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Everything posted by smithy

  1. smithy

    NBD OBass

  2. smithy

    NBD OBass

    Well, let´s see. I´ve got a cell phone, made one or another call with it and I definitely know it´s able to make pics........... I only have to find out how.... This forum isn´t just learning about bass, no?
  3. Wow -That´s an eye opener. What about some details? Looks like short scale?! I did miss that Grabbird thread , and although I´m not really into the thunderbird design, I´m deeply impressed by that workmanship.
  4. smithy

    NBD OBass

    Actually having been in the market for a Gretsch Junior Jet, my wife and me payed a visit to MusicStore. By walking around I stumbled into that Orange O Bass and it virtually blew me away. I know that this is a bass you like or you don`t. I do! A lot!! Absolutely impressed by the look, handling and of course that stunning sound I forgot about the Gretsch and my better half bought that O Bass in off black as a present to my 60th birthday . Short review: 3,7 kg, neck width at nut a tad over 43mm, neck thickness 1st fret 22mm -12th fret 24,5, no sharp fret ends, nicely levelled frets. As we have a very high humidity at the moment, I first decided to let it sit for a while to acclimate, but since the neck had a slight backbow and just needed loosening the truss rod, I couldn´t resist and gave it a first setup. At the moment: neck relief 0,2mm, action 17th fret 2mm, height at 1st fet 0,5mm, no buzzing even when digging in. The neck measurements might suggest a bigger neck than it actually feels. To me it feels perfect. I put Pyramid pure nickle rounds .040-.100 on it. The pots really regulate the tone and volume in a very linear way. Pickups sound brilliant and the bass offers a real wide variety of sounds. The often mentioned neck dive is no issue to my eyes (though it is there) as I always use to let my right forearm rest on the body, and I´m done. Well, long post - short review, but I had to share it. Cheers
  5. Really solomonic advice🙏
  6. Now, being part of a forum dedicated to everything concerning the most beautiful instrument in the world, I think the only reason for your question is to get absolution for an answer you already know.😉 No, maybe you don´t need one, but how will you come to know that you do? Buying and selling (if so...) basses is the most pleasant trial and error method I can think of.
  7. I actually preferred a dual truss rod, since those basses of mine using one seem to be less prone to movements (right now we have a humidity of 75% 🥵) Coincidence or what is your experience in this case?
  8. Well- IF I was in the market for an additional short scale bass and-IF I focussed on a Gretsch Junior Jet and-IF I´d ask what sort of truss rod (single or dual) would be in there - JUST IN CASE I´d feel the need to adjust it. What would be your answer? Forgive my strange and cautious phrasing. My better half might read this as well😉. Thanks for your understanding.
  9. Got a Harley Benton P bass kit ( 99Euro IIRC ) and it has a fantastic neck. Frets were absolutely level right out of the box, neck relief 0,2mm , string height at 17th fret 2mm with no buzz (TI flats and being a light touch player). Truss rod didn´t need any tweaks over the last 4 years (though we have humidity changes going from 35% up to 75%)- never had that on one of my other basses. It´s 3,4 kg and a real joy to play (even with stock pickups).
  10. At least not when playing with a guitarist suffering from arachnophobia.
  11. This !
  12. Same here, but if you´ll have a look at the Thomann side´, it says stainless steel, it says 45-100, it says hex core. So it´s not really less info than on others strings. Used to ridiculous prices but decent quality on harley benton products, that price is really unbelievably low. I think that´s the way for me to try them, because otherwise my TIs are going outlive me.🙂
  13. I second that. Think of tickeling noses (actually one, not two or three or ....)
  14. Sorry for being neither latvian nor english but german. But please - don´t let me die in ignorance. I didn´t really get the question?!🤨
  15. I own a 60s Vintage modified Squier Jazz which was my first bass out of 6 now and I still love playing it. From time to time I have GAS for a different style of bass but that´s not a question of a particular brand to me.
  16. What an impressive demonstration! Can´t believe that Kay Upright sound. In future times we all will just need one bass and all our beloved treasures are predetermined to disappear.☹️ Do you still own other basses?
  17. That´s what I mean. Using a sustain pedal for example you´re able to give lots of "artificial" sustain even to a thuddy sounding hollow body. You might produce any kind of sound on any kind of bass like a wizard.
  18. Just out of curiosity: I love playing my semi hollow as I do with my solids. And certainly there´s a difference in sound and feel (without technical help). But in times when you can make a bass sound like a drum or a trumpet or anything else just by using some weird electronical equipment, it should be possible to achieve any sound regardless of how the bass is constructed, shouldn´t it? Be generous and please keep in mind that I´m just a hobby player and neither my skills nor my ears are anywhere near a pro level. So if you do recordings with all those tools available nowadays, isn´t the difference of both constructions just reduced to feel? Please give me your thoughts on that and the desirability of that technical possibilities.
  19. I´m sure, this has been asked and answered several times. But as it is one of the most important things in making music to me, I´ll ask it one more time. What´s the tune you´re playing over and over again without getting enough of it? To me it´s "The Way" by Fastball. Just re-discovered it and don´t know how I could lose it for years.
  20. It really does badger me. Any chance to see the the whole guitar?🙏
  21. Hmmmm, maybe a little bit of sculpturing the screw heads with a heavy duty fret file would provide that certain something ?!
  22. I think, there is actually no real easy tune. Have a look at for example AC DC `s "The Jack". You might even reduce it down to three notes, and to me it´s one of biggest (bass)tune. But it took me lots and lots of hours to be really tight (hopefully I am now). To me it seems to be : the slower ,the harder
  23. That´stunning, an eye candy. I´ve made a google search for some reviews and sound examples and I´m really impressed. What a bass! But I didn´t find any sounds with your split coils (standard seems to be B90). Unfortunately it´s out of my price range, so no- I won´t take the plunge. And beside from that my hobby player skills wouldn´t do it justice. But it made me think about getting an Epiphone and modding it.
  24. Clarky, what bass is this, if I may ask? Body shape reminds me of a Newport, but Split coil (?) and the headstock seems to be different as well.
  25. Being heavily bearded I can do anything from sticking out my tongue, gnashing teeth, eating and so on. I actually could smile like a monkey on acid all the time as well- nobody would notice at all.
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