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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Now- Seems you didn't just get a prototype but an ever being one of a kind bass. Great for you, a pity for the rest of us!? Harley Benton - what are you waiting for?
  2. New to me (!) and a shame that I didn´t come across them earlier......
  3. Got a Squier VM Jazz (flats), a Harley Benton P (flats), a no name Jazz (rounds), a Hofner Shorts (rounds), a Harley Benton HB -60 (flats) and my latest one, an Orange O bass with flats, that gives me any sound I could dream of. So yes- I think, in the end I'm done now. (But looking at other basses still is a joy to me.)
  4. Love that Ibanez. Which model is it?
  5. English isn't my native language, so it's hard for me to follow the conversation. Sometimes it's too fast for me.☺
  6. Lurking around in that www, I came across the youtube channel of Doug Wilkes Workshop & Carl Moreton To me it´s real fun watching him work, hear him talking about guitars and joking (or is he serious?) with his customers and friends - A real original, hard to find nowadays ( now I am sounding like one of those grumpy old men 😁. Well I am actually)
  7. Well - in Goethe´s "Faust" Mephisto (AKA Satan, the Devil, Prince of Darkness, whatever you want), the Bad, appears in disguise as a poodle, the Good. When Faust recognizes the trick, he notices: "That´s the poodle´s core" . I´m not really saddle-proof in literature, but in Germany this came out a saying, meaning: Ta-daa😃
  8. It was Goethe´s and Mr.Faust´s idea to harass that poor dog. Sorry for having hijacked this thread temporarily.🫢
  9. Thank you. One of the reasons for me being here is to improve my forgotten school english☺
  10. Thank you for that close up. As long as the curve in the bridge corresponds to the fretboard radius, I think, there´s no real need for individual height adjustability. Looks fine to me - very unique and sturdy.
  11. Well, it was just out of interest because adjusting intonation with a floating bridge is a real mess. Once I´m done, the only time for me to remove all strings at one time will be a fret dress (if needed one day). BTW the HB-60 works really well with TI Jazz Flats. Maybe It´s an option for the HB-50 as well ?!
  12. That´s the poodle´s core (does one say that in english ? I´m german ) - if it warms your fingers , it´s part of your gear.
  13. Nice to hear. As I said before, I own the HB-60 and for Harley Benton being known to improve from model to model, I´m sure your new bass is another upgrade in that semihollow range. Main difference beside pickup and scale is the bridge (HB-60 has a floating one)- yours does look pretty standalone. Does it work as nice as it looks?
  14. Well, if it´s going to sound half as good as it looks ...🤩 I think, Harley Benton is always good for a nice surprise (or at least a voucher). You might do future buyers a favor.
  15. Same here.
  16. And curiosity is growing more and more and more.....🙂
  17. Well now- as I`ve never been in ukulele basses, I just came across the "Ukulele Wales" youtube channel run by Rachel Webley. Using a hofner shorty 30´ bass as a travel/practicing bass and although thinking that a shorter scale ukulele bass is not an adequate practicing alternative to a standard bass, I´m really impressed by those little instruments. They´re actually a kind of their own and I feel tempted to get one for myself. What do you think about those little sound wonders?
  18. That´s the problem. "Loan me a dime " is one of the best blues tunes ever to my ears. I just have to ignore the jazzy part after maybe 7 minutes and that really bothers me.
  19. Just out of curiousity- Does any one shares this feeling? You absolutely love and adore a tune, but only partially. To me it´s "Loan me a dime" , that fantastic Boz Scaggs/Duane Allman piece. I love it to death and could keep on playing it endlessly ..... if there wasn´t that change from blues to jazz rythm. Call it blasphemy, but I can´t help myself. At that certain point I have to stop and start again. It´s not that I´m not into some jazzy things but in this particular case it´s a no-go for me. 😞Hello, I´m Thomas and I feel guilty😞
  20. Since I own a hb-60 and being pretty happy with the overall quality of it (though I can confirm the real bad pots) and preferring short scale on semi hollow basses, I´m curious on a first review of this long scale one especially with that pickup.
  21. To be honest- after 60 years on this planet I just happened to discover these guys. Blues rock at its best- addictive. I´m virtually blown away.
  22. No GAS at the moment (!!). More than that I am feeling the need to do justice to my present gear. So more SIS (Skill Improvement Syndrome) here.
  23. smithy

    NBD OBass

    There is neck dive, but as I said , resting your forearm on the body ( I always do ) remedies that at once. In case you´re wearing the bass hung low , it might cause serious difficulties, indeed. Thought about the colour as well. But seeing that orange in nature, it appeared a bit too garish to me. But that´s a matter of personal taste.
  24. smithy

    NBD OBass

    IT WORKED !!!!!!!
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