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The Marlin

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Everything posted by The Marlin

  1. The Marlin


    Thanks. I don't think i'm going to be a stranger - I like the look of this place. Cheers Paul
  2. The Marlin


    Hi everyone, I'm Mr Marlin, a friend dragged me here from a Punk band forum, and now I can't stop peeking in. I'm a big fan of music, I've played guitar for many years, and started playing bass about a year ago - I really get a kick out of it. I have two yamaha basses, an RBX 774 and an RBX 775 (creature of habit!), and I also have recently aquired a cheap acoustic electric bass. Looking for a decent practise bass amp (currently playing thought Line 6 GuitarPort with wireless headphones). Guitar wise, I have just bought a new Gretsch Black Phoenix (awaiting delivery). I also have a Steinberger headless, an ESP Viper, ES335, Martin Acoustic, Crafter Electo Acoustic and an Ibanez RG750 - all played via Line 6 Flextone 3 XL. I started off playing rock guitar, and over the years drifted toward jazzy, blues and rockerbilly. Bass wise, My favourite players for sound include Stuart Morrow, Paul Gray and Norman Watt Roy. I'm currently enjoying playing funky 70's disco/soul bass lines. Great fun. 'Chic' anyone?!! The Marlin
  3. How flexible are youon the price? Any floor controllers? Cheers The Marlin
  4. yep, no probs. I'm new here, but was guided here by a regular member. I'll be back regularly. Cheers Marlin
  5. Do you still have it? if so, how much would you accept. I pass Coventry regularly. Cheers The Marlin
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