretboard isn't it. It that the bridge or the neck just isn't a right fit? How can you tell the scratch plate is wrong ? Should the toggle switch be there or not?
  5. Yeppa cheers Reggaebass
  6. Any one seen the titled 1972 lefty precision on Ebay? What's your veiw on it? Cheers
  7. The question is - is there any of you out there harbouring Shuker lefthanded basses ? I've had a number of them over the years but not seen any for sale for some time , I had an amazing headless one which I wouldn't mind getting back.
  8. The Wal looks beautiful. I've never been fortunate enough to play or own one.
  9. Wow thanks for that. That is double what I sold it for, I like it but not that much 🤣 It always has been a strange market. Buying from main land Europe is just not a option anymore it seems. Such a shame.
  10. After having had many many basses, these are the keepers and the elixir of bass ! Bass 1 ACG custom 5 string, 2nd and 5 owner 🤣. This had really light strings on it the first time I had it and I didn't think of changing them, just didn't get the sound out of it I wanted. Second time round put new thicker gauge on it as soon as I had it back and it was a completely different beast. Blooming love it now. Bass 2 Fender Jazz bitza, 1968 original neck , body unknown if real been messed with a lot. 1976 / 1982 pickups / newish John east pre. Sounds awesome. BITBY those sandbergs are awesome - the fretless is one of the best I've ever played. Basses I would like to have back 1 ) Anaconda 4 string fretless ( owned by BITBY also) 2) mayones Jabba custom 4string ( same as profile pic but lefty) / sold this on Ebay and the guy still has it - he has refused every year since to sell it back to me probably 15 years ago! 🤣. If anyone knows where the Anaconda is please let me know
  11. Hi all , in my wisdom I took out the tweeter in my Schroeder 1212L speaker cab. I now want to sell it so want to put it back in. I'm after a wiring diagram for it , have looked on line but can't see anything. Anyone with the same cab who can take some pictures or have a diagram please 😊 Or know anyone near Exeter who can spend 3 minutes to plug it in 🤣
  12. Hi there , do you happen to pass exeter ever at all? I am interested in the berg
  13. Price drop £850
  14. Sandberg 5 string , mint condition . Great sounding powerful bass located exeter Devon can post at your cost and risk 😁
  15. Offers considered , needs to go 😁
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